Summer Courses
Course Results
KOR 111: Elementary Korean I
Undergraduate 4 credits
An introduction to spoken and written Korean with equal attention to speaking, reading, and writing. Fundamental communication skills are acquired through intensive study of basic grammar and pronunciation. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Korean in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take KOR 111 without written permission from the supervisor of the course.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64974 30 Jung Min Kang Online Synchronous MWR 09:30-12:30PM West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 1 64169 40 Heejeong Sohn In Person Hours to be arranged TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Study Abroad Students only - S. KOREA
KOR 112: Elementary Korean II
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: C or better in KOR 111
An introduction to spoken and written Korean with equal attention to speaking, reading, and writing. Fundamental communication skills are acquired through intensive study of basic grammar and pronunciation. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Korean in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take KOR 112 without written permission from the supervisor of the course.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64144 40 Heejeong Sohn In Person Hours to be arranged TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Study Abroad Students only - S. KOREA
KOR 211: Intermediate Korean I
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: C or better in KOR 112 or KOR 120 or placement into 211
Intermediate courses in Korean language to develop audiolingual skills and reading and writing ability. Through the introduction of complex grammatical structures and idioms, speaking, reading, and writing ability in Korean language is further developed.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64145 40 Heejeong Sohn In Person Hours to be arranged TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Study Abroad Students only - S. KOREA
KOR 212: Intermediate Korean II
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: C or better in KOR 211 or placement into 212
Intermediate courses in Korean language to develop audiolingual skills and reading and writing ability. Through the introduction of complex grammatical structures and idioms, speaking, reading, and writing ability in Korean language is further developed.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64146 40 Heejeong Sohn In Person Hours to be arranged TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Study Abroad Students only - S. KOREA
KOR 311: Advanced Korean I
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: C or better in KOR 212 or placement into 311
An advanced course designed for students who wish to enhance reading comprehension and writing ability in Korean. Reading materials are selected from modern Korean literature, journals, and newspapers. Students are trained in samples of various writing styles. Emphasis is also placed on the idiomatic usage of Korean language and the relation of Korean to Chinese characters.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65175 01 Heejeong Sohn In Person Hours to be arranged TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Study Abroad Students only- S.Korea
KOR 331: Soc Sci Topics: Korean Studies
Undergraduate 3 credits
An investigation of a specific area of Korean studies in the social and behavioral sciences. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Session Class # Section Topic Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64158 01 Kor History, Culture & Society Heejeong Sohn In Person Hours to be arranged TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Study Abroad students only- S.KOREA
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