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Results for: Department: Mechanical Engineering 10 courses
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  • MEC 104: Practical Science of Things

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: Satisfaction of entry skill in mathematics requirement (Skill 1) or satisfactory compl etion of D.E.C. C or QPS


    A practical introduction to the science and engineering of objects and phenomena in everyday life. The basic principles that underlie the operation common to modern devices such as rollercoasters, balloons, vacuum cleaners, airplanes, bicycles, thermostats, air conditioners and automobiles are developed by investigating how they work. The scientific method, engineering design methodology, safety, and environmental impacts are discussed in the context of these practical applications.

    SessionSession 1Class #60987Section30InstructorJuldeh SesayModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

  • MEC 203: Eng Graphics and CAD

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Introduces engineering graphics and its role in design process. Includes the principles of engineering drawing and sketching for mechanical design, the use of computer graphics and solid modeling in design representation of 3D objects, assembly and simulation as well as ASME standards on geometric dimensioning and tolerances. Includes hands-on experience in the use of CAD software packages for engineering design. Engineering ethics.

    SessionSession 2Class #61099Section30InstructorZhengke GuoModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • MEC 225: Fund of Machining Practices

    Undergraduate 1 credit

    Pre- or Co-requisite: MEC 203 Prerequisite: MEC major or permission of instructor

    Hands-on experience in the fundamentals of machining including metrology tools and devices, saw, sheet metal working, drilling, reaming, taping, turning, boring, milling, and welding. Not for credit in addition to MEC 226. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.

    SessionSession 1Class #65385SectionL01InstructorJoseph SchurzModeIn PersonDaysTRTime09:30-12:00PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • MEC 260: Engineering Statics

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: PHY 131 or 141 or 125 Corequisite: AMS 261 or MAT 203

    A review of vector algebra. Concept of force. Equilibrium of particles. Moments about points and lines, couples and equivalent force systems. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. Analysis of simple structures such as trusses, frames, and beams. Centroids, centers of gravity, and moments of inertia. Dry friction with applications to wedges, screws, and belts. Method of virtual work, potential energy, and stability.

    SessionSession 1 ExtendedClass #61592Section30InstructorJay MendelsonModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

  • MEC 262: Engineering Dynamics

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in MEC 260

    Vectorial kinematics of particles in space, orthogonal coordinate systems. Relative and constrained motions of particles. Dynamics of particles and the systems of particles, equations of motion, energy and momentum methods. Collisions. Two- and three-dimensional kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies. Moving frames and relative motion. Free, forced, and damped vibrations of particles and rigid bodies.

    SessionSession 2Class #61546Section30InstructorAnurag PurwarModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

  • MEC 280: Pollution and Human Health

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: one D.E.C. E or SNW course


    An examination of major environmental pollution problems such electromagnetic radiation, ozone layer depletion, and global warming, with a specific focus on the resulting effects on human health. Assessment of health risks in relation to the formulation of environmental and workplace regulations is also considered.

    SessionSession 1Class #60994Section30InstructorJuldeh SesayModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

  • MEC 363: Mechanics of Solids

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in MEC 260 or BME 260

    Stress and deformation of engineering structures and the influence of the mechanical behavior of materials. Concepts of stress and strain, constitutive relations, analysis of statically indeterminate systems, study of simple bars and beams, and stability conditions. Emphasis on force equilibrium, elastic response of materials, geometric compatibility, Mohr's circle, stresses and deflections in beams, and torsion and buckling of rods. Design for bending, shear, and combined states of stress.

    SessionSession 2Class #60974Section30InstructorJuldeh SesayModeOnline SynchronousDaysMon. & Weds.Time01:30-04:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets Synchronous Online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

    SessionSession 2Class #60975SectionR30InstructorJuldeh SesayModeOnline SynchronousDaysMondayTime05:00-05:29PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets Synchronous Online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

  • MEC 410: Design of Machine Elmnt

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisites: MEC 310 and 363

    Application of analytical methods, material science, and mechanics to problems in design and analysis of machine components. Includes the design of mechanical components such as bearings, gears, shafting, springs, fasteners, belts, clutches, and brakes, and takes into consideration factors such as manufacturability and reliability. Design projects with open-ended and interactive problems are assigned to integrate several machine elements in a system.

    SessionSession 2 ExtendedClass #61591Section30InstructorJay MendelsonModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: This course meets online. Contact to have prerequisites evaluated from other institutions.

  • MEC 519: Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Tech

    Graduate 3 credits

    Students will be taught the physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering principles that govern the operation of electric and hybrid vehicles, and the systems that are contained within. Topics include IPM SynRM motors, hybrid transmissions, traction inverters, battery chargers, battery modules, and current, voltage, speed, torque and temperature sensors. Additional material on principles of measurement science that govern all sensor design will also be included.

    SessionSession 2Class #65849Section30InstructorJay MendelsonModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

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