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Results for: Department: Anthropology (Biological) 5 courses
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  • ANP 101: Human Biology

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    The major concepts of biology are presented from historical, contemporary, and critical viewpoints. These concepts include the cell, the gene, molecular biology, development, and evolution. The human implications or values associated with each concept are emphasized. Formerly offered as BIO 101; not for credit in addition to BIO 101.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16505930Christopher O'Connor-CoatesOnline AsynchronousFlexible (Online)TBAWest (Main Campus)Open

  • ANP 202: People and Pups

    Undergraduate 3 credits


    An introduction to the growing literature on dog evolution, behavior, and cognition to understand why dogs are so well adapted to socializing with humans and what role they play in our societies. This course provides students with a foundation in animal behavior, specifically dog behavior and human-canine relationships. Key questions will include: How do dogs communicate with each other and with us? Are dogs smarter than you think? And what is unique about the bond between people and their pups?

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 26324230A. Catherine MarkhamOnline AsynchronousFlexible (Online)TBAWest (Main Campus)Open

  • ANP 307: Ecosystems in Madagascar

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor/Study Abroad office


    The major goal of this course is to introduce the biodiversity and diversity of ecosystems on the island of Madagascar. In addition to exploring the different habitats within Ranomafana National Park, we will embark on a ten-day trip across Madagascar.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16405701Patricia WrightIn PersonHours to be arrangedTBAWest (Main Campus)Open +

    Note: Study Abroad students only - MADAGASCAR

  • ANP 350: Methods in Studying Primates

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor/Study Abroad office

    Introduction to the concepts and practical skills needed to conduct scientific work, particularly in the study of primates, including how to collect and analyze data focusing on habitat description, primate densities, use of space, and social interactions. Topics include design and presentation of research; ecological field methods; behavioral observations and other techniques. Students are required to plan a small research study and to present their proposal in class. Some computer work outside class required.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16405801Patricia WrightIn PersonHours to be arrangedTBAWest (Main Campus)Open +

    Note: Study Abroad students only - MADAGASCAR

  • ANP 387: Indep prj Madagascar biodiv

    Undergraduate 3 credits

    Prerequisite: appropriate interest in subject matter and background in ecology and conservation

    Allows students to apply the knowledge and research methods they have acquired in preceding courses during the study abroad experience (including: ANP 351 Biodiversity in Field Methods; ANP 307 Comparing Ecosystems in Madagascar; and ANP 326 Lemurs of Madagascar (3 Credits Each)). Students will design their own research project, and carry it through from hypothesis generating, data collection, statistical analyses and written and oral presentation of results. This project will allow students to showcase both their interests and academic skillsets. This course includes research on biodiversity. Some subjects could include impacts of human disturbance on biodiversity, species and abundance of frogs in large streams vs small streams, infant development and play in lemur groups with single infant vs lemur groups with two or three infants.

    Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes
    Session 16405901Patricia WrightIn PersonHours to be arrangedTBAWest (Main Campus)Open +

    Note: Study Abroad students only - MADAGASCAR

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