Summer Courses
Course Results
NEU 501: Intro to Neuro Research
Graduate 3 credits
A series of talks, discussions, and practical exercises to address topics related to research in neurobiology including laboratory etiquette, the laboratory notebook, experimental design and basic experimental techniques used in neuroscience research including electrophysiology, behavioral testing, molecular and cellular techniques, imaging and computational approaches. Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS program or permission of instructor Summer 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 63842 30 Howard Sirotkin Online/In Person - Hybrid MTR 09:00-10:00AM West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 63842 30 TBA Online/In Person - Hybrid MTR 09:00-10:00AM West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 63841 L30 Howard Sirotkin Online/In Person - Hybrid MTR 10:00-01:00PM West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 63841 L30 TBA Online/In Person - Hybrid MTR 10:00-01:00PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
NEU 534: Principles of Neurobiology
Graduate 3 credits
Neuroscience investigates how the brain functions. This course begins with a review of cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain function, considers brain systems for motor control and sensory processing, and then finishes with a description of the cellular and molecular underpinnings of higher brain functions such as learning, emotion, and cognition. Semester Offered: Summer
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 63812 01 Robert Watson In Person Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online Offered as BIO 334 and NEU 534
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