Summer Courses
Course Results
RUS 101: Intensive Elementary Russian
Undergraduate 6 credits
An intensive course covering the elementary Russian program (RUS 111, 112) in one semester. RUS 101 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Russian in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take this course without written permission from the supervisor of the course. May not be taken for credit after any other course in Russian.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65720 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as RUS 101/112/592
Session 1 65720 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined MTWR 10:30-12:45PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as RUS 101/112/592
RUS 112: Elementary Russian II
Undergraduate 4 credits
An introduction to Russian. The course is a continuation of RUS 111, and is designed to develop functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing at the elementary level of Russian and to acquaint students with aspects of Russian culture. Course consists of 3 hours per week in group setting plus an online recitation hour.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65723 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as RUS 101/112/592
Session 1 65723 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined MTWR 10:30-12:45PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as RUS 101/112/592
RUS 213: Interm Russ for Russ Backgrnd
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: Native-speaking proficiency in Russian
A course intended for students who already speak Russian and who need training in writing, reading, and grammar. May not be taken for credit in addition to RUS 211 or 212. The course is not intended for students who have the equivalent of a Russian high school education.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65053 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 1 65053 30 Anna Geisherik Online Sync/Async Combined TR 06:00-08:00PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
RUS 332: Professional Russian
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: RUS 212 and 213, or equivalent
This course is intended as an opportunity for students to use class time to research literature written in Russian pertaining to their majors. The course will be taught online but has several mandatory in-person meetings on campus and will make use of internet resources for research, reading and writing tasks. The primary goals will be the enrichment of professional vocabulary and development of advanced reading and writing proficiency in the student's major field of study.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65875 30 Anna Geisherik Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
RUS 592: Language Acquisition II
Graduate 1-4 credits
Elementary Russian II intended for graduate students from other programs.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65722 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as RUS 101/112/592
Session 1 65722 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined MTWR 10:30-12:45PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as RUS 101/112/592
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