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Results for: Department: Center for Scien and Math Educ 3 courses
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  • CSM 546: Topics Biotechnology

    Graduate 3 credits

    An introduction to the field of biotechnology. The course will survey the history of the development of genetic engineering, methodologies used in biotechnology, applications of biotechnology in medicine, agriculture and manufacturing, and the implications of these technologies for society. Intended for the students in the MAT Science and MALS programs. This course has an associated fee. Please see fees for more information. Offered Spring, 3 Credits, ABCF Grading

    SessionSession 1Class #64090SectionL01InstructorKristen VadaszModeIn PersonDaysTRTime05:30-08:50PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • CSM 610: Nature & Practice of Science

    Graduate 3 credits

    An overview of the nature and practice of science through the analysis of current issues in science. Through the extensive use of case studies, students will address questions such as: What is science? What distinguishes science from other ways of knowing? What standards of evidence and scientific explanations, processes, and conventions are used in science? What philosophical, social, ethical, and historical perspectives are important in understanding science? Offered Fall and Spring, 3 Credits, ABCF Grading

    SessionSession 1Class #63237SectionS01InstructorKristen NapolitanoModeOnline SynchronousDaysTRTime05:00-07:50PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

  • CSM 640: Directed Study in STEM Educ

    Graduate 3 credits

    In their fifth semester students will individually complete a directed study with a faculty advisor. The intent of this course is to prepare the students for the doctoral qualifying examination and assist them in refining their research topics. Offered Fall and Spring, 3 Credits, ABCF Grading

    SessionSession 1Class #63205Section01InstructorKeith SheppardModeIn PersonDaysTRTime05:30-08:30PMCampusWest (Main Campus)StatusOpenNotes

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