Summer Courses
Course Results
MUS 101: Intro/Western Classical Music
Undergraduate 3 credits
An introduction to music of the Western classical tradition. This course covers basic concepts and vocabulary such as melody, harmony, rhythm, counterpoint, and form, as well as particular pieces of Western classical music. Various compositions and genres are considered in relation to the cultural and ideological values they embody, and the historical contexts in which they emerge. No previous musical training is assumed. Not for credit after MUS 130.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65013 30 Chutikan Chaikittiwatana Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 64023 31 Megan Wojtyla Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
MUS 103: Intro to Music and the Cinema
Undergraduate 3 credits
This course studies the history of music in cinematic productions, the basic concepts and terminology used to describe music and sound in cinema, techniques of audio-visual design, and the roles that music and sound play in the overall aesthetic effects in the cinema. The course studies music and sound in cinema from the earliest instances in the beginning of the 20th century to the most recent instances in the 21st century. No previous musical training is assumed.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65783 30 Jane Saunders Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
MUS 109: Rock, Popular Music, & Society
Undergraduate 3 credits
A study of rock and related popular musical traditions in the United States. The music is investigated through consideration of its: 1) musical constituents (rhythm, form, pitch structure, instrumental texture, and vocal style), 2) historical development, beginning with its roots in earlier folk and popular styles through to the present, and 3) social meanings, uses, and ramifications.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 63932 30 Elizabeth Lawrensen Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
MUS 119: Elements of Music
Undergraduate 3 credits
Beginning with the rudiments of music, such as meter, tempo, rhythm, and how to read notes in several clefs, this "hands on" course goes on to examine how music is organized, covering scales, keys, intervals, chords, form, and style in classical music. Students also compose throughout the semester and sharpen their listening skills through attendance at concerts. Serves as prerequisite to many music department courses.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 63897 30 Kevin Kyaw Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
MUS 308: History of Jazz
Undergraduate 3 credits
Advisory Prerequisite: MUS 101, 103, 105, 109, 119, 130, or equivalent musical experience
Historical study of the origins, evolution, and influence of jazz, a musical art form originating in and evolving with the experiences of black Americans. Examination of styles, figures, and places connected to jazz, from Louis Armstrong in New Orleans to Billie Holiday in New York to Kendrick Lamar in Los Angeles. Consideration of central issues including improvisation, commercialization, race, and gender. Not for music major credit.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 63704 30 Jt Kender Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
MUS 320: U.S. Popular Music
Undergraduate 3 credits
Advisory Prerequisite: MUS 101, 103, 105, 109, 119, 130, or equivalent musical experience
The study of popular music in the United States. Topics may include popular music in the U.S. since 1945; American popular music of colonial times; and American musical theatre. The course explores such aspects as musical structure and form, the nature of the commercial music industry, and how issues of gender, race, geography, economics, and technology affect the creation, performance, and reception of popular music. Not for music major credit.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 63208 30 Kyle Krause Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 63898 30 TBA Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × -
MUS 341: Sound Design
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: MUS 208
An investigation into the scientific, formal and artistic qualities of sound developed for students who may or may not have had formal musical training. Students will write reviews of sound pieces, create film or game soundtracks, and create sound-based artworks in response to course content, and do a presentation on acoustic or psycho-acoustic phenomena. Emphasis is on studio production techniques, history of sound art and basic acoustics. Students will work on Apple computers in the SINC site and LTA. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 64174 L30 Tony Doyle Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × - Modify search