Winter Courses
Course Results
HIS 214: Modern Latin America
Undergraduate 3 credits
An introduction to the major themes in the history of modern Latin America, from the early nineteenth century to the present. Students will gain a deeper understanding of some of the central historical themes that have shaped Latin American society and politics since achieving independence, thus providing the basis for making sound observations and judgments about the political, economic, social, and cultural realities affecting Latin America today. The class advances chronologically as well as thematically, covering topics such as nationalism, political economy, U.S.-Latin American relations, revolutionary & counterrevolutionary struggle, and cultural practices. Lectures approach the hemisphere comparatively, drawing similarities and differences between different nation-states and regions. This course is offered as both HIS 214 and POL 214.
SessionWinter Class #1442 Section30 InstructorJose Miguel Munive Vargas ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen -
HIS 221: Intro Modern African History
Undergraduate 3 credits
Historical themes in 19th- and 20th-century Africa. Topics include social and political relations in African states; slavery and the slave trade in West Africa; the impact of Christianity and Islam on African colonialism; colonialism and its consequences; nationalist movements and de-colonization; pan-Africanism and the politics of African unity; the postcolonial state project; economic planning in postcolonial Africa; and African states and international politics in the Cold War era. This course is offered as both AFS 221 and HIS 221.
SessionWinter Class #1443 Section30 InstructorGeorge Osei ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen -
HIS 302: Environmental History
Undergraduate 3 credits
An exploration of human-caused transformations in natural environments and in ideas about nature from prehistory to the present. Examining topics from agriculture and deforestation in classical antiquity to the Columbian encounter, from problems of environmental management in imperial India to the emergence of environmentalism as a global movement today, the course focuses on case studies from several regions, including the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, New England, and South Asia.
SessionWinter Class #1444 Section30 InstructorDonal Thomas ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen -
HIS 393: Topics in Modern European Hist
Undergraduate 3 credits
Designed for upper-division students, this course provides an in-depth study of a specific topic relating to modern European history. May be repeated as the topic changes.
SessionWinter Class #1129 Section30 TopicSoviet Russia InstructorDafina Nedelcheva ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen - Modify search