Course Results

Results for: Department: Psychology 13 courses
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  • PSY 103: Introduction to Psychology

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    An introduction to research and theory in psychology in such areas as learning, perception, cognition, biopsychology, development, personality, and abnormal and social psychology. As part of the course, students must participate in experiments and/or a library research project.

    SessionWinterClass #1091Section30InstructorElise AdamsModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
    SessionWinterClass #1092Section31InstructorMengxing Baldour-WangModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 220: Survey in Developmental Psych

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    DEC: F SBC: SBS+

    A study of growth and change in humans. Psychological, physical, social, and cognitive changes will be considered and the role of environmental and genetic influences on development will be examined.

    SessionWinterClass #1143Section30InstructorJadyn TrayvickModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
    SessionWinterClass #1350Section31InstructorClare BeattyModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 230: Survey in Abnormal & Clin Psy

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    DEC: F SBC: SBS+

    Examines the description, etiology, course, and treatment of psychological disorders. Current theory and research are emphasized.

    SessionWinterClass #1061Section30InstructorJared GabrielliModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
    SessionWinterClass #1142Section31InstructorJill SmokoskiModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 240: Survey in Social Psychology

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    A presentation of various topics in social psychology including interpersonal processes, obedience to authority, social perception, attitude change, attraction and liking, and aggression and violence, especially as applied to national and international issues.

    SessionWinterClass #1456Section30InstructorLauren MorrisonModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 250: Survey in Biopsychology

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    Introduction to the neural basis of sensory processes, motor control, attention, emotion, and learning.

    SessionWinterClass #1475Section30InstructorDonya ZiadlouModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 333: Mood Disorders

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    The mood disorders include bipolar (manic-depressive) and depressive disorders. They are among the most common psychological disorders, and are a tremendous personal, social, and economic burden. This course will provide an introduction to current theory and research on the mood disorders, including their classification, epidemiology, course, etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment. Not for credit in addition to PSY 339 with topic of "Mood Disorders."

    SessionWinterClass #1144Section30InstructorConnor LawheadModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 339: Topics in Clinical Psychology

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    May be repeated as the topic changes.

    SessionWinterClass #1146Section30TopicPsychopathology Classification InstructorRiley McDanal-SavelModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 349: Topics in Social Psychology

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    May be repeated as the topic changes.

    SessionWinterClass #1457Section30TopicPsychology Behind Reality Tv InstructorAlexandra AnthoniozModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
    SessionWinterClass #1458Section31TopicSelf & Social Interaction InstructorTracy RadsvickModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
  • PSY 382: Rsrch Lab: Social Psychology

    Undergraduate 4 credits


    Techniques and experimental problems in social psychology, including natural observation, surveys, and experimental design. Three hours of lecture and two hours of field or laboratory research per week. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.

    SessionWinterClass #1352SectionL30InstructorSarah BarkleyModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
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