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Results for: Department: Linguistics 22 courses
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  • LIN 101: Human Language

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    An introduction to the fundamental areas and concepts of modern linguistics. Sounds and their structure, word structure, and sentence structure are discussed. Other topics may include historical linguistics (how languages change over time), dialects, writing systems, language and the brain, and psycholinguistics (especially the question of how children acquire a language).

    SessionSession 2Class #65402Section1InstructorJohn BailynModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Study Abroad students only-Virtual NYI

    SessionSession 2Class #64095Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysMon. & Weds.Time01:30-04:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 110: The Anatomy of English Words

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    An introduction to the analysis of complex words in English, especially those based on Latin and Greek models that comprise the majority of the vocabulary in the written language. Students will be introduced to Latin and Greek roots and the processes by which complex words are built by affixing material to these roots and modifying their structure. Students will acquire general analytical tools that will allow them to understand complex words that they may not have previously encountered. The course will introduce students to principles of linguistic morphology that extend beyond English to all human languages.

    SessionSession 2Class #65727Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 200: Language in the United States

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    Survey of the languages and language-related issues in the United States. Topics include Native American languages; immigrant languages; dialectal variations (e.g., Black English); the domains in which these languages were and are used; maintenance and loss of minority languages; language contact and its effects; the use of Spanish; language attitudes and politics is including bilingual education; and official language movements. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of American English from colonial times to its present world-wide status; the use and impact of Spanish; language attitudes and politics including bilingual education; and official language movements.

    SessionSession 2Class #63282Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 307: Sociolinguistics

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101


    An examination of the interaction between language and society, focusing on diversity in American English as it relates to differences in gender, geography, social class, ethnicity, and national origin. Study of the development of dialects including African-American Vernacular English, and pidgins and creoles such as Hawiian Pidgin English and Chinook Trade Jargon, within the context of historical developments in the U.S. from colonial times to the present.

    SessionSession 1Class #64101Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysMon. & Weds.Time05:30-08:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 320: English Grammar

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101

    This course is a systematic survey of English grammar: its major structures, their interaction, and their use. It will also briefly examine some related areas connected to writing like punctuation and spelling.

    SessionSession 2Class #64098Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysTRTime05:30-08:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 344: Literacy Development

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: Admission to a teacher education program

    An introduction to the theories of literacy and their application in education. Students acquire knowledge about the complex nature of academic literacy; how literacy skills can be taught and assessed across all disciplines, and how literacy and language skills develop among diverse learners, including students with special needs and English Language Learners. Attention is given to the integration of technology into the development of literacy skills. Not for major credit.

    SessionSession 2Class #63286Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline Sync/Async CombinedDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Offered as LIN 344, LIN 544

    SessionSession 2Class #63286Section30InstructorAna Manas LopezModeOnline Sync/Async CombinedDaysMondayTime05:30-08:20PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Offered as LIN 344, LIN 544

  • LIN 350: Experimental Phonetics

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 201

    SBC: SBS+; SNW

    Introduction to common experimental methods for studying the sounds used in human language. Topics include basic speech acoustics, acoustic analysis, oral and nasal airflow, static palatography, linguography and electroglottography, as well as design of perception experiments. Students will learn the physical processes affecting each experimental variable and common methods of analyzing each kind of data. Students will get hands-on experience with each analysis method and will use two or more types of data to explore a hypothesis about sound structure in English or some other language of interest. Students will learn how to use software for making measurements and analyzing data. Students will learn to assess the validity of claims about language based on their understanding of the scientific method as applied to speech. The course will give students a solid foundation for further courses in laboratory skills relevant to assessment of normal and disordered speech and for pursuing research, either as undergraduate researchers, or in the early stages of graduate work.

    SessionSession 2Class #65730Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysTRTime05:30-08:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 380: Anatomy/Physiology of Speech

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101

    SBC: STEM+

    A study of the anatomy and physiology of the speech, swallowing, and hearing mechanisms, including the phonatory, articulatory, respiratory, and resonatory subsystems and the neural control.

    SessionSession 1Class #63213Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Offered online. Virtual attendance required.

  • LIN 381: Language and Speech Disorders

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101 and LIN 201

    SBC: STEM+

    Overview of developmental and acquired communication disorders across the lifespan, including language delay, developmental apraxia of speech, phonological disorders, stuttering, acquired aphasia, craniofacial anomalies, and voice disorders.

    SessionSession 2Class #63933Section30InstructorGrace K LeeModeOnline SynchronousDaysMon. & Weds.Time06:00-09:25PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 382: Audiology

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101 and LIN 201

    SBC: STEM+

    Survey of the field of audiology, including the physics of sound, the physiology of hearing, the nature and causes of hearing impairment.

    SessionSession 1Class #63976Section01InstructorJoseph HoffmanModeOnline/In Person - HybridDaysWednesdayTime05:30-08:20PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

    SessionSession 1Class #63976Section01InstructorTBAModeOnline/In Person - HybridDaysMondayTime05:30-08:20PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 405: Writing in Linguistics

    Undergraduate 2 credits

    Prerequisites: permission of department; major in linguistics; U3 or U4 standing


    Majors in linguistics refine their skills in writing for the discipline by critiquing successive revisions of previously written work. Formerly offered as LIN 300. Not for credit in addition to LIN 300.

    SessionSession 1Class #62987SectionS30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysTRTime01:30-03:45PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 425: Topics in Linguistics

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: Varies with subject matter

    Seminars for advanced linguistics students. May be repeated as the topic changes.

    SessionSession 2Class #65403Section01TopicSyntax Seminar InstructorJohn BailynModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Study Abroad students only-Virtual NYI

    SessionSession 2Class #65404Section02TopicTypology & Universals Of Lang InstructorJohn BailynModeOnline AsynchronousDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Study Abroad students only-Virtual NYI

  • LIN 527: Structure of English

    Graduate 3 credits

    Enrollment in TESOL, CML, or LIN program, or permission of instructor, and co- or pre-requisite of L IN 530

    A description of the major sentence elements, subsystems, and productive grammatical processes of English. The justification of grammatical categories, interaction between systems and processes, and notions of standard and correctness are discussed with a view to their application in the ESL classroom. Prerequisite: Enrollment in TESOL or LIN program or permission of instructor

    SessionSession 2Class #64099Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysTRTime05:30-08:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 530: Intro to General Linguistics

    Graduate 3 credits

    Enrollment in TESOL, CML, or LIN program or permission of instructor

    An introduction to modern theoretical and applied linguistics, including phonology, morphology, syntax, language acquisition, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Prerequisite: Enrollment in TESOL or LIN program or permission of instructor

    SessionSession 2Class #64096Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysMon. & Weds.Time01:30-04:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 542: Sociolinguistics

    Graduate 3 credits

    Enrollment in TESOL, CML, or LIN program, or permission of instructor, and co- or pre-requisite of L IN 530

    An introduction to major topics in sociolinguistics, including variation theory, language attitudes, language planning, language change, and pidgins and creoles. Prerequisite: Enrollment in TESOL or LIN program or permission of instructor

    SessionSession 1Class #64097Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline SynchronousDaysMon. & Weds.Time05:30-08:55PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • LIN 544: Lang Acquisition and Liter Dev

    Graduate 3 credits

    In-depth exploration of the theories of literacy and language development of native English speakers and students who are English language learners pre-school through grade 12. The development and assessment of literacy skills among children at various stages of learning development and across disciplines will be examined. Attention will also be given to children with special needs and the integration of technology in the development of literacy skills. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a teacher preparation program

    SessionSession 2Class #63287Section30InstructorTBAModeOnline Sync/Async CombinedDaysFlexible (Online)TimeTBACampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Offered as LIN 344, LIN 544

    SessionSession 2Class #63287Section30InstructorAna Manas LopezModeOnline Sync/Async CombinedDaysMondayTime05:30-08:20PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes +

    Note: Offered as LIN 344, LIN 544

  • LIN 578: Field Experience in Educationa

    Graduate 1 credit

    Enrollment in MA TESOL Program

    Exploration, inquiry, and practice of English language instruction strategies and approaches. Prerequisite: Admission to MA TESOL Teacher Education Program

    SessionSession 1Class #63241Section30InstructorAna Manas LopezModeOnline SynchronousDaysWednesdayTime05:30-07:45PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

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