School Of Dental Medicine
- Doctor of Dental Surgery (Pre-Doctoral, DDS)
The Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine selects highly qualified students who are representative of a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and interests. Selection is based on an overall appraisal of the applicant's suitability for a career in dentistry. Applicants should demonstrate academic achievement, competence in the sciences and a general interest in the profession of dentistry. These factors, as well as performance on the DAT, letters of recommendation and the personal interview, are considered in the admissions process. Consistent with the school policy of selecting students with varied backgrounds, the school encourages applications from qualified individuals from those groups who have in the past been underrepresented in the dental profession. Due to the small class size, students attending the school are educated in a highly supportive environment. Academic tutoring, faculty counseling, and individually developed remedial programs are available to students under special circumstances, as determined by faculty.
For information regarding application to the Doctor of Dental Surgery program please go to:
Funding your education is one of the most important investments you will make to prepare for your future. The Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine are committed to providing our students with the assistance to explore all funding options available.
Financial aid is divided into three basic categories: grants/scholarships, loans, and employment programs. Grants/Scholarships do not have to be repaid. Loans usually carry some form of interest payment and must be paid back to the lender. Employment Programs allow the student the chance to earn money to help with educational expenses.
All students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at FAFSA in order to apply for federal aid. The priority deadline for submission for new students is April 1st . When completing the FAFSA do not include parental information, unless you are applying for any campus-based funds, such as the Tuition Waiver Grant for Disadvantaged Students (DW) or the Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL). Parent information will be used only for consideration in awarding campus-based funds.
If you apply for Campus Based Funds, an Institutional Application is also required in order to be considered.
Federal Code: 002838
For information regarding Financial Aid please go to:
The program of study leading to the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree consists of a fixed sequence of courses as listed below. Enrollment in the second, third and fourth years requires the satisfactory completion of all courses in the previous year. Exception may be made in special cases as described in the section on academic standing. Under certain conditions, credit may be given for equivalent courses taken at other recognized academic institutions. The course hours listed may vary from year to year because of holidays and other school closings. The sequencing of courses, course titles and course hours are subject to modification to reflect changing concepts in dental education and curriculum revisions.
First-Year Program
Course # Title Hours HDM 501 Gross Anatomy of the Head, Neck and Trunk 152 HDM 505 Nervous System 67 HDM 506 Physiology 110 HDG 511 Dental Morphology/Occlusion 64 HDG 512 Operative Dentistry I 128 HDG 522 Cariology 28 HDI 502 Transition to Dental School 66 HDI 504 Foundations in Dental Professional 6 HDI 505 Patient I: Communication and Examination 60 HDI 507 Year I Orientation 40 HDI 509 Community I: Population, Oral Heath and Epidemiology 10 HDO 501 Oral Biology I 34 HDP 501 Introduction to Periodontics 28 HDR 503 Radiology I 48 MED 500B Molecular Foundations of Medicine 101 MED 500C Pathogens and Host Defense 141 MED 500D Basic Mechanisms of Disease 95 Clinics HDG 521 Clinic I: Introduction to Patient Care 33 Second-Year Program
Course # Title Hours HDC 601 Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry 50 HDE 615 Introduction to Endodontics 21 HDG 602 Advanced Esthetic Concepts 20 HDG 614 Operative Dentistry II 34 HDI 601 Evidence-Based Dentistry and Critical Thinking 20 HDI 603 Implantology I 26 HDI 604 Foundations in Dental Professional Development II 7 HDI 605 Patient II: Team-Based Oral Diagnosis 33 HDI 606 Community II: Health Care Systems and Clinical Practice 33 HDI 607 Year II Orientation 40 HDI 611 Telehealth Interprofessional Education Selective 30 HDM 601 Pharmacology-Dental 40 HDM 602 Nutrition 7 HDO 601 Oral Biology II 86 HDP 601 Diagnosis and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases I 60 HDR 606 Advanced Imaging Techniques 10 HDR 611 Fixed Partial Prosthodontics Technique 160 HDR 613 Removable Prosthodontics Technique 128 HDS 601 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 66 HDS 602 Pain Control I 30 HDS 603 Medical Emergencies I 10 HDS 604 Pain Control II 33 HDS 605 Physical Diagnosis: Introduction to Family Medicine 33 HDS 606 Oral Pathology 85 Clinics HDC 612 Introduction to Orthodontics 40 HDC 621 Year II: Children's Dentistry Clinic 95 HDG 621 Year II General Dentistry Clinic HDI 605 Patient I: Introduction to Patient Care 234 HDP 621 Year II Periodontics Clinic 56 HDR 622 Year II Radiology Clinic 30 HDS 621 Year II Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic 9 Third-Year Program
Course # Title Hours HDC 702 Advanced Orthodontic Concepts 18 HDC 701 Advanced Pediatric Dentistry 96 HDE 711 Endodontic Technique 47 HDG 724 Year III Clinical Management of Dental Emergencies I 20 HDG 704 Practice Development I 31 HDI 702 Diagnosis and Management of Oro-Facial Pain 16 HDI 703 Implantology II 30 HDI 704 Foundation in Dental Professional Development III 10 HDI 705 Patient III: Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning 50 HDI 707 Year III Orientation 40 HDO 701 Oral Biology III 11 HDO 704 Translational Oral Biology 39 HDO 706 Oral Facial Genetics 22 HDP 701 Diagnosis and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases II 18 HDP 702 Periodontal Clinical Seminar 12 HDR 707 Comprehensive Prosthodontics 12 HDR 709 Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologic Interpretation 26 HDS 701 Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Treatment Planning 6 HDS 702 Oral Pathology 85 HDS 703 Medical Emergencies II 3 HDS 704 Oral Pathology Conference I 26 HDS 705 Oral Medicine 20 Clinics HDC 721 Year III Children's Dentistry Clinic 246 HDE 725 Year III Endodontics Clinic 30 HDG 721 Year III General Dentistry Clinic 2 HDG 724 Year III Clinical Management of Dental Emergencies 20 HDP 721 Year III Periodontics Clinic 255 HDR 722 Year III Fixed Partial Prosthodontics Clinic 162 HDR 723 Year III Removable Prosthodontics Clinic 124 HDR 726 Year III Radiology Clinic 20 HDS 721 Year III Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic 24 Fourth-Year Program
Course # Title Hours HDG 803 General Dentistry Seminar IV 24 HDG 804 Practice Development II 39 HDG 805 Care for Medically Complex and Geriatric Patients 27 HDI 804 Foundations in Dental Professional Development IV 13 HDI 807 Year IV Orientation 40 HDS 804 Oral Pathology Conference II 24 HDS 803 Medical Emergencies III 2 Clinics HDG 821 General Practice Program Clinic I (see also HDP 821) 628 HDG 822 General Practice Program Clinic II (see also HDP 821) 431 HDG 823 Year IV Clinic-Special Needs Dental Care 20 HDG 824 Year IV Clinical Management of Dental Emergencies 5 HDP 821 Year IV Periodontics Clinic I (component of HDG 821) 60 HDP 822 Year IV Periodontics Clinic II (component of HDG 822) 60 HDS 821 Year IV Oral Surgery Clinic 24 HDS 822 Year IV Oral Surgery Hospital Rotation 25 Fourth-Year Selective Courses
During the fourth year, students may take up to 120 hours of selective courses at the School of Dental Medicine.
Course # Course Title Department HDG 808 Year IV Geriatrics Elective General Dentistry HDG 824 Year IV Special Needs Dental Care Selective General Dentistry HDI 707 Year IV Radiology Selective General Dentistry HDI 806 Year IV Elective in Ethics and Professionalism Interdisciplinary HDI 840 Year IV Children's Dentistry Selective Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry HDI 841 Year IV Dental Anesthsiology Selective Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery HDI 842 Year IV Endodontics Selective Periodontology & Implant Dentistry HDI 843 Year IV Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Selective Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery HDI 844 Year IV Orthodontics Selective Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry HDI 845 Year IV Periodontics Selective Periodontology & Implant Dentistry HDI 846 Year IV Research Selective Office of Research & Faculty Development HDR 804 Year IV Esthetic Dentistry Elective General Dentistry HDR 821 Year IV Advanced Prosthodontics Selective Prosthodontics & Digital Technology - Advanced Dental Education Programs
Graduate Studies in Oral Biology and Pathology
Director: Stephen G. Walker, PhD
The Department of Oral Biology and Pathology offers two graduate degrees, which are granted through the Graduate School of Stony Brook University. The department offers a PhD in Oral Biology and Pathology and an MS in Biomedical Sciences (Track in Oral Biology and Pathology). These degrees can also be obtained as part of a combined DDS/PhD program or a combined DDS/MS program. The MS in Biomedical Sciences (Track in Oral Biology and Pathology) may also be obtained as part of a combined degree program leading to an Advanced Certificate in Endodontics/MS, Advanced Certificate in Orthodontics/MS, or an Advanced Certificate in Periodontics/MS. The main function of these advanced degree programs is to train educators and researchers to staff dental and medical schools, dental research institutes, dental and medical industrial laboratories, and to provide relevant basic science training for dentists and physicians taking postdoctoral specialty training. The course work consists of an in-depth exposure to knowledge, directly and indirectly related to oral biology and its related sciences, and is coupled with appropriate individual research, tutorial and thesis/dissertation programs.
Oral Biology and Pathology Program
The Graduate Program in Oral Biology and Pathology offers a program of study and research leading to the MS and PhD degrees. The MS curriculum is of approximately two years’ duration and is particularly suited for those dental graduates who wish to obtain further basic science training before entering or while obtaining a clinical specialty. The Graduate Program in Oral Biology and Pathology is also of particular interest to industrial-based scientists seeking additional training and advanced degrees. While the department is interested in all aspects of oral biology, active programs of research presently being conducted include the following: development, metabolism, and control of the oral microflora on the teeth and various epithelial surfaces; oral putrefaction, malodor, and gingivitis; pathogenesis of periodontitis; interrelationship between systemic and oral diseases; mechanisms and therapy of dentinal hypersensitivity; ultrastructure and metabolism of healthy and diseased periodontal tissues with an emphasis on remodeling and matrix metalloproteinases; chemistry and crystallography of the biological calcium phosphates; biology of epithelial growth and differentiation; epithelial gene therapy; mechanisms of epidermal and oral carcinogenesis; wound repair; biology of skin and mucosal grafting; acquired and innate immunity; inflammation and fibrosis; and cancer. Further details may be obtained from the graduate program directors.
Admission Requirements
In addition to the minimum Graduate School requirements, the following are required:
- A bachelor’s degree and grade point average of 3.3 in the sciences and 3.0 overall
- Original transcripts and three letters of recommendation
- Proof of satisfactory performance on the General Aptitude and Advanced parts of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
- For the combined DDS/PhD and combined DDS/MS, applicants must apply separately to both the DDS program and the PhD or MS program.
- For the combined Advanced Certificate in Endodontics/MS, Advanced Certificate in Orthodontics/MS, and the Advanced Certificate in Periodontics/MS, applicants must apply separately to both the MS program and the Advanced Certificate Program.
All applicants are carefully screened by the credentials committee of the department. Interviews and discussions are arranged with faculty members and graduate students where possible. Formal approval for acceptance into the program is given by the Graduate School.
Degree Requirements
In addition to the minimum degree requirements of the Graduate School:
- All students must complete all or part of the Oral Biology and Pathology Oral Systems course.
- MS students must also complete two graduate basic science courses selected from offerings within and outside the department.
- PhD students must also complete four to six basic science course offerings at the graduate level and advance to candidacy by preparing a detailed written proposal in the format of a National Institutes of Health research grant application. A public seminar is presented by the student to members of his or her advisory committee, the department and the University community at large, in which the student defends the proposal. This is followed by a further defense by the student before his or her advisory committee. A determination for advancement to candidacy is then made and forwarded to the Graduate School for official approval.
- An original research thesis/dissertation is required for completion of both the MS and PhD degrees. For the PhD, a public defense followed by an examination of the student’s dissertation by their Dissertation Committee is required. For the MS degree, the student defends the thesis only to the student’s thesis committee. If the thesis/dissertation is recommended for approval, the determination is submitted to the Graduate School for final decisions to award the degree.
- Postdoctoral Programs
Advanced DENTAL EDUCATION Program in Endodontics
Program Director: Thomas Manders, DDS
The Advanced Dental Education Program in Endodontics is a 24-month, full-time program designed to meet the eligibility requirements of both the American Dental Association for specialization in endodontics and the certifying examination given by the American Board of Endodontics. Applicants to the program must have a DDS or DMD degree, or foreign equivalent. Beginning in July of each year, training takes place primarily in the School of Dental Medicine and its clinical facility (Dental Care Center). Each resident utilizes an operatory designed for endodontic practice, which includes x-ray machines, digital imaging equipment and surgical operating microscopes. Emphasis is placed on diagnosis, in conjunction with the other disciplines, and treatment of all patients requiring endodontic therapy, using a varied aggregate of treatment modalities. Instruction will be provided through lectures, seminars, case presentation, conferences and clinical practice. To receive a certificate in the advanced educational program in endodontics, the student must:
- Satisfactorily complete all courses listed below
- Submit 20 completed case write-ups as per the standards of the American Board of Endodontics
- Complete one research project; pass bi-annual oral examinations modeled after the certifying exam of the American Board of Endodontics
- Challenge the written portion of the American Board of Endodontics exam in the second year.
Year I program requirements include:
Endodontic Clinic
Head and Neck Anatomy
Oral Pathology
Biochemistry and Physiology
Literature Review
Research Project
Teaching Training
Endodontic SeminarsYear II program requirements include:
Endodontic Clinic
Literature Review
Teaching Training
Research Project
Endodontic Seminars
Inhalation/Oral Sedation
Biostatistics and Research MethodologyYear I and II program requirements include:
Pain Physiology
Surgical Endodontics
Medical Emergencies
Medically Compromised
Mechanism of Dental Pain
Scientific WritingCost of attendance
Financial aid budgets or cost of attendance are made up of two parts, direct costs and indirect costs. For more information on Endodontics Tuition & Fees including Living Expenses. Please visit
To apply, applications should go to
For more information about the postdoctoral Endodontics Program (i.e., stipends, estimated expenses, application, admissions, etc.) please contact:
Department of Periodontics and EndodonticsPhone: 631-632-8955SUNY Stony Brook School of Dental MedicineRoom 110 Rockland HallStony Brook, NY 11794
Advanced DENTAL Education Program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Program Director: Hechang Huang, DDS, MSD, MS, PhD
The Advanced Dental Education Program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics is a 36-month, full-time program designed to meet the eligibility requirements of both the American Dental Association for specialization in orthodontics and the certifying examination given by the American Board of Orthodontics. Applicants to the program must have a DDS or DMD degree, or foreign equivalent that is acceptable for New York State Licensure. Beginning on July 1 of each year, training will take place primarily in the School of Dental Medicine and its clinical facility (Dental Care Center).
Instruction is provided through lectures, seminars, case presentation, conferences and clinical practice. Emphasis is on diagnostic procedures and treatment planning and the application of clinical methods, best designed to meet the treatment objectives for the individual patient.
To receive a certificate in post-doctoral orthodontics, the student must:
- Satisfactorily complete all courses
- Submit 25 completed case analysis
- Submit two completed case write-ups as per standards of the American Board of Orthodontics
- Pass an oral examination modeled after the certifying exam of the American Board of Orthodontics
- Sit for parts I and II of the American Board of Orthodontics written examination
- Present and defend a research project at the end of the third year
Year I program requirements include:
Basic Science Core
Orthodontic Technique (Pre-clinical Orthodontics)
Cephalometrics and Radiology
Growth and Development
Orthodontic Theory and Practice
Head and Neck Anatomy
Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Interdisciplinary Care I
Clinical Orthodontics I
Surgical Orthodontics and Craniofacial Deformities I
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Occlusion
Literature Review I
Journal Club
Research Project
Evolution of the Craniofacial-dental mechanism
Supervised Clinical Teaching
Expert Seminar SeriesYear II program requirements include:
Orthodontic Theory and Practice II
Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Interdisciplinary Care II
Surgical Orthodontics II
Literature Review II
Supervised Clinical Teaching
Research Project
Journal Club
Clinical Orthodontics II
Conferences in Clinical Orthodontics
Expert Seminar SeriesYear III program requirements include:
Clinical Orthodontics III
Literature Review III
Teaching in the Undergraduate Dental Program
Research Project
Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Interdisciplinary Care III
Supervised Clinical Teaching
Conferences in Clinical Orthodontics
Expert Seminar SeriesCost of Attendance
Financial aid budget or cost of attendance are made up of two parts, direct costs and indirect costs. For more information on Orthodontics Tuition & Fees including Living Expenses. Please visit
For more information about this program (i.e. tuition, application, stipends), please visit our Website.
Director, Advanced Education Program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
120A Rockland Hall
School of Dental Medicine
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8701
Advanced DENTAL Education Program in Periodontics
Program Director: Dr. Srinivas Myneni, DDS, MS, PhD
The Advanced Dental Education Program in Periodontics is a 36-month, full-time program beginning July 1. It is designed to meet the eligibility requirements of the American Dental Association for specialization in periodontics and for the certifying examination given by the American Board of Periodontology. Two to three students are accepted each year. Training is provided primarily in the School of Dental Medicine and its clinical facility (Dental Care Center) and at Stony Brook University Hospital. The program objective is to produce highly educated and clinically competent periodontists compentent in the diagnosis and treatment of the various forms of periodontal diseases. Significant training is given in implantology, oral and periodontal plastic surgery, oral reconstructive surgery, and periodontal medicine.
Educational objectives are accomplished through lectures, seminars, case presentation conferences and clinical practice. The receipt of a certificate in periodontics is dependent upon satisfactory completion of all scheduled courses, a portfolio of 20 written completed case reports, satisfactory completion of ten competency tests, and passing inservice and oral comprehensive examinations.
Year I program requirements include:
Introduction to Postdoctoral Periodontics
Physical Diagnosis and Medical Risk Assessment
Oral Pathology and Medicine
Normal and Reparative Tissue Development in the Oral Cavity
Host Parasite Interactions
Regional Anatomy, Orofacial Neuroscience and Pain Conditions
Restoring Dental Implants
Occlusion and Temporomandibular Disorders
Statistics and Data Analysis
Ethics and Professionalism in Dental Practice
Literature Review (Biology and Pathology of the Periodontium/Clinical Periodontology)
Current Periodontology and Implantology Literature Review I
Conferences in Clinical Periodontics I
Periodontal Clinic I
Surgical Seminars I
Orthodontic and Periodontal Literature/Treatment Planning Seminar
Periodontic/Prosthodontic Treatment Planning Seminar
Unexpected Outcomes in Periodontics
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Seminars
Research Project for MS in Biomedical SciencesYear II program requirements include:
Periodontal Clinic IIConferences in Clinical Periodontics IISurgical Seminars IICurrent Periodontology and Current Implantology Literature Review IITreatment Planning in Restorative/Implant Dentistry ILiterature Review (Biology and Pathology of the Periodontium/Clinical Periodontology)Orthodontic and Periodontal Literature Review/Treatment Planning Seminar IIProvisionalization of Dental ImplantsProstodonticsPeriodontic/Prosthodontic Treatment Planning SeminarUnexpected Outcomes in PeriodonticsResearch Project for MS in Biomedical SciencesYear III program requirements include:
Periodontal Clinic III
Conferences in Clinical Periodontics III
Surgical Seminars III
Current Periodontology and Current Implantology Literature Review III
Treatment Planning in Restorative/Implant Dentistry II
Implant Therapy in Practice
Provisionalization of Dental Implants
Orthodontic and Periodontal Literature Review/Treatment Planning Seminar III
Periodontic/Prosthodontic Treatment Planning Seminar
Unexpected Outcomes in Periodontics
Research Project for MS in Biomedical SciencesCost of Attendance
Financial aid budgets or cost of attendance are made up of two parts, direct costs and indirect costs. For more information on Periodontics Tuition & Fees including Living Expenses. Please visit
To apply, applications should go to:
For more information about the postdoctoral periodontics program (i.e., stipends, estimated expenses, application, admission, etc.) please contact:
Department of Periodontics and EndodonticsPhone: 631-632-8739SUNY Stony Brook School of Dental MedicineRoom 110 Rockland HallStony Brook, NY 11794 - Residency Programs
Interim Program Directors: John J. Foti, DDS and Matthew Hanna, DMD
Stony Brook University’s Advanced Dental Education Program in General Practice Residency (GPR) program was established in 1980. The GPR program has 20 fully accredited one- and two-year positions commencing approximately July 1 of each year. In addition to training in all areas of hospital dentistry, the residents receive an advanced program of didactic and clinical training in implant, fixed and removable prosthodontics, and instruction in the management of medically compromised geriatric patients, phobic patients and individuals with developmental disabilities. The majority of time is spent providing patient care in a state of the art dedicated ADEC operatory staffed by dental assistants and clerks simulating a small, multi-individual group dental practice.
The General Practice Residency program is an educational program designed to provide clinical, didactic and hospital experience at the post-doctoral level. The program prepares residents to:
- Provide comprehensive oral healthcare to a wide range of ambulatory and hospitalized patients
- Understand the relationship between oral and systemic diseases, to develop professionals and to pursue areas of interest under close supervision of attending staff
- Refine and advance knowledge and clinical skills in the practice of dentistry and the management and treatment of complex restorative problems
- Demonstrate the application of the basic sciences to the clinical practice of dentistry
- Understand the process of self-assessment and peer review
The educational program consists of both clinical and didactic aspects. The clinical training is designed to provide advanced experience in preventive dentistry, restorative dentistry, periodontics, endodontics, and oral-and maxillofacial surgery. Residents treat patients with increasingly complex dental and medical problems, such as patients with implant restorations, lost vertical dimension of occlusion, as well as systemic or psychiatric disorders, the developmentally disabled, geriatric and pediatric patients. Residents are provided with supervised training and experience in patient evaluation, planning and treatment. The program is designed to ensure that the residents will be capable of anticipating, diagnosing and treating emergencies. They develop the skills and knowledge to diagnose and treat acute infections and pain of the oral region, hemorrhage of the oral cavity and traumatic injuries to the dental and maxillofacial tissues. The seminar program contains a didactic component for each clinical discipline. Service rotations to emergency medicine and anesthesiology take place at affiliated institutions and are designed to allow for continuity of patient care.
For information about the GME-funded GPR program (i.e., stipends, estimated expenses, application, admission, etc.) please call (631) 632-8930, or write:
Pam Burger, Coordinator
Department of Hospital Dentistry
151 Westchester Hall
School of Dental Medicine
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York 11794-8711
advanced DENTAL Education Program in Pediatric Dentistry
Program Director: Kimberly Patterson, DDS, MS
This is a 24-month program beginning July 1 with five new positions offered each year. The program is a combined Hospital and University-based certificate program. The Stony Brook University Advanced Dental Education Program in Pediatric Dentistry (AEPPD) emphasizes resident training in the multidisciplinary comprehensive dental care approach and management of infants, children and adolescents in addition to dental care for patients with special health care needs. Medically compromised patients are managed using an interdisciplinary healthcare-team approach.
The AEPPD is an educational program designed to provide clinical, didactic and hospital experience at the postdoctoral level. The program goals are as follows:
- Provide the resident with a comprehensive education to become knowledgeable and clinically proficient in the specialty of pediatric dentistry
- Prepare the resident for a career in clinical practice and/or academics and encourage the resident to continue his/her professional growth after completion of the program through formal coursework, self-study, research, attaining board certification and an active role in an academic/teaching program.
- Provide quality oral healthcare and education to the pediatric and special needs population of Suffolk County, New York.
- Provide leadership and education in pediatric oral health to health professionals within Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook Health Sciences Center, and the Long Island community
- Participate and collaborate in scholarly activity, research and service programs
The didactic curriculum complements the residents’ clinical experiences. The core curriculum offers the knowledge and experience required in the medical and dental management of the pediatric and special needs patient. In addition, the curriculum meets the eligibility requirements of the ADA Committee on Dental Accreditation Standards for Advanced Dental Education in Pediatric Dentistry and the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Qualifying Examination.
The program is designed to ensure residents will become proficient in diagnosis, risk assessment and comprehensive treatment planning, interdisciplinary case management, and procedural ability. Residents will develop the skills and knowledge to diagnose and treat acute infections and pain of the oral region, and traumatic injuries to the dental and maxillofacial tissues.
Service rotations to Pediatric Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiology, which are designed to allow for continuity of patient care, take place at Stony Brook University Hospital and Stony Brook Medicine outpatient clinics.
The Pediatric Dentistry Residency program has a strong community service component. Residents participate in oral health programs within school-based, Head Start and WIC programs and local community health centers. Residents participate in healthcare provider, allied health staff and caregiver education, and provide oral health services in the underserved areas of Suffolk County. Many of these community services take place in the Stony Brook Mobile Clinic.
For information about this GME-funded program (i.e., application, stipends) please visit our Website.
Advanced Dental Education Program in Pediatric Dentistry
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
114 Rockland Hall
School of Dental Medicine
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8701
advanced DENTAL education program in Dental Anesthesiology
Program Director: Ralph Epstein, DDS
This is a 36-month program beginning July 1 with four new positions offered each year. The program is a University Hospital-based certificate program. The Stony Brook University Advanced Dental Education Program in Dental Anesthesiology Program emphasizes resident training in all aspects of ambulatory and inpatient sedation and anesthesia services. During the three years of training, the resident will be a part of a comprehensive anesthesia teaching program for medical and dental anesthesia residents. The didactic and clinical training has been developed to meet all requirements of the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The overall mission of the Dental Anesthesia Residency is to train dentists in all aspects of anesthesiology in order to provide them with an appropriate foundation for the administration of anesthesia and pain control for dental patients.
The dental anesthesiology residents will begin their training with their medical colleagues at University Hospital. The initial orientation training takes place using the most advanced simulator training techniques in an ultra-modern simulator training facility. Following basic comprehensive training in University Hospital, Veterans Administration Medical Center and the Ambulatory Surgical Center, the resident will receive training at the School of Dental Medicine, providing ambulatory sedation and general anesthesia services to dental patients. This training will be enhanced by working alongside dentist anesthesiologists as they travel to private offices providing ambulatory sedation and intubated general anesthesia services to dental patients. Due to the presence of postgraduate programs in endodontics, general practice dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, pediatric dentistry and periodontology, the dental anesthesia residents will train with their peers and provide sedation and anesthesia services for many different types of dental procedures.
Upon completion of the three-year program, the residents will have the competency and proficiency to provide sedation and general anesthesia, in the inpatient and office-based settings, to the general adult population along with pediatric, geriatric and patients with special needs. This program will provide a special emphasis in the treatment of patients with special needs, i.e., autistic and the developmentally disabled. The residents will also be trained to treat patients with acute and chronic pain syndromes. Because of the University’s high regard for excellence in teaching and research, the selection process will look for prospective residents who have an interest in part-time or full-time teaching at the completion of their residency program. To this end, the residents, in their third year, will help teach anesthesia and pain control to the predoctoral students, post-graduate students/residents in the following programs, i.e., endodontics, GPR, oral and maxillofacial surgery, pediatric dentistry, and periodontology. They will also assist in teaching continuing education programs to the professional community of the greater Long Island region.
Applications are processed through the PASS program and the program participates in the MATCH program for accepting residents. For additional information about this GME-funded graduate program please contact:
Ralph Epstein, DDS
Program Director
Advanced Dental Education Program in Dental Anesthesiology
Room 1104 Sullivan Hall
Stony Brook University
School of Dental Medicine
Stony Brook, NY 11994-8700
Advanced DENTAL Education Program in Prosthodontics
Program Director: Tanya Somohano-Marquez, DMD, FACP
The Advanced Dental Education Program in Prosthodontics is a 36-month, full-time program beginning July 1. There are two positions offered each year. It is a GME (Graduate Medical Education) funded post-doctoral level program in fixed, removable, digital and implant prosthodontics. The program provides the candidate with clinical proficiency and comprehensive knowledge of the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of oral function, appearance and health of patients with missing/damaged teeth and orofacial defects by using biocompatible artificial substitutes. The curriculum includes didactic and clinical instruction in complete dentures, removable partial dentures, fixed prosthodontics, implant prosthodontics, implant surgery, digital dentistry, geriatrics, temporomandibular disorders and maxillofacial prosthetics. The didactic background and the clinical and laboratory skills of these areas of prosthodontics are stressed. The program integrates all facets of the biomedical sciences with a comprehensive clinical experience culminating in the award of the certificate in prosthodontics.
The intensive and systematized library reading assignments and literature review seminars are an important aspect of the curriculum. They are designed to acquaint the resident with the principal facets of the prosthodontic specialty, evidence-based health care and methods of critically reviewing the dental literature.
All residents are encouraged to plan on pursuing eventual certification by the American Board of Prosthodontists. To this end, the residents will be required to take Section A of the board exam and present at least two patient treatments that would satisfy the requirements of two parts of Section B of the board exam. Residents are encouraged to challenge one part of Section B of the American Board of Prosthodontics certification exam in February of their third year.
This program follows the guidelines established by the ADA for advanced educational programs in prosthodontics and the multidisciplinary scope of the specialty certificate examination of the American Board of Prosthodontics. Our goal is to graduate clinical scholars capable of pursuing a career in private practice, academics and/or prosthodontic research.
For additional information regarding the program and admissions requirements please visit our website at:
Contact person:
Ms. Elizabeth A. Schroeder
Stony Brook University
School of Dental Medicine
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology
Attn: Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics
1105 Westchester Hall Stony Brook, NY 11794-8712
Phone: 631-632-3161
Advanced DENTAL Education Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Program Director: Mina Mahdian, DDS, MDSc
The Advanced Dental Education Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology is a 24-month, full-time program beginning July 1. There are two positions offered each year. It is a GME (Graduate Medical Education) funded post-doctoral level program that is committed to comprehensively train residents to become proficient oral and maxillofacial radiologists, competent teachers who are familiar with the foundations of research methodology, and who are prepared to contribute their skills and knowledge in the service of the profession. The interrelation with other medical/dental specialties is also emphasized.
The curriculum includes didactic and clinical instruction in the fundamentals of image acquisition and interpretation of conventional and advanced radiographic exams in the maxillofacial region as well as providing the residents with multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment planning for patients with malignancy, syndromic conditions and complicated maxillofacial developmental abnormalities. Emphasis is placed on developing radiographic interpretative and diagnostic skills based on scientific literature with clinical and pathophysiological correlation. Additionally, all residents are expected to perform a research project culminating in presentation of their project at a national or international meeting and/or publication in a peer reviewed journal.
All residents are encouraged to plan on pursuing certification by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Residents will participate in mock board exams provided by the program, in order to become prepared for their board exam. Residents are eligible to challenge the certifying examination of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology upon completion of the 24-month training program.
For additional information regarding the program and admissions requirements please visit our website at:
Contact person:
Ms. Elizabeth A. Schroeder
Stony Brook University
School of Dental Medicine
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology
Attn: Advanced Specialty Education Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
1105 Westchester Hall Stony Brook, NY 11794-8712
Phone: 631-632-3161
Program Director: Pember Edwards, DDS
The School of Dental Medicine offers a postdoctoral fellowship program in the provision of dental care for persons with special needs. This program, commencing each July 1, supports two full-time fellows. The program includes seminars, lectures and extensive clinical experiences at the Dental Care Center in the School of Dental Medicine and University Hospital. Fellows learn various patient management techniques to provide comprehensive oral healthcare in both an ambulatory and hospital clinical setting, including dental rehabilitation with general anesthesia in the operating room at the Medical Center. Independent study resulting in publication and/or case presentation is required. Lectures/seminars include the following topics:
Pediatric Dentistry Lecture Series
Seminars on Developmental Disabilities
Geriatric Dentistry
Dental Phobia
Medical EmergenciesFor information about this program (i.e., stipends, estimated expenses, application, admission, etc.) please write to:
Dr. Pember Edwards
Director, Special Needs Dental Care Fellowship Program
School of Dental Medicine
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York 11794-8709