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Results for: Department: School of Prof Dev - CEB 1 course
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  • CEB 554: Curnt Topic Imunolgy

    Graduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: Matriculation in either MAT biology (TBIMT) or MALS graduate programs (SPDMA).


    This is a comprehensive course in Immunology designed to be taught to secondary school teachers and it will address the new living environment curriculum standards for Immunology. The proposed course will combine lectures in Immunology with practical laboratory exercises. Laboratory activities will be provided that can be modified for secondary school education. Emphasis will be made on recent developments in Immunology and the essential role of the immune system in protection from infections and cancer. Concepts to be covered include how the immune system distinguishes self from non-self, how it handles various pathogens and why it sometimes fails.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16464430Marinaldo Pacifico Cavalcanti NetoOnline SynchronousTR05:30-08:55PMWest (Main Campus)Open +

    Note: Offered as CEB 554 and BIO 316 (graduate students will complete additional assignments).synchronous online

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