Summer Courses
Course Results
GSS 313: GIS Design and Application I
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: MAT 125 or MAT 131 or AMS 151 or instructor consent Corequisite: GSS 314
Provides the basic concepts underlying modern geographic information science and technology. Emphasis is placed on the principles of GIS for characterizing environmental systems and computer-based techniques for processing and analyzing spatial data. The course is three credit hours of lecture. This lecture course must be taken in the same semester as the associated laboratory, GSS 314. Not for credit in addition to GSS 317.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 Extended 64549 30 Timothy Butchart Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as GSS 313/GSS 513 and GEO 513 GSS 313 co-req required of GSS 314 must be taken together.
GSS 314: GIS Laboratory
Undergraduate 1 credit
Corequisite: GSS 313
Practice using the GIS techniques and tools learned in the lecture (GSS 313), work on exercises, and process and analyze the spatial data for the course project. This laboratory course must be taken in the same semester as GSS 313.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 Extended 64548 L30 Timothy Butchart Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: GSS 314 must be taken with co req GSS 313, class meets online.
GSS 513: GIS Fundamentals I
Graduate 3 credits
This course provides the basic concepts underlying modern geographic information science and technology. Emphasis is placed on the principles of GIS for collecting, storing, characterizing, and maintaining data and computer-based techniques for processing and analyzing spatial data. The course includes three hours of lecture, in class exercises and homework projects each week. This is a computer based class with the majority of students work involving GIS computer software. Prerequisite: working knowledge of spreadsheet software
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 Extended 64550 30 Timothy Butchart Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as GSS 513/GSS 313 and GEO 513
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