SUBJECT(S): New Testing Sites, Modified Holiday Schedule
DATE: 11/17/2021
AUDIENCE: All Employees
SUBJECT(S): New Testing Sites, Modified Holiday Schedule
DATE: 11/17/2021
AUDIENCE: All Employees
Important Testing Information – Why, Where, How and Two New Sites
Particularly as we enter the holiday season and more of us gather indoors, it’s as important as ever to continue following the protocols that have kept our campus safe and open to in-person learning. Participating in COVID testing is a prime example and we’ve added two new sites to make the testing even more accessible.
Reminder: Regular Testing REQUIRED
● Employees who have not reported vaccination are still required to test weekly
● Employees who have reported their full vaccination status continue to test monthly (schedule based on last name, as outlined on the Testing/Screening webpage of the Stronger Together site)
Two New Testing Sites Brings Total to Six
To keep our campus community healthy, we continue to add new COVID testing sites to accommodate employees’ varying schedules, as well as individuals who work at remote locations. Two new Stony Brook Medicine (SBM) sites, in Setauket and Riverhead, are now available, along with the recently added off-hours testing offered by the University Police Department (UPD).
Below is a snapshot. Find more details, including how to register and an adjusted Holiday schedule, on our updated Testing/Screening webpage.
● Student Activity Center (SAC), Ballroom B
● Galleria HSC
● SBU Southampton – Student Center
● UPD – South Campus/Duchess Hall (available off-hours)
● SBM Advanced Imaging, Riverhead (pooled saliva testing; staffed by traveling nurse; registration required)
● SBM Setauket Tech Park, East Setauket (pooled saliva testing; staffed by traveling nurse; registration required)
If you have any questions about the testing, please visit the Testing/Screening webpage on our Stronger Together site. If you still have unanswered questions, please call the Health Information Line (HIL) at (631) 632-5000.