Summer Courses
Course Results
MKT 565: Consumer Insights
Graduate 3 credits
MBA 505 or MKBMB Student
Marketing is the business function that deals with customers' needs and wants. Thus, an essential component of marketing is understanding consumers and to develop a deep understanding of consumers' needs and wants, you need to conduct marketing research. Psychological and social science research has produced numerous theoretical and technological advances that offer access to the inner workings of the mind, providing marketers with research tools to more effectively discover and fulfill consumer needs. This course provides an overview of the marketing, psychological, and social science knowledge relevant to consumer behavior and also provides an introduction to research methods for marketers to utilize when pursuing organizational goals. In this course, students will learn about qualitative and quantitative marketing techniques such as how to conduct a focus group, how to conduct high-quality survey research, how to conduct conjoint analysis, and how to use the IAT to develop a deeper understanding of consumers' implicit beliefs. Prerequisite: MBA 505 or 36 credit MBA in Marketing Student
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61821 30 Stacey Finkelstein Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open × - Modify search