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Application for Graduation
Steps Before Applying for Graduation
Inform your graduate program coordinator and graduate program director that you are applying for graduation.
- Make sure you are registered for the semester you plan to graduate. Any students who intend to graduate in the spring or fall must register for at least one graduate credit. All doctoral and international masters students who will graduate in the summer must register for at least one graduate credit. Please Note: The degree date that students apply for is the date they intend to receive the degree, not the date of a ceremony they wish to attend.
Updating Graduation Application Information
- Email Registrar to update name or email to update your mailing address, do not re-apply.
- If you need to cancel your degree application and/or register for the following semester,
email your program coordinator a completed Change of Graduation Date form for approval.
After Applying
An email notification will be sent out after degree application is processed, about 1-2 weeks after applying.
Complete Graduate School Exit Survey
Doctoral students should fill out the National Research Council's Survey of Earned Doctorates.
Please Note: This is an application to receive your degree. Please visit Conferences and Special Events' Commencement website to find out about participating in commencement ceremonies.