Summer Courses
Course Results
AMS 102: Elements of Statistics
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: Satisfaction of entry skill in mathematics requirement (Skill 1) or satisfactory compl etion of D.E.C. C or QPS; Non AMS majors only Anti-requisite: May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 110 or AMS 310.
The use and misuse of statistics in real life situations; basic statistical measures of central tendency and of dispersion, frequency distributions, elements of probability, binomial and normal distributions, small and large sample hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, chi square test, and regression. May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 110, 310, 311, 312; ECO 320; POL 201; PSY 201; or SOC 202. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61547 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 61547 30 Bakoo Hagedorn Online Sync/Async Combined Mon. & Weds. 09:30-12:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 104: Spreadsheet Technology
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: Level 2+ or higher on the mathematics placement examination or MAT 123 or higher
Spreadsheets are a critically important tool in many careers, particularly in quantitative fields. This course explores how to use spreadsheets and how to use them to model real-world situations, such as project management, optimization, budgeting, finance, and more.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61089 30 Touhid Hossain Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 110: Probability & Stat Life Scienc
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 151 or MAT 125 or 131. Anti-requisite: May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 102 or AMS 310
A survey of probability theory and statistical techniques with applications to biological and biomedical situations. Topics covered include Markov chain models; binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential, and chi square random variables; tests of hypotheses; confidence intervals; tests; and analysis of variance, regression, and contingency tables. May not be taken for credit in addition to AMS 310. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61095 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 61095 30 Bakoo Hagedorn Online Sync/Async Combined Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 151: Applied Calculus I
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: B or higher in MAT 123 or level 5 on the mathematics placement examination
A review of functions and their applications; analytic methods of differentiation; interpretations and applications of differentiation; introduction to integration. Intended for CEAS majors. Not for credit in addition to MAT 125 or 126 or 131 or 141 or 171. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61079 30 William Bernhard Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 06:00-09:25PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 161: Applied Calculus II
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: C or higher in AMS 151 or MAT 131, or level 7 on the mathematics placement examination
Analytic and numerical methods of integration; interpretations and applications of integration; differential equations models and elementary solution techniques; phase planes; Taylor series and Fourier series. Intended for CEAS majors. Not for credit in addition to MAT 127, MAT 132, MAT 142, or MAT 171. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61027 30 William Bernhard Online Synchronous TR 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online
AMS 210: Applied Linear Algebra
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 151 or MAT 131 or corequisite MAT 126 or level 7 or higher on the mathematics plac ement exam
An introduction to the theory and use of vectors and matrices. Matrix theory including systems of linear equations. Theory of Euclidean and abstract vector spaces. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Linear transformations. May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 211.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61097 30 Hyun-Kyung Lim Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online
AMS 261: Applied Calculus III
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 or MPE level 9
Vector algebra and analytic geometry in two and three dimensions; multivariable differential calculus and tangent planes; multivariable integral calculus; optimization and Lagrange multipliers; vector calculus including Green's and Stokes's theorems. May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 203 or 205.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 60990 30 Iordan Michev Online Synchronous TR 01:30-05:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 300: Writing in Applied Mathematics
Undergraduate 1 credit
Prerequisites: WRT 102; AMS major; U3 or U4 standing
See Requirements for the Major in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Upper Division Writing Requirement.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 65757 S01 Francesca Polo Online Synchronous TR 01:30-02:50PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 301: Finite Mathematical Structures
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 210 or MAT 211 or AMS 361 or MAT 303
An introduction to graph theory and combinatorial analysis. The emphasis is on solving applied problems rather than on theorems and proofs. Techniques used in problem solving include generating functions, recurrence relations, and network flows. This course develops the type of mathematical thinking that is fundamental to computer science and operations research.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61024 30 Linh Nguyen Online Synchronous TR 06:00-09:25PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online
AMS 310: Survey of Probability and Stat
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 161 or MAT 132 or MAT 127
A survey of data analysis, probability theory, and statistics. Stem and leaf displays, box plots, schematic plots, fitting straight line relationships, discrete and continuous probability distributions, conditional distributions, binomial distribution, normal and t distributions, confidence intervals, and significance tests. May not be taken for credit in addition to ECO 320. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 60991 30 Meichen Song Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 09:30-12:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 311: Probability Theory
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: AMS 301 and 310 or permission of instructor Corequisites: MAT 203 or AMS 261
Probability spaces, random variables, moment generating functions, algebra of expectations, conditional and marginal distributions, multivariate distributions, order statistics, law of large numbers.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61522 30 Fred Rispoli Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 315: Data Analysis
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 310
A continuation of AMS 310 that covers two sample t-tests, contingency table methods, the one-way analysis of variance, and regression analysis with one and multiple independent variables. Student projects analyze data provided by the instructor and require the use of a statistical computing package such as SAS or SPSS. An introduction to ethical and professional standards of conduct for statisticians will be provided.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61511 30 Benjy Hechtman Online Synchronous TR 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online
AMS 318: Financial Mathematics
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 310
This course will focus on accumulation functions, yield rates, annuities, loan repayment, term structure of interest rates/spot rates/forward rates, options, duration/convexity. This course follows the syllabus for the Financial Mathematics (FM) Exam of the Society of Actuaries and prepares students to pass the FM Exam.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61096 30 TBA Online Sync/Async Combined Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open ×Session 2 61096 30 Bakoo Hagedorn Online Sync/Async Combined TR 09:30-12:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 325: Comp & Prog Fundamental in AMS
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 210 or MAT 211; AMS major NOTE: not for AMS2MAJ. Those students should contact the AMS dept.
Introduction to programming in MATLAB and Python, including scripting, basic data structures, algorithms, scientific computing, and software engineering. Homework projects will focus on using computation to solve linear algebra, data analysis, and other mathematical problems.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61595 30 TBA Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 326: Numerical Analysis
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: CSE 101; AMS 161; basic skills in using a high-level programming language (C, C++, or Java). Advisory prerequisite: AMS 210
Direct and indirect methods for the solution of linear and nonlinear equations. Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. Quadrature, differentiation, and curve fitting. Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. May not be taken for credit in addition to CIV 350 or MEC 320.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61648 30 Wenhan Gao Online Synchronous TR 06:00-09:25PM West (Main Campus) Open × -
AMS 335: Game Theory
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: MAT 126 or 131 or AMS 151; C or higher in ECO 303
Introduction to game theory fundamentals with special emphasis on problems from economics and political science. Topics include strategic games and Nash equilibrium, games in coalitional form and the core, bargaining theory, measuring power in voting systems, problems of fair division, and optimal and stable matching. This course is offered as both AMS 335 and ECO 355.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61072 30 Siyuan Lyu Online Asynchronous Flexible (Online) TBA West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Offered as AMS 335 and ECO 355
AMS 341: Op Rsrch I: Determinist Models
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisites: AMS 210 or MAT 211 or MAT 307 and MAT 308
Linear programming with a view toward its uses in economics and systems analysis. Linear algebra and geometric foundations of linear programming; simplex method and its variations; primal dual programs; formulation and interpretation of linear programming models, including practical problems in transportation and production control. Optional computer projects. AMS 341 and 342 may be taken in either order, though it is recommended that AMS 341 be taken first. Not for credit in addition to EST 342.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61028 30 Andreas Lietzau Online Synchronous TR 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online
AMS 351: Applied Algebra
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: C or higher in AMS 210 or MAT 211 or MAT 220 or MAT 308 Advisory Prerequiste: MAT 200 or CSE 250 or equivalent
Topics in algebra: groups, informal set theory, relations, homomorphisms. Applications: error correcting codes, Burnside's theorem, computational complexity, Chinese remainder theorem. This course is offered as both AMS 351 and MAT 312.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61647 02 TBA Online Synchronous TR 06:00-09:25PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Online course. The final exam will be an IN-PERSON proctored exam on 8/15/24 at SBU or another approved location, during the scheduled time & date. All quizzes and midterms will be online.
AMS 361: Applied Calculus IV: Diff Equ
Undergraduate 4 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 or MPE level 9
Homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear differential equations; systems of linear differential equations; solution with power series and Laplace transforms; partial differential equations and Fourier series. May not be taken for credit in addition to the equivalent MAT 303.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 2 61510 30 Haochun Wang Online Synchronous TR 09:00-01:25PM West (Main Campus) Open + ×Note: Synchronous Online
AMS 394: Statistical Laboratory
Undergraduate 3 credits
Prerequisite: AMS 310 or AMS 315
Designed for students interested in statistics and their applications. Basic statistical techniques including sampling, design, regression, and analysis of variance are introduced. Includes the use of statistical packages such as SAS and R. Students translate realistic research problems into a statistical context and perform the analysis.
Session Class # Section Instructor Mode Days Time Campus Status Notes Session 1 61075 L30 Ruichen Xu Online Synchronous Mon. & Weds. 01:30-04:55PM West (Main Campus) Open × - Modify search