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Results for: Department: Biomedical Engineering 2 courses
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  • BME 205: Clinical Chal 21st Cent

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    Technology used by current medical practice, focusing on weekly topics associated with a specific disease state. Technology used to diagnose and treat these disease states will be rigorously examined. Weekly topics will include: cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and organ transplant. Key disease states will be presented in physiological and cellular depth. This course may not be taken for major credit.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 26156530Mei Lin ChanOnline AsynchronousFlexible (Online)TBAWest (Main Campus)Open

  • BME 303: Biomechanics

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: BME 260 or MEC 260 Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 202


    Illuminates the principles of mechanics and dynamics that apply to living organisms, from cells to humans to Sequoia trees. The behavior of organisms is examined to observe how they are constrained by the physical properties of biological materials. Locomotion strategies (or the lack thereof) are investigated for the forces and range of motions required and energy expenditures. Includes the relationship between form and function to illustrate how form dominates behavior. Presents the physiological effects of mechanical stresses on organs, pathologies that develop from abnormal stress, and how biological growth and adaptation arise as a natural response to the mechanics of living.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 26162330Chaudhry (Raza) HassanOnline SynchronousMTWR06:30-08:15PMWest (Main Campus)Open

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