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Results for: Department: Chemical and Molecular Engnrng 1 course
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  • CME 160: Intro to Nano

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    Many benefits of nanotechnology depend on the fact that it is possible to tailor the structures of materials at extremely small scales to achieve specific properties, thus greatly extending the materials science toolkit. Using nanotechnology, materials can effectively be made stronger, lighter, more durable, more reactive, more sieve-like, or better electrical conductors, among many other traits, with respect to their conventional counterparts. The emerging field of nanotechnology develops solutions to science and engineering problems by taking advantage of the unique physical and chemical properties of nanoscale materials. This interdisciplinary course introduces nanomaterials and nano-fabrication methods with applications to composites, coatings, transportation, construction, electronics and biomedical engineering. Basic concepts in research and design methodology and characterization techniques will be demonstrated.

    SessionWinterClass #1199Section30InstructorStefanos NitodasModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpen
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