Summer Courses
Course Results
CEE 505: Education: Theory and Practice
Graduate 3 credits
Schools are fundamental institutions in every society. While they reflect the existing social order with all of its hierarchies and inequalities, they can also act as engines of social mobility, democratic opportunity, and social change. The purpose of the class is to help prospective teachers acquire the conceptual tools needed to analyze these processes in a sustained, in-depth manner in order to make informed judgments about their future goals as teaching professionals. Advisory Pre-requisite: Open to prospective (pre-service) teachers, and current teachers.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64647 30 Michael Jannace Online Synchronous Wednesday 05:30-08:20PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: SUMMER 2025 - synchronous and asynchronous online course requirements.
Session 1 64648 31 Michael Jannace Online Synchronous Monday 05:30-08:20PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: SUMMER 2025 - synchronous and asynchronous online course requirements.
CEE 565: Human Development
Graduate 3 credits
An examination of the biological and psychological development of children and adolescents and its relationship to teaching and curriculum development for diverse learners. The course will focus on special education programs, childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorders, and societal issues. Note: Preservice course for those not yet initially certified. Offered: Fall, Spring. 3 credits. Letter graded. Previously listed as PSY 595.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 64646 S30 Nicholas Ullrich III Online Synchronous T 05:30-08:20PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Online synchronous and asynchronous requirements.
CEE 594: Language Acquisition & Lit Dev
Graduate 3 credits
In-depth exploration of the theories of literacy and language development of native English speakers and students who are English language learners pre-school through grade 12. The development and assessment of literacy skills among children at various stages of learning development and across disciplines will be examined. Attention will also be given to children with special needs and the integration of technology in the development of literacy skills. 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 64649 S30 Jennifer Lopez Online Synchronous Monday 05:30-08:20PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous and asynchronous online course requirements
SPD Online 64689 S31 Sandra Mosquera-Valerio Online Synchronous T 05:30-08:20PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: This 10-week online course begins 5/27/25 ends 8/3/25; last day to add 6/9/25 by 4:00pm; visit for online course requirements.
CEE 601: Early Adolescent Development
Graduate 3 credits
This course will address the unique social, emotional, physical and intellectual challenges faced by 10-14 year old children, known as the period of early adolescence. Critical understanding of these characteristics and transformations will be an essential part of the course, along with a review of the important work of Piaget, Erickson and others who have made significant contributions toward our understanding and ability to effectively teach this age group. The vital elements of parental involvement and responsiveness to diversity will also be emphasized. Teachers will be prepared to transition to the middle school classroom through deep appreciation for and understanding of the children they will teach in grades 5-8.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes SPD Online 64658 S30 Peter Pece Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: This 10-week online course begins 5/27/25 ends 8/3/25; last day to add 6/9/25 by 4:00pm; visit for online course requirements.
CEE 602: Middle Child Educ:Instruction
Graduate 3 credits
Based on a four corner framework for quality teaching, this course examines how to set the climate, teach the content, facilitate the interactions and foster reflection in the middle school classroom. The course focuses on using brain based instruction as the basis for learning and processes for making data-driven instructional decisions and for designing curriculum to address the standards. In addition, emphasis is given to three critical instructional strategies: cooperative group instruction, a multiple intelligences approach and a higher order thinking skills. Woven throughout the course content is the concept of differentiating instruction and assessment of individual learners.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes SPD Online 64659 S30 Mark Waka Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: This 10-week online course begins 5/27/25 ends 8/3/25; last day to add 6/9/25 by 4:00pm; visit for online course requirements.
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