Summer Courses
Course Results
CED 595: Capstone Seminar
Graduate 3 credits
Pre-Requisite: Matriculation in MALS program; prior completion of 24 graduate level credits towards the degree.
The goal of the Capstone Seminar is to teach students to understand and conduct graduate level research. Research may be either original or applied. Prior approval of topic by faculty required; methodology and resources will be reviewed throughout writing process. Effective Fall 2014, this course will be GRADED (A, B, C, F). Effective Summer 2015, successful completion of the Capstone Seminar requires a grade of "B" or better; otherwise, the course must be repeated in order to graduate. No transfer credit or substitutions. May not be used to meet 12 credit content requirement for professional teaching license (MA in Liberal Studies).
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes SPD Online 64656 S30 Jennifer Young Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: This 10-week online course begins 5/27/25 ends 8/3/25; last day to add 6/9/25 by 4:00pm; visit for online course requirements.
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