Summer Courses
Course Results
Results for: Department: Writing Academic English
2 courses
WAE 194: Advanced Writing Academic Eng
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: A score of 2 on the writing assessment or a grade of C or better in WAE 192
Advanced training in writing for ESL students who need to concentrate on paragraph and essay development. The course deals with the development of a variety of essay genres, including the personal narrative, summary/response and argumentation/persuasion. Key grammar points are reviewed and are expected to be mastered. Writing placement score or successful completion of ESL 192 determines placement in the course. A through F grading only. The GPNC option may not be used. This course may be repeated until a satisfactory grade is achieved.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 63268 30 TBA Online Synchronous TR 09:30-12:55PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: This is an online course.
Session 2 64065 31 TBA Online Synchronous TR 09:30-12:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × - Modify search