Course Results

Results for: Department: Theatre Arts 2 courses
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  • THR 103: Introduction to Theatre Design

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    An introduction to design and technology for theatrical performances. Through the lens of design and technology, this course highlights the collaborative nature between this field with performance and dramatic text. The course will examine genres, innovations, cultural context, and the creative process as it applies to design and technology and its integral relationship with all areas of production. It also takes a cross-disciplinary approach while examining a full array of theatrical forms and creation, from Broadway to the most current trends in theatre making. This course is an essential foundational step for students interested in the field of theatre arts or live performances.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16517430Phillip BaldwinOnline AsynchronousFlexible (Online)TBAWest (Main Campus)Open

  • THR 313: Asian Theatre and Drama

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: WRT 102 and departmental consent

    DEC: J SBC: HFA+

    A comprehensive overview of Asian theatre with special emphasis on drama, theatrical aesthetics, conventions of production, and actor training in India, China, Korea, and Japan.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16326630Izumi AshizawaOnline AsynchronousFlexible (Online)TBAWest (Main Campus)Open

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