Stony Brook Experts
an online search tool for members of the media to identify experts at Stony Brook
- Adrienne HaughtonView ProfileDermatologist; Assistant Vice Chairman and Director of Residency Program; Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatological Surgery and Medical DermatologyDermatologyExpertiseBotox Injections; Cosmetic Fillers; Cosmetic Injectables; Dermatology; Skin Care; Alopecia; Skin Cancer; Acne; Eczema; Skin Damage
- James Barsi, MDView ProfileClinical Associate ProfessorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertisePediatric Degenerative; Pediatric Deformity; Pediatric Scoliosis; Pediatric Sports Medicine; Spine Surgery; Trauma
- David Chesler, MD, PhDView ProfileDirector of Pediatric Neurosurgery; Clinical Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and PediatricsDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseCraniosynostosis; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Endoscopic Neurosurgery; Pediatric Neurosurgery; Pediatric Brain Tumor; Pediatric Spinal Cord Tumor; Neurosurgery; Hydrocephalus; Pediatric Spine Surgery; Spina Bifida; Head Trauma
- Alexander DagumView ProfileReconstructive Surgeon; Professor of Surgery and Orthopedics; Executive Vice Chair of Surgery; Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Co-Director of Cleft Palate-Craniofacial CenterSurgeryExpertiseBasal Cell Carcinoma; Birth Defects; Cleft Lip and Palate; Congenital Defects; Facial Reconstruction; Hand Surgery; Microsurgery; Rhinoplasty; Nose Job; Plastic Surgery
- Reza Dashti, MD, PhD, IFAANS, FACSView ProfileAssociate Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology; Associate Director of Cerebrovascular CenterDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseBrain Aneurysm; Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM); Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations; Cavernous Malformations; Moyamoya Disease; Extracranial to Intracranial Bypass Surgery; Carotid Artery Disease; Carotid Artery Stenting; Carotid Endarterectomy; Skull Base Tumors; Meningioma; Craniopharyngiomas; Pituitary Tumors; Brain Tumors; Stroke Stroke Treatment; Endovascular Neurosurgery; Microneurosurgery
- Raphael DavisView ProfileProfessor and Chair of Neurological Surgery; Co-Director of the Neurosciences Institute; Co-Director of the Skull Base Surgery Center; NeurosurgeonNeurosurgeryExpertiseBrain Cancer; Aneurysms; Acoustic Neuroma; Arachnoid Cyst; Neurosurgery; Pituitary Tumors; Ruptured Disc; Spinal Tumors; Spine Surgery; Glioblastoma
- Michael Egnor, MDView ProfileDirector of Neurosurgery Residency Program; Professor of Neurosurgery and PediatricsDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseNeurosurgery; Head Trauma; Brain Cancer; Hydrocephalus; Spina Bifida; Spinal Tumors
- Ralph Epstein, DDSView ProfileClinical Associate Professor and Program Director of the Dental Anesthesiology Residency ProgramOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryDepartment of AnesthesiologyExpertiseDental Anesthesiology; Anesthesia Management; Patients With Special Needs
- Richard D. Faber, DDS, MSView ProfileClinical Professor of Orthodontics; Director of Advanced Education in Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicsDepartment of Orthodontics and Pediatric DentistryExpertiseOrthodontics; Orthognathic Surgery; Adult Orthodontics; Invisalign; Cleft Palate; Craniofacial Syndromes; Growth Related Disorders; Interdisciplinary Dental Treatment
- David FiorellaView ProfileDirector of the Stony Brook Cerebrovascular Center; Co-Director of the Stony Brook Cerebrovascular and Comprehensive Stroke Center; Professor of Neurosurgery and RadiologyNeurosurgeryExpertiseAneurysms; Cerebral Hemorrhage; Stroke; Mechanical Thrombectomy; Apollo Procedure; Mobile Stroke Units; MSU; Intracranial Stenting; Carotid Stenting; WEB; Pipeline Stent; Interventional Neuroradiology; Brain Aneurysm; Brain Tumor and AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) Embolization
- Jennifer FitzgibbonView ProfileRegistered Oncology Dietitian, Stony Brook University Cancer CenterSurgeryExpertiseOncology; Clinical Nutrition; Diet; Nutrition; Wellness; Obesity; Food; Supplements; Vitamins; Nutrients
- Todd GriffinView ProfileInterim Vice President for Clinical Services; Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs; Professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive MedicineObstetricsGynecology and Reproductive MedicineExpertiseHysterectomy; Laparoscopic Surgery; Ultrasound; Women's Health; Women's Medicine; Obstetrics/Gynecology; Pregnancy; Fertility
- Frederick GutmanView ProfileNeurosurgeon; Director, Neurosurgery Inpatient Service; Co-director, Neuro-Oncology Center of the Neurosciences Institute; Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery and OrthopedicsNeurological SurgeryExpertiseNeurosurgery; Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Kristin HopkinsView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor and Attending PhysicianOrthopaedic SurgerySports MedicineExpertiseAnkle Surgery; Arthroscopy; Cartilage Restoration and Preservation; Elbow Surgery; Fracture Care; Labral Surgery; Ligament Repair and Reconstruction; Knee Surgery; Meniscus Surgery; Orthopaedic Surgery; Osteoarthritis; Rotator Cuff Surgery; Shoulder Replacement Surgery; Shoulder Surgery; Sports Medicine; Trauma; Upper Extremity Surgery
- Evan JonesView ProfileProfessor, Chair, President of Stony Brook Dermatology AssociatesDermatologyExpertiseskin tumors; basal cell carcinoma; soft tissue sarcoma; dermatology; melanoma; merkel cell carcinoma; Mohs micrographic surgery; skin cancer; squamous cell carcinoma of the skin; sun protection; skin cancer prevention; sun protection education
- Fazel Khan, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor, Chief Orthopaedic OncologyDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseOrthopaedic Surgery; Trauma; Oncology; Cancer; Cancer Treatment; Orthopaedic Oncology; Joint replacement; Osteoarthritis; Bone Tumors; Hip Replacement; Knee Replacement; Joint Reconstruction; Excision of tumors; Joint Replacement Revisions
- Angela A. Kokkosis, MD, FACSView ProfileAssociate Professor of Surgery, Program Director of Vascular Surgery Residency, Director of Center for Vein Care, Director of Carotid Interventions, Director of VTE Team, Medical Director of the Non-Invasive Vascular LabDepartment of SurgeryExpertisearterial disease; venous disease; vascular surgery; varicose veins; arterial disease in women; carotid surgery; circulation; thoracic outlet syndrome; dialysis access
- Seth KorbinView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor; Orthopaedic Surgeon; Director of Joint Replacement SurgeryStony Brook OrthopaedicsStony Brook Southampton HospitalExpertiseHip and Knee Degenerative Conditions; Hip Arthritis; Knee Arthritis; Hip Surgery; Knee Surgery; Primary Total Hip Replacement; Primary Total Knee Replacement; Revision Total Hip Replacement; Revision Total Knee Replacement; Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Replacement; Anterior Hip Replacement; Partial Knee Replacement; Joint Replacement Infections; Trauma; Orthopaedic Surgery; Fracture Care
- Allison McLarty, MDView ProfileDirector of the Lung Cancer Program; Cardiothoracic Surgeon; Associate Program Director, Department of Surgery; Surgical Director, Left Ventricular Assist Device Program; Associate Professor of SurgerySurgeryExpertiseLung Cancer; Heart Disease; Cardiology; Women and Heart Disease; Cardiac Surgery; Implantable Heart Devices; Cardiothoracic Surgery; Thoracic Surgery
- Charles Mikell, MDView ProfileAssociate Professor and Vice Chair; Co-Director, Mofakham-Mikell Lab; Co-Director, Neuro Oncology; Co-Director, Stony Brook Movement Disorders CenterDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertisemovement disorders; epilepsy; brain tumor; spasticity; chronic pain; neurosurgery
- Samantha Muhlrad, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor, Chief of Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery Fellowship DirectorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertisehand surgery; microsurgery; wrist surgery; upper extremity surgery; orthopaedic surgery; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Dupuytren’s Disease; Xiaflex injections; elbow pain; trigger finger; hand trauma; wrist arthroscopy; tendon repair; nerve injuries; hand tumors; Dequrevain’s Tendonitis
- Harry Mushlin, MDView ProfileDirector, Complex Spine and Deformity, Stony Brook Neurosurgery Spine CenterNeurological SurgeryExpertiseBack Pain; Bulging Disc or Disk; Brain Tumor or Cancer; Cervical Herniated Disk or Disc; Cervical Kyphosis; Cervical Radiculopathy; Cervical Spondylosis; Cervical Stenosis; Chin on Chest Deformity; Degenerative Scoliosis; Disc or Disk Degeneration; Disc or Disk Herniation; Head Trauma; Hydrocephalus; Kyphotic Deformity; Neck Pain; Low Back Pain; Lumbar Radiculopathy; Lumbar Spondylolysis; Lumbar Spondylosis; Lumbar Stenosis; Pathological Fracture; Scheuermann's Kyphosis; Scoliosis; Spinal Stenosis; Spine; Spine Disorders; Spine Lesion; Spine Surgery; Spondylolysis; Spondylosis; Thoracic Kyphosis; Vertebral Stenosis; Neurosurgery; Neurological Surgery
- Brian O'HeaView ProfileAssociate Professor of Clinical Surgery; Chief of Breast and Oncologic Surgery Division; Director of Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care CenterSurgeryExpertiseBreast Biopsy; Breast Cancer; Breast Lumps in Women; Breast Surgery; Oncology; Surgical Oncology
- Diana Patterson, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseorthopaedic surgery; orthopaedics; fracture care; knee surgery; shoulder surgery; sports medicine; ACL tears; meniscus tears; knee arthroscopy; knee instability; rotator cuff tears; shoulder arthroscopy
- Megan Paulus, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor, Chief of Foot and Ankle SurgeryDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseMinimally Invasive Bunion and Hammertoe Surgery; Ankle Instability; Ankle Arthritis; Midfoot and Forefoot Arthritis; Flatfoot Reconstruction; Foot and Ankle Trauma/Fracture Care; Stress Fractures; Achilles Tendon Ruptures; Achilles Tendonitis; Peroneal Tendon Tears; Plantar Fasciitis; Reconstructive Surgery; Orthopaedics; Orthopaedic Surgery; Trauma; Ankle Replacement
- James PennaView ProfileChief of Sports Medicine, Associate ProfessorOrthopaedicsExpertiseankle surgery; arthritis; arthroscopy; fracture care; knee surgery; orthopaedic surgery; orthopaedics; osteoarthritis; shoulder replacement surgery; shoulder surgery; sports medicine; trauma; upper extremity surgery
- Steven Sandoval, MDView ProfileSurgeon, Emergency/Trauma, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Medical Director, Burn CenterSurgeryExpertiseburn treatment; critical care; emergency care; pediatric trauma; wound care; fireworks injuries
- Aaron SassonView ProfileDirector, Pancreatic Cancer Center; Co-Director, Gastointestinal Oncology TeamProfessor of SurgerySurgical OncologyExpertiseCancer; Surgery; Pancreas Cancer; Whipple Procedure; Neuroendocrine Tumors; Esophageal Cancer; Stomach Cancer; Liver Cancer; Bile Duct Cancer; Gallbladder Cancer; Disorders of the Pancreas; Adrenal Disorders; Adrenal Tumors; Adrenal Cancers; Appendiceal Tumors; Appendiceal Cancer; Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
- Aleka Scoco, MDView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor of NeurosurgeryDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseNeurosurgery; Spine surgery; Minimally invasive spine surgery; Neurocritical care; Neurointensive care; Neurotrauma; traumatic brain injury; minimally invasive intracranial hemorrhage evacuation; degenerative spine disease; myelopathy; radiculopathy
- Richard ScrivenView ProfilePediatric Surgeon/Trauma; Associate Professor of Surgery; Director, General Surgery ResidencySurgeryExpertisePediatric Surgery; Laparoscopic Surgery; Pediatric Trauma; Congenital Defects; Hernia Repairs
- Konstantinos Spaniolas, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBSView ProfileProfessor of SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryExpertiseobesity; bariatric surgery; reflux disease; hiatal hernia; GERD; abdominal hernia
- Henry J. TannousView ProfileCo-Director of the Stony Brook University Heart InstituteChief of the Division of Cardiothoracic SurgeryExpertiseCardiac Disease; Cardiac Surgery; Cardiothoracic; Heart Surgery; Lung Cancer; Valvular Heart Disease; TAVR
- Apostolos TassiopoulosView ProfileVascular Surgeon; Chief of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; Program Director of the Vascular Surgery Residency and the Surgical Skills Simulation Center; Co-Director of the Aortic CenterSurgeryExpertiseArtificial Intelligence Applications in Medicine; Vascular Disease; Vascular Trauma; Bypass Surgery; Aortic Aneurysm; Angioplasty; Stents; Stent Graft; Endograft; Vascular Trauma; Bypass Surgery; Carotid Surgery
- James VosswinkelView ProfileLillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professor in Trauma Surgery; Chief, Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care; Medical Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU); Medical Director, Trauma CenterTraumaEmergency SurgerySurgical Critical CareExpertiseTrauma; Abdominal Pain; Anti-Reflux Surgery; Appendicitis; Colon Surgery; Colon/Rectal Surgery; Gallbladder Disease; Gallstones; Gastrointestinal Surgery; GI Surgery; Hernia Repairs; Laparoscopic Surgery; Surgical Critical Care; Fireworks Injuries; Severe Cold Injuries
- Wayne WaltzerView ProfileProfessor and Chairman of the Department of Urology, Director of Kidney Transplant ServicesExpertiseKidney Transplant; Urologic Oncology; Kidney Cancer; Ureteral Cancer; Bladder Cancer; Testis Cancer; Prostate Cancer; PSA Testing; Hydronephrosis; Kidney Stones; Adrenal Gland Diseases; Reconstructive and Robotic Surgery
- Edward Wang, MDView ProfileChief of Shoulder/Elbow Surgery; Clinical ProfessorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseHand Surgery; Shoulder Surgery; Elbow Surgery; Wrist Surgery; Upper Extremity Surgery; Trauma; Shoulder Replacement; Wrist Surgery; Elbow Surgery; Osteoarthritis; Arthritis; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Orthopaedics; Arthroscopy; Frozen Shoulder; Rotator Cuff; Labral Tear