Summer Courses
Course Results
ESE 124: Programming Fundamentals
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: Declared Area of Interest or Major in Electrical or Computer Engineering.
The course presents fundamental and more advanced C programming concepts. Lectures discuss the C language constructs and exemplify their using in relevant programming applications. The course also introduces fundamental concepts in electrical and computer engineering, such as bitwise operations, text file scanning, stack-based computation, table-based finite state machine implementation, hash tables, and linked lists. Scheduled lab activities focus on devising, implementing, debugging, and validating C programs for the concepts discussed in class. A course project focuses on developing a more extensive C program that comprehensively utilizes the programming concepts discussed during the semester. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 124.
SessionSession 2 Class #61651 Section30 InstructorJenny Chen ModeOnline Synchronous DaysMon. & Weds. Time09:30-12:55PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #61652 SectionL30 InstructorJenny Chen ModeOnline Synchronous DaysTR Time09:30-12:55PM CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 224: Adv. Prog. & Data Structures
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: ESE 124
The course presents fundamental data structures and algorithms frequently used in engineering applications. Object oriented programming in C++ is used to teach the concepts. Discussed topics include: programming and applications of data structures; stacks, queues, lists, heaps, priority queues, and introduction to binary trees. Recursive programming is heavily utilized. Fundamental sorting algorithms are examined along with informal efficiency analysis. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 224.
SessionSession 2 Class #61579 Section30 InstructorVibha Mane ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes ×SessionSession 2 Class #61612 SectionL30 InstructorVibha Mane ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 271: Electrical Circuit Analysis
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: MAT 127 or 132 or AMS 161 Pre/co-requisite: PHY 127/134 or 132/134 or 142
The course covers the following topics: passive circuit elements: resistors, capacitors, inductors. Elements of circuit topology. Kirchhoff's and Ohm's law. Nodal and mesh analysis. Equivalent circuits. Steady-state AC circuits. Phasors. Transient analysis. Laplace transforms. Fundamentals of AC power, coupled inductors (transformers). Not for credit in addition to EEO 271.
SessionSession 1 Class #65400 Section30 InstructorSergey Suchalkin ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 273: Microelectronic Circuits
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: ESE 271
This is the first integrated circuits class that introduces the students to the fundamentals of the non-linear devices and design of IC amplifiers. The course starts with the introduction to the device physics, operation and modeling of a diode. Operation of MOS transistor, derivation of the large-signal transistor current as a function of the terminal voltages in different regions of operation is then presented, along with the small-signal model. Single-stage amplifier structures are explored, along with the introduction of the implementation of current source and current mirror. Frequency-response of common-source amplifier is presented. The concepts of multi-stage amplification and differential pair are introduced. Operation modeling of bipolar transistors are presented, along with the common-emitter amplifier. Comparison of MOS and BJT transistor and performance of common-source and common-emitter is presented. Not for credit in addition to EEO 315.
SessionSession 2 Class #61545 Section30 InstructorRidha Kamoua ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 300: Technical Communication
Undergraduate 2 credits
Prerequisite: WRT 102; ESE or ECE major, U3 standing; ESE 280
Topics include how technical writing differs from other forms of writing, the components of technical writing, technical style, report writing, technical definitions, proposal writing, writing by group or team, instructions and manuals, transmittal letters, memoranda, abstracts and summaries, proper methods of documentation, presentations and briefings, and analysis of published engineering writing. Also covered are the writing of resumes and cover letters. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 300.
SessionSession 1 Class #61084 Section30 InstructorRonald Marge ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 301: Engineering Ethics
Undergraduate 2 credits
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; one D.E.C. E or SNW course
The study of ethical issues facing engineers and engineering related organizations and the societal impact of technology. Decisions involving moral conduct, character, ideals and relationships of people and organizations involved in technology. The interaction of engineers, their technology, the society and the environment is examined using case studies. Introduction to patents, copyright, trademarks and infringement using case studies. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 302.
SessionSession 2 Class #61581 Section30 InstructorDonna Tumminello ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 305: Deterministic Signals & Systms
Undergraduate 3 credits
Pre- or Corequisite: ESE 271
Introduction to signals and systems. Manipulation of simple analog and digital signals. Relationship between frequencies of analog signals and their sampled sequences. Sampling theorem. Concepts of linearity, time-invariance, causality in systems. Convolution integral and summation; FIR and IIR digital filters. Differential and difference equations. Laplace transform, Z-transform, Fourier series and Fourier transform. Stability, frequency response and filtering. Provides general background for subsequent courses in control, communication, electronics, and digital signal processing. Not for credit in addition to EEO 301.
SessionSession 1 Class #61053 Section30 InstructorSangjin Hong ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 306: Random Signals & Systems
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: ESE 305
Random experiments and events; random variables and random vectors, probability distribution functions, random processes; Binomial, Bernoulli, Poisson, and Gaussian processes; Markov chains; significance testing, detection of signals, estimation of signal parameters; properties and application of auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions; power spectral density; response of linear systems to random inputs. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 306.
SessionSession 2 Class #61580 Section30 InstructorVibha Mane ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 331: Semiconductor Devices
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: AMS 361 or MAT 303; PHY 127/134 or PHY 132/134 or PHY 142
The course covers physical principles of operation of semiconductor devices. Energy bands and energy band diagram, carrier densities, transport properties, generation recombination phenomena in bulk semiconductors, and the continuity equation are covered first. Equipped with an understanding of the character of physical phenomena in semiconductors, students learn the principles of operation, current-voltage characteristics, and nonidealities of p-n junction diodes, metal-semiconductor contacts, bipolar junction transistors, and field effect transistors. Not for credit in addition to EEO 331.
SessionSession 2 Class #61574 Section30 InstructorRidha Kamoua ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × -
ESE 346: Computer Communications
Undergraduate 3 credits
Pre-or corequisite: ESE 306
Basic theory and technology of computer communications. Introduction to performance evaluation, error codes and routing algorithms. Introduction to queueing theory, machine learning for networking and network planning. Other topics include Ethernet, wireless networks including LTE, 5G and 6G, fiber optic networking, software defined networking, networking on chips, space networks, data centers, grids and clouds. Not for credit in addition to CSE 310 or ISE 316 or ISE 317 or EEO 346.
SessionSession 1 Class #61645 Section30 InstructorCarlos Gamboa ModeOnline Asynchronous DaysFlexible (Online) TimeTBA CampusWest (Main Campus) StatusOpen Notes × - Modify search