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- Adrienne HaughtonView ProfileDermatologist; Assistant Vice Chairman and Director of Residency Program; Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatological Surgery and Medical DermatologyDermatologyExpertiseBotox Injections; Cosmetic Fillers; Cosmetic Injectables; Dermatology; Skin Care; Alopecia; Skin Cancer; Acne; Eczema; Skin Damage
- Anissa Abi-Dargham, MDView ProfileProfessor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health; Lourie Endowed Chair in Psychiatry; SUNY Distinguished Professor; Director, Multi-Modal Translational Imaging Lab; Associate Dean and Associate Vice President, Clinical and Translational Science; Principal Investigator, Long Island Network for Clinical and Translational Science (LINCATS)PsychiatryExpertiseSchizophrenia; Addiction; Molecular Imaging; Pharmacology; Transitional Science
- Howard AdlerView ProfileUrologist; Associate Professor of Clinical Urology; Medical Director, Prostate Care ProgramUrologyExpertiseProstate Cancer; PSA Testing; Bladder Cancer; Kidney Cancer; Testicular Cancer; Erectile Dysfunction
- H. Reşit AkçakayaView ProfileProfessorEcology and EvolutionExpertiseClimate Change; Species Extinction; Species Conservation; Threatened and Endangered Species; Conservation Biology; Ecology
- Musa al-GharbiView ProfileAssistant ProfessorExpertise U.S. political elections; higher ed controversies; racial/ ethnic tensions; Middle East conflict; the knowledge economy and inequality
- Bassem AllamView ProfileMarinetics Endowed ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseShellfish Diseases; Quahog Parasite; Marine Mollusks and Diseases; Environmental Factors
- Joan AlpersView ProfileDirector, Child Life ServicesChild LifeExpertisePediatrics; Child Life; Child Development; Medical Play; Art Therapy
- Mohammad AminView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPulmonary‚ Critical Care and Sleep MedicineExpertiseSleep Disorders; Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Fatigue; Insomnia; Pulmonary Medicine; CPAP Treatment; PTSD and Sleep
- Jennifer L. AndersonView ProfileAssociate ProfessorHistoryExpertiseCaribbean; Early American History; Long Island History; New York History; Race; Atlantic World; Colonialism; Labor; Slavery; Hurricane Irma
- Mary E AndrewsView ProfileIDEA Fellow in Health Disparities and Critical HealthSchool of Communication and JournalismExpertisehealth communication; tobacco control; health equity across socioeconomic status race gender and sexuality; media/message effects on attitudes and behavior
- Jonathan AnzaloneView ProfileLecturer and Assistant Director of the Center for News LiteracyExpertiseNews Literacy; History; American History; History of Medicine; Writing; Rhetoric; Bioethics; Medical Humanities; Professional Development; Environmental History
- Michelle BallanView ProfileProfessor and Associate Dean of ResearchDepartment of Family‚ Population & Preventive MedicineSchool of Social WelfareExpertiseDisabilities; Domestic Violence; Sexual Health; Reproductive Health; Bioethics; Autism; Medical Education
- James Barsi, MDView ProfileClinical Associate ProfessorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertisePediatric Degenerative; Pediatric Deformity; Pediatric Scoliosis; Pediatric Sports Medicine; Spine Surgery; Trauma
- Julia BearView Profile
- Tazeen BegView ProfileAssistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology; Division Chief, Non-Operating Room AnesthesiaDepartment of AnesthesiologyExpertiseCOVID Airways; General Anesthesiology; Anesthesia for Endoscopy; Ambulatory Anesthesiology; Trauma; Coronavirus
- Ahmed BelaziView ProfileDirector of Planning and Staff DevelopmentDivision of Student AffairsExpertiseSurvey Research; Assessment; Strategic Planning; Organizational Performance Management; Professional Development
- Michael BenderView ProfileProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseData Structures; Algorithms; Big Data; I/O Efficient Algorithms; Database Updates; Technology; Speed of Data; Storage Systems
- Christy BeneriView ProfileAssociate Professor; Fellowship Director, Pediatric Infectious DiseasesDivision of Pediatric Infectious DiseasesStony Brook Children's HospitalExpertiseLyme Disease; Tick-Borne Illness; Tuberculosis; Vaccine Development; Pediatric Transplant; Chronic Diseases; HIV; Immunizations; Cystic Fibrosis
- Elliott Bennett-GuerreroView ProfileVice Chair for Clinical Research; Medical Director for Perioperative Quality and Patient Safety; ProfessorDepartment of AnesthesiologyExpertiseAntibody Testing; Blood Plasma Trials; Coronavirus; Surgical Site Infection; Postoperative Morbidity; Quality Improvement; Cancer Recurrence; Cardiac Anesthesiology; Safety and Effectiveness of Blood Transfusion; Critical Care Medicine; Sepsis; Diabetes
- Lisa Benz ScottView ProfileExecutive Director, Program in Public Health; Professor, School of Health Professions; Founding Director, The Stony Brook Medicine Healthy Libraries Program; Director, Health Care Policy and Management Programs (MHA)Program in Public HealthSchool of Health ProfessionsExpertiseHealth Behavior Change; Research to Improve Transitions in Cardiac Care (especially for women and under-represented minorities) from Inpatient to Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation; Community Engaged and Participatory Research; Community Health Education and Health Promotion; Academic-Community Partnerships; Inter-Professional Education Research and Practice
- William T. Berg, MDView ProfileAssistant Professor of UrologyUrologyExpertiseErectile Dysfunction; Low Testosterone; Hypogonadism; Male Fertility; Men’s Health; Penile Implant; Male sexual dysfunction; Vasectomy Reversal; Peyronie’s Disease; testicular pain; minimally invasive surgical treatment for BPH
- Kristin BernardView ProfileAssistant ProfessorPsychologyExpertiseChild Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Child Neglect; Abuse and Disruption of Care; Parent-Child Relationships; Parenting Intervention; Neurobiological Consequences; Mental Health of Children; Adolescent Mental Health
- James BernaskoView ProfileObstetrician-Gynecologist; Director, Regional Perinatal Center; Director, Stony Brook Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy Center; Clinical Associate Professor, Maternal-Fetal MedicineDepartment of ObstetricsGynecology and Reproductive EndocrinologyExpertiseAmniocentesis; High-Risk Obstetrics; Perinatology; Pre-Eclampsia; Prenatal Care; Prenatal Diagnosis
- Melissa BessahaView ProfileAssociate Professor; Chair of Families, Youth, and Transition to Adulthood SpecializationSchool of Social WelfareExpertiseYoung Adult Mental Health; Transition to Adulthood; Educational Disparities; College Students; Higher Education Equity; Migrant Youth; Immigrant Youth; Social Determinants of Mental Health; Social Support; Loneliness and Social Isolation; Social Work in Higher Education; Program Evaluation
- David BlackView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseClimate Change; Marine Geology; Paleoceanography; Paleoclimatology; Global Warming
- Henry BokuniewiczView ProfileDistinguished Service ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseCoastal Processes; Coastal Groundwater Hydrology; Groundwater Discharge; Rip Currents; Coastal Erosion; Dredging; Marine Mining; Coastal Zone; Ocean Beaches; Shoreline Changes; Storm Effects
- Yevgen BorodinView ProfileResearch Assistant ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseWeb Accessibility; Assistive Technology; Web Automation; Human-Computer Interaction; Visual Impairments and Computers; Technology for Visually Impaired; Special Education; Education Technology; English Language Learning; Apps for Dyslexia
- Ruth B. BottigheimerView ProfileResearch ProfessorDepartment of EnglishExpertiseFairy Tales; Children’s Literature; Grimm’s Fairy Tales
- Rachel BoykanView Profile
- Denise BuhrauView ProfileAssistant ProfessorMarketingExpertiseConsumer Behavior; Health Behaviors; TV Viewing and Eating Habits; Health Decision-Making; Marketing
- Julie BurrillView ProfilePostdoctoral Associate for Forensic Science Communication in the CourtroomAlan Alda Center for Communicating ScienceExpertiseforensic science; touch DNA; trace DNA; forensic biology; DNA transfer; scientific litigation; science communication; scientific testimony; science and law; scientific evidence
- Jonathan Buscaglia, MD, FASGE, AGAFView ProfileChief Medical Officer; Professor of MedicineGastroenterologyHepatologyExpertiseBiliary Diseases; Esophageal Cancer; Esophageal Diseases; Gallbladder Disease; Gallstones; Gastric Cancer; Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; Gerd (Gastroesophageal Reflux); Pancreatic Cancer; Pancreatic Diseases; Stomach Cancer
- Turhan CanliView ProfileDirector, SCAN (Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience) Center; Associate ProfessorDepartment of PsychologyDepartment of RadiologyExpertiseGene-Environment Interactions; Brain Imaging; Brain Stimulation; fMRI; Brain Basis of Emotion; Neuroethics; Mood and Anxiety Disorders; Depression
- Gabrielle A. CarlsonView ProfileProfessor, DirectorPsychiatryExpertiseBipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents; Depression (Children); Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder; Psychopharmacology (Children); Child/Adolescent Suicide
- Paola Cascante BonillaView ProfileAssistant ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseComputer Vision; Natural Language Processing; Embodied AI; Machine Learning
- Tuhin ChakrabartyView ProfileAssistant ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseGenerative AI; Creativity; Sociotechnical Systems; Natural Language Processing; Human AI Interaction
- Nilanjan ChakrabortyView ProfileAssistant ProfessorMechanical EngineeringExpertiseArtificial Intelligence; Robotics; Human-Robot Interactions; Automation; Robot Systems
- Richard ChanView ProfileAssociate ProfessorCollege of BusinessExpertiseRemote Working; Business and COVID; Visual/Auditory Cues; Entrepreneurial Finance; Crowdfunding Innovations; Psychology and Entrepreneurship
- Chung-Chueh (Simon) ChangView ProfileProject Director, Thermomechanical and Imaging Nanoscale Characterization (ThINC) core facilityAdvanced Energy Research and Technology CenterEconomic DevelopmentExpertiseMicroscopy; Spectroscopy; Nanotechnology; Materials; Thermal Characterization; Mechanical Characterization; Materials Characterization; Spectrum Analysis; Thermomechanical Characterization; Thin Film and Surface Analysis
- Robert T. ChaseView ProfileAssistant ProfessorHistoryExpertiseMass Incarceration; Policing and Punishment; Civil Rights; Black/Brown Power; Mass Shootings; Confederate Flag; Racial Relations; Race Relations
- David Chesler, MD, PhDView ProfileDirector of Pediatric Neurosurgery; Clinical Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and PediatricsDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseCraniosynostosis; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Endoscopic Neurosurgery; Pediatric Neurosurgery; Pediatric Brain Tumor; Pediatric Spinal Cord Tumor; Neurosurgery; Hydrocephalus; Pediatric Spine Surgery; Spina Bifida; Head Trauma
- Tirumala Rao ChimpiriView ProfileSenior Programmer AnalystDivision of Information Technology (DoIT)ExpertiseEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP); Cloud HCM; Database Systems; Programming Languages; Higher Education; Innovation
- Maribeth ChitkaraView ProfilePediatrician, Director, Pediatric ClerkshipDepartment of PediatricsExpertisePediatrics; Inpatient Hospital Medicine; Hospitalist
- Sean CloustonView ProfileAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Family Population & Preventive MedicineProgram in Public HealthExpertiseEpidemiology; Gerontology; Cognitive Aging; WTC Exposure Related Illnesses; Neurological Health; Long-Duration Exposures; COVID-19
- Jules CohenView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor of MedicineHematologyOncologyExpertiseBreast Cancer; Medical Oncology; Chemobrain; Pet Scans; Radiotracers; Chemotherapy; Aromatase Inhibitors
- Brian ColleView ProfileProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseExtreme Weather; Winter Storms; Hurricanes; Flash Flooding; Urban (example: NYC) and Coastal Weather; Weather Forecast Predictions; Extreme Weather Forecast Communication; Regional Climate Impacts; Fire Weather; Mountain Meteorology
- Jackie CollierView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertisePhytoplankton Physiological Ecology; Marine Microbiology; Marine Organisms; Phytoplankton; Marine Ecosystems; Fungus Organisms; Ocean Plants; Ocean and Environment
- Josephine Connolly-SchoonenView ProfileChief of Nutrition Division; Director of Dietetic Internship Program; Associate Clinical ProfessorDepartment of Family‚ Population and Preventive MedicineExpertiseObesity; Diabetes; Eating Disorders; Hyperlipidemia; Disease Prevention; Diet; Weight Loss; Metabolism; School Lunch; USDA; School Nutrition; FDA
- Amy CookView ProfileVice Provost for Academic Affairs; ProfessorDepartment of EnglishExpertiseInterdisciplinary Research; Cognitive Poetics; Theatre; Casting; Contemporary Performance; Cognitive Linguistics; Shakespeare; Representations of Race and Gender; Drama; Theatre History
- Patricia CoyleView ProfileNeurologist, Founder, Director, Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center; Professor and Vice Chair of NeurologyDepartment of NeurologyExpertiseMultiple Sclerosis; Bechet’s Disease; CNS Demyelination; Lyme Disease; Neuro Inflammatory Diseases; Neurosarcoidosis; Neuroimmunology; Neurologic Infections; Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (Devic Disease); Optic Neuritis; Transverse Myelitis
- Rafael D'AndreaView ProfileAssistant ProfessorEcology and EvolutionExpertiseEcology; Theoretical Community Ecology; Species Coexistence; Competition; Niche Theory; Neutral Theory of Biodiversity
- Alexander DagumView ProfileReconstructive Surgeon; Professor of Surgery and Orthopedics; Executive Vice Chair of Surgery; Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Co-Director of Cleft Palate-Craniofacial CenterSurgeryExpertiseBasal Cell Carcinoma; Birth Defects; Cleft Lip and Palate; Congenital Defects; Facial Reconstruction; Hand Surgery; Microsurgery; Rhinoplasty; Nose Job; Plastic Surgery
- Frank DarrasView ProfileClinical Professor of Urology; Clinical/Medical Director of the Renal Transplantation ProgramUrologyExpertiseAdrenal Gland Diseases; Bladder Cancer; Hydronephrosis; Kidney Cancer; Kidney Stones; Kidney Transplants; Prostate Cancer; Renal Transplantation; Urology
- Samir DasView ProfileChairComputer ScienceExpertiseComputer Networks; Wireless and Mobile Networks; Cellular Networks; Sensor Networks; Mobile Computing
- Reza Dashti, MD, PhD, IFAANS, FACSView ProfileAssociate Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology; Associate Director of Cerebrovascular CenterDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseBrain Aneurysm; Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM); Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations; Cavernous Malformations; Moyamoya Disease; Extracranial to Intracranial Bypass Surgery; Carotid Artery Disease; Carotid Artery Stenting; Carotid Endarterectomy; Skull Base Tumors; Meningioma; Craniopharyngiomas; Pituitary Tumors; Brain Tumors; Stroke Stroke Treatment; Endovascular Neurosurgery; Microneurosurgery
- Joanne DavilaView ProfileProfessor and ChairPsychologyExpertiseIntimate Relationships; Romantic Competence; Healthy Relationships; Teens and Romance; LGBTQ Relationships; Relationship Education; Love
- Raphael DavisView ProfileProfessor and Chair of Neurological Surgery; Co-Director of the Neurosciences Institute; Co-Director of the Skull Base Surgery Center; NeurosurgeonNeurosurgeryExpertiseBrain Cancer; Aneurysms; Acoustic Neuroma; Arachnoid Cyst; Neurosurgery; Pituitary Tumors; Ruptured Disc; Spinal Tumors; Spine Surgery; Glioblastoma
- Mohammad DelasayView ProfileAssociate ProfessorOperations ManagementExpertiseBusiness Analytics; Data Analytics; Healthcare Operations Management; Supply Chain Management
- Vanessa DelgadoView ProfilePostdoctoral FellowDepartment of SociologyExpertise Immigration; Children of Immigrants; Latino/a/x Families; Undocumented Immigrants; Parent-Child Relationships; Education
- Andrew DeltonView ProfileAssistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseEvolutionary Psychology; Political Psychology; Behavioral Economics; Group Cooperation; Morality; Evolution of Human Cognition; Evolution of Emotions
- Robin DeLuca-AcconiView ProfileAssistant Dean, Student Services; Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of Social WelfareExpertiseSchool Social Work; School Based Mental Health; Educational Access and Equity; Anxiety in Children and Adolescents; Social Emotional Learning; Human Rights Education and Advocacy; Trauma-Sensitive School Interventions
- Peter DescioliView ProfileAssistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseMorality; Moralistic Punishment; Moral Condemnation; Moral Impartiality; Friendships; Alliances; Friend Ranking; Experimental Economics; Behavioral Economics; Evolutionary Psychology
- Veronique Deutsch-Anzalone, PsyD, PMH-CView ProfileClinical Psychologist; Clinical Assistant Professor of PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral HealthExpertiseCognitive-Behavioral Therapy; Mindfulness; Women’s health; Trauma; Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS); anxiety related to new parenting; LGBTQ issues for adults
- Ken DillView ProfileLaufer Family Endowed Chair of Physical and Quantitative Biology; Distinguished ProfessorDepartment of ChemistryDepartment of Physics and AstronomyExpertisePhysics of Proteins; Biological Statistical Physics; Computational Biology; Protein Folding; Quantitative Biology; Principles of Cell Adaptation; Aging of Cells; Biophysical Origins of Life
- Kimberly Joy DixonView ProfileDirector of Employer Engagement and Diversity RecruitmentCareer CenterExpertiseCareer Readiness; Talent Development; Job Market; External Partnership Development; Diversity Recruitment Initiatives; Internships; College to Work Transition; Future of Work
- Petar DjuricView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorElectrical and Computer EngineeringExpertiseMachine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Signal and Information Processing; Bayesian Optimization; Monte Carlo methods; Distributed Signal Processing
- Susan DonelanView ProfileMedical Director; Assistant ProfessorInfectious DiseaseExpertiseMonkeypox; Flu; Lyme Disease; Epidemiology; Infectious Diseases; Ebola; MRSA; Influenza; Zika Virus; Tick-Borne Illnesses; Mosquito-Borne Diseases; Coronavirus
- Patricia DunnView ProfileProfessor EmeritusEnglishExpertise The Teaching of Writing; Disability Studies in Education; Young Adult Literature
- James Henry Dunne, Esq.View ProfileLecturerStrategy & EntrepreneurshipExpertiseBusiness Law; Corporate Transactional Law; Business / Entrepreneur Startup; Labor and Employment Law; Commercial Mediation; EEOC; Department of Health; ADA; Hospitality Industry; Restaurant Management; Restaurant Law; Beverage (Wine; Beer & Spirits) Industry
- Liliana M. DávalosView ProfileProfessorEcology and EvolutionExpertisePhylogenetics; Molecular Evolution; Deforestation; Tropical Biology
- Margaret EchelbargerView ProfileAssistant Professor of MarketingCollege of BusinessExpertiseConsumer Behavior; Marketing; Consumer Well-Being; Financial Decision Making
- Norman EdelmanView ProfileProfessorDepartment of Family Population & Preventive MedicineInternal MedicinePulmonary DivisionCore Member in Program in Public HealthExpertiseLung Diseases; Lung Health; Health Care Policy; Health Care Workforce
- Michael Egnor, MDView ProfileDirector of Neurosurgery Residency Program; Professor of Neurosurgery and PediatricsDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseNeurosurgery; Head Trauma; Brain Cancer; Hydrocephalus; Spina Bifida; Spinal Tumors
- Allison Eliscu, (she/her/hers)View ProfileChief of Division of Adolescent Medicine; Medical Director of Adolescent LGBTQ* Program; Associate Professor of Clinical PediatricsPediatrics – Adolescent MedicineExpertiseAdolescent Medicine; Adolescent Gynecology; Menstruation Disorders; LGBTQ Care; Transgender Care; Eating Disorders; Puberty; Well Check/Health Supervision; Adolescent Depression; Adolescent Anxiety
- Andrew (Drew) EngelhardtView ProfileAssistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertisepolitical psychology; public opinion; polling; voting behavior; race ethnicity and politics; identity politics
- Ralph Epstein, DDSView ProfileClinical Associate Professor and Program Director of the Dental Anesthesiology Residency ProgramOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryDepartment of AnesthesiologyExpertiseDental Anesthesiology; Anesthesia Management; Patients With Special Needs
- Richard D. Faber, DDS, MSView ProfileClinical Professor of Orthodontics; Director of Advanced Education in Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicsDepartment of Orthodontics and Pediatric DentistryExpertiseOrthodontics; Orthognathic Surgery; Adult Orthodontics; Invisalign; Cleft Palate; Craniofacial Syndromes; Growth Related Disorders; Interdisciplinary Dental Treatment
- Wilfred H. Farquharson, IV, PhDView ProfilePsychologist and Clinical Associate ProfessorPsychiatry and Behavioral HealthExpertiseHealthcare Inequity; Racism; LGBTQ+; Child and Adolescent Mental Health; Trauma; Inclusive Care Training; COVID-19 Pandemic Stress; Mental Health Emergency Response; Impact of Racism on the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Eugene FeinbergView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorApplied Mathematics and StatisticsExpertiseMarkov Decision Processes; Smart Grids; Long Island Smart Energy Corridor
- Stanley FeldmanView ProfileProfessor and Associate Director of the Center for Survey ResearchPolitical ScienceExpertisePolitical Psychology; Partisan Identity; Political Ideology; Public Opinion; Voting Behavior; Politics and Emotions
- Suzanne FieldsView ProfileGeriatrician, Chief, Division of Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine and Hospitalist MedicineMedicineExpertiseGeriatric Care; Geriatric Medicine
- Iris FinebergView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Social WelfareExpertisePalliative Care; End of Life Care; Hospice Care; Cancer and Dying; Serious Illness; Oncology Care; Oncology Social Work; Interdisciplinary Care; Interdisciplinary Education; Family Conferences; Communication
- Stacey FinkelsteinView ProfileProfessorMarketingExpertiseConsumer Behavior; Marketing; Vaccine Hesitancy; Health Decision Making; Marketing for Small Businesses
- Donovan FinnView ProfileDivision Head, Sustainability Studies; Faculty Director, Environmental Design, Policy, and Planning, Associate ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseUrban Planning; Sustainable Development; Sustainability; Resiliency Planning; Disaster Recovery; Sustainability in New York Region
- David FiorellaView ProfileDirector of the Stony Brook Cerebrovascular Center; Co-Director of the Stony Brook Cerebrovascular and Comprehensive Stroke Center; Professor of Neurosurgery and RadiologyNeurosurgeryExpertiseAneurysms; Cerebral Hemorrhage; Stroke; Mechanical Thrombectomy; Apollo Procedure; Mobile Stroke Units; MSU; Intracranial Stenting; Carotid Stenting; WEB; Pipeline Stent; Interventional Neuroradiology; Brain Aneurysm; Brain Tumor and AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) Embolization
- Nicholas FisherView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseMarine Biology; Marine Pollution; Metals in Water; Marine Food Chains; Polluted Water; Mercury and BlueFin Tuna
- Jennifer FitzgibbonView ProfileRegistered Oncology Dietitian, Stony Brook University Cancer CenterSurgeryExpertiseOncology; Clinical Nutrition; Diet; Nutrition; Wellness; Obesity; Food; Supplements; Vitamins; Nutrients
- Charles FlaggView ProfileResearch ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseFire Island Breaches; Coastal Lagoons of Southern Long Island; Continental Shelf Dynamics; Climate Change; Global Warming; Hurricane Sandy
- John FleagleView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorAnatomical SciencesExpertisePrimate Evolution; Behavior and Ecology; Primate Anatomy; Evolution of Monkeys and Apes
- Crystal M FlemingView ProfileProfessorSociology and Africana StudiesExpertiseGlobal Racism; Critical Race Theory; Collective Memory; Mindfulness
- Andrew FlescherView ProfileProfessorProgram in Public HealthEnglish DepartmentExpertiseBioethics; Ethics of Organ Transplantation; Biomedical Ethics; Health Care Ethics; Donated Organ Shortage
- Lori FloresView ProfileAssociate ProfessorHistoryExpertiseLatinos in the US; Mexican Americans; Food Labor and Immigration; Mexican Food History; Guest Workers
- Paul FodorView ProfileLecturer and Research Assistant ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseArtificial Intelligence; Software Engineering; Programming Languages; Database Systems
- Alfredo Fontanini, MD, PhDView ProfileVice Provost for Research and Infrastructure; Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurobiology and BehaviorNeurobiology & BehaviorExpertiseNeurobiology; Neuroscience; Human Senses; Taste
- Kenneth FormanView Profile
- Nina FreibergerView ProfilePostdoctoral AssociateAlan Alda Center for Communicating ScienceExpertiseHealth Disparities; gender norms; depression; information seeking; information processing
- Michael FrenchView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseExtreme Weather; Supercell and Tornado Dynamics; Doppler Weather Radar Applications; Mesoscale Meteorology
- Fred FriedbergView Profile
- Bettina FriesView ProfileChief, Division of Infectious DiseasesProfessor of MedicineMolecular Genetics and MicrobiologyExpertiseCoronavirus; COVID-19; Influenza; Infectious Diseases; Antibiotic Resistance; Multi-Drug Resistance Microbiology; Nosocomial Infections; Fungal Infections; Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts
- Nicole GalanteView ProfileDirector, Educational Partnerships and Innovation; Director, Center for Teaching and Learning in CommunitySchool of Professional DevelopmentExpertiseK-12 Education; Teacher Development; Educational Leadership; Education; Teacher Training; Preservice Teacher Training
- Elizabeth GardunoView ProfileVice Chair of Education, Residency Program DirectorObstetrics‚ Gynecology and Reproductive MedicineExpertisePregnancy; Gynecologic Conditions; Ultrasound; Women's Health; Women's Medicine
- David GarryView ProfileDivision DirectorMaternal Fetal MedicineExpertiseWomen’s Health; Pregnancy; High Risk Pregnancy; Miscarriage; Prenatal Care; Obstetrics; Amniocentesis; Pregnancy Complications; STD; Prenatal Care; Opioid Crisis; Addiction
- Richard J. GatteauView ProfileVice President for Student AffairsDivision of Student AffairsExpertiseStudent Development; Leadership; Organizational Development; Advising and Counseling
- Sean GettyView ProfileClinical Associate ProfessorOccupational Therapy ProgramExpertiseOccupational Therapy; Mental Health; Mental Illness; Mental Health Recovery
- Christine GilbertView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSchool of Communication and JournalismExpertise climate communication; scicomm; crisis and risk communication
- Timothy GlotchView Profile
- Christopher GoblerView ProfileEndowed Chair of Coastal Ecology and Conservation; Distinguished ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseHarmful Algal Blooms; Brown Tide; Climate Change; Ocean Acidification; Ocean Warming; Hypoxia; Bivalves; Clean Water Technology; Groundwater; Drinking Waters; Coastal Ecosystems
- Avram R GoldView ProfileClinical Associate ProfessorPulmonary DiseasesCritical CareSleep MedicineExpertiseSleep Apnea; Sleep Disorder; Sleep Medicine; Snoring; Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome; Pulmonary Disease; Sleep Study
- Kristie Golden-CampoView ProfileAssociate Director of OperationsHospital AdministrationExpertiseVocational Rehabilitation; Opioid Crisis; Psychiatry; Mental Health; Child Disability; Adult Disability; Substance Abuse; Neuroscience; Telehealth; Operations
- Adam GonzalezView ProfileVice Chair of Behavioral Health; Founding Director of the Mind-Body Clinical Research Center; Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral HealthPsychiatryExpertiseMindfulness; PTSD; Resilience; Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Cigarette Smoking; Smoking Cessation; Clinical Psychology
- Paul GootenbergView ProfileDistinguished History and Sociology Professor; Department ChairHistoryExpertiseDrug History; Drug Issues; Drug Reform; Illicit Drugs; Latin America; Social History; Peru; Andean; Mexico; Cocaine and Peru; Colombia
- Elyse GrahamView ProfileProfessorEnglishExpertiseHistory of Language; New York City Language; Digital Humanities; New Media; History of Spycraft; Spies in World War II
- Todd GriffinView ProfileInterim Vice President for Clinical Services; Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs; Professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive MedicineObstetricsGynecology and Reproductive MedicineExpertiseHysterectomy; Laparoscopic Surgery; Ultrasound; Women's Health; Women's Medicine; Obstetrics/Gynecology; Pregnancy; Fertility
- Frederick GrineView ProfileProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseHuman Evolution; First Humans; Early Human Diets; Human Diet Evolution; African Fossil Record; Evolution in Africa; South Africa
- Brian GuayView ProfileAssistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseMisinformation; polarization; political behavior; political psychology
- Frederick GutmanView ProfileNeurosurgeon; Director, Neurosurgery Inpatient Service; Co-director, Neuro-Oncology Center of the Neurosciences Institute; Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery and OrthopedicsNeurological SurgeryExpertiseNeurosurgery; Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Lauren HaleView ProfileProfessorDepartment of Family Population & Preventive MedicineExpertiseSocial Determinants of Sleep; Health Disparities; Sleep Health; Women’s Health; Health in Retirement; Demographics and Health; Maternal and Child Health
- Andrew Handel, MD, FAAPView ProfileAssistant Professor of PediatricsDepartment of PediatricsDivision of Infectious DiseasesExpertisePediatrics; Infectious Diseases; Lyme Disease; Ticks; COVID-19; Vaccines; Pneumonia; Bone Infections; Fungal Infections; Immunocompromised; Neonatal Infections; Diagnostics; Congenital CMV
- Yusuf HannunView ProfileDirector of Stony Brook Cancer Center; Vice Dean for Cancer Medicine; Joel Strum Kenny Professor in Cancer ResearchMedicineExpertiseCancer; Cancer Biology; Cancer Research; Cancer Therapy; Cancer Risk Factors
- Gilbert N. HansonView ProfileDistinguished Service ProfessorGeosciencesExpertiseGeology of Long Island; Long Island and Groundwater; Pine Barrens of Long Island; Water Well System; Aquifer System
- Sonia HarmandView ProfileAssociate ProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseArchaeology of Human Origins in East Africa; Origins and Evolution of Lithic Technology; Primate Models for Behavioral Evolution
- Robert HarrisonView ProfileProfessor and Endowed Director of the Institute for Advanced Computational ScienceApplied Mathematics & StatisticsExpertiseComputational Science; High-Performance Computing
- Cara E HarthView ProfileAssociate Professor of Neurology; Clerkship Director, Neurology; Co-Director, Mind, Brain & Behavior CourseNeurologyExpertiseGeneral Neurology; Hospital Neurology; Brain Death; Coma; Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy; Dysautonomia; POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome); Medical Education
- R. Anna HaywardView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Social WelfareExpertiseClimate Change; Natural Disasters; Environmental Justice; Fatherhood; Children and Family Services; Program Evaluation
- Jennifer HeerwigView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSociologyExpertisePolitical Sociology; Longitudinal Elite Contributor Dataset; Campaign Finance; Elite Campaign Contributors; Federal Elections; Big Data; Democracy Vouchers; Public Election Financing; Corporate Elites
- Victoria HesfordView ProfileAssociate ProfessorWomen's‚ Gender‚ and Sexuality StudiesExpertiseGender; LGBTQ Issues; Sexuality; Queer and Feminist Theory; Queer and Feminist History; Popular Culture; TV and Film
- Elizabeth HewittView ProfileAssociate ProfessorTechnology and SocietyExpertiseResilience; Energy Efficiency; Built Environments; Behavior and Decision-Making; Urban Planning
- Nancy HiemstraView ProfileAssociate ProfessorWomen's‚ Gender‚ and Sexuality StudiesExpertiseImmigration Policy; Immigration Detention; Immigrant Deportation; Immigration Industries; Illegal immigration; Immigration policy and gender; Immigration policy and women; Immigration and citizenship; Immigration and national identity; Immigration discourses / narratives; Global migration patterns and policies; Latin American immigration; U.S. Border Enforcement; Ecuadorian migration
- Laura HoganView ProfilePediatric Hematologist/Oncologist; Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Chief, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; Director, Pediatric Oncology Survivorship Program; Co-Director, Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology ProgramPediatric Hematology/OncologyExpertisePediatric Cancer; Chemotherapy; Cancer Treatment; Pediatric Leukemia; Pediatric Survivorship; Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology
- Kristin HopkinsView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor and Attending PhysicianOrthopaedic SurgerySports MedicineExpertiseAnkle Surgery; Arthroscopy; Cartilage Restoration and Preservation; Elbow Surgery; Fracture Care; Labral Surgery; Ligament Repair and Reconstruction; Knee Surgery; Meniscus Surgery; Orthopaedic Surgery; Osteoarthritis; Rotator Cuff Surgery; Shoulder Replacement Surgery; Shoulder Surgery; Sports Medicine; Trauma; Upper Extremity Surgery
- Braden HoschView ProfileVice President for Educational & Institutional EffectivenessInstitutional Research‚ Planning & EffectivenessExpertiseHigher Education; College Costs; Education Policy; Institutional Research; Data Analytics; Big Data; Data Strategy; Accreditation; Accountability
- Benjamin S. HsiaoView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorChemistryExpertiseWater Purification; Nanomaterials and Water Purification; Sustainable Drinking Water Supply; Water Purification Technology
- Leonie HuddyView ProfileProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseElections; Public Opinion; Polling; Voting Behavior; Political Psychology; Women in Politics
- Joel HurowitzView Profile
- Heidi HutnerView ProfileAssociate ProfessorEnglishExpertiseParis Climate Accord; Environmental Justice; Climate Change; Food Rights; Animal Rights; Sustainability
- Danling JiangView ProfileProfessor; Associate Dean of Research and Faculty DevelopmentFinanceExpertiseFinance; Investments; Decision Making; Economics; Political Science; Stock Market; Blockchain and Cryptos
- Evan JonesView ProfileProfessor, Chair, President of Stony Brook Dermatology AssociatesDermatologyExpertiseskin tumors; basal cell carcinoma; soft tissue sarcoma; dermatology; melanoma; merkel cell carcinoma; Mohs micrographic surgery; skin cancer; squamous cell carcinoma of the skin; sun protection; skin cancer prevention; sun protection education
- Chang Kee JungView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorPhysics and AstronomyExpertisephysics of sports; particle physics; antimatter; neutrinos; neutrino oscillations; proton decay; grand unification theories; NFL Super Bowl
- E. Ann KaplanView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorEnglishExpertiseWomen and Film; Feminist Theory; Trauma Studies; Environmental Humanities; Trauma; Climate Change; Dystopia; Women’s Studies
- Roxanne KarimiView ProfileAdjunct Assistant ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseEnvironmental health; aquatic ecology; freshwater and marine pollutants; mercury; heavy metals; seafood consumption; health effects from eating fish
- Susan KatzView ProfileNurse Practitioner, Clinical Instructor, Infant Apnea Program Coordinator, SAFE KIDS, SuffolkPediatricsExpertiseChild Passenger Safety; Sports Injury Prevention; Water Safety; SIDS Prevention
- Stephanie KeltonView ProfileProfessorEconomics and Public PolicyExpertiseEconomics; Modern Monetary Theory (MMT); The Federal Reserve; International Finance; Social Security; Investment Banking; Debt Crisis; Deficit Spending; Fiscal Policy; Employment Policy; Political Debate
- Fazel Khan, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor, Chief Orthopaedic OncologyDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseOrthopaedic Surgery; Trauma; Oncology; Cancer; Cancer Treatment; Orthopaedic Oncology; Joint replacement; Osteoarthritis; Bone Tumors; Hip Replacement; Knee Replacement; Joint Reconstruction; Excision of tumors; Joint Replacement Revisions
- Michael KinchView ProfileChief Innovation OfficerOffice for Research and InnovationExpertiseimmunology; pandemics; epidemics; oncology; FDA; drug development; innovation; entrepreneurship; energy strategy; pharmaceuticals; biotechnology
- Robbye KinkadeView ProfileDirector of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the School of Health Professions; Clinical Assistant ProfessorHealth Science ProgramExpertiseimplicit bias; diversity; inclusion; equity; public health; domestic violence; cultural competency; microaggession; culture
- Daniel KleinView Profile
- Reuben KlineView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPolitical ScienceCenter for Behavioral Political EconomyExpertiseBehavioral Economics; Behavioral Public Policy; Experimental Social Science; Climate Change; Artificial Intelligence
- Daniel KnopfView ProfileProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseOzone Layer; Aerosol Particles; Air Pollution; Sea Spray Aerosols; Smoke or Fog; Cloud Formation and Effect on Climate; Atmospheric Ice Crystal Formation
- Jin KodaView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPhysics and AstronomyExpertisegalactic disks; star formation; dark matter; ultra-dark galaxies; deep space; origin of the universe; cosmology
- Andreas KoenigView ProfileProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseNonhuman Primates; Behavioral Ecology; Social Evolution; Primate Mating Behavior; Primate Life History; Primate Ecology; Asian Primates; Leaf Monkeys; Hanuman Langurs
- Angela A. Kokkosis, MD, FACSView ProfileAssociate Professor of Surgery, Program Director of Vascular Surgery Residency, Director of Center for Vein Care, Director of Carotid Interventions, Director of VTE Team, Medical Director of the Non-Invasive Vascular LabDepartment of SurgeryExpertisearterial disease; venous disease; vascular surgery; varicose veins; arterial disease in women; carotid surgery; circulation; thoracic outlet syndrome; dialysis access
- Seth KorbinView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor; Orthopaedic Surgeon; Director of Joint Replacement SurgeryStony Brook OrthopaedicsStony Brook Southampton HospitalExpertiseHip and Knee Degenerative Conditions; Hip Arthritis; Knee Arthritis; Hip Surgery; Knee Surgery; Primary Total Hip Replacement; Primary Total Knee Replacement; Revision Total Hip Replacement; Revision Total Knee Replacement; Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Replacement; Anterior Hip Replacement; Partial Knee Replacement; Joint Replacement Infections; Trauma; Orthopaedic Surgery; Fracture Care
- Laurie KrugView ProfileAssistant ProfessorMolecular Genetics and MicrobiologyExpertiseherpes virus; Epstein-Barr virus; Kaposi’s sarcoma;
- Giancarlo La CameraView ProfileAssociate ProfessorNeurobiology & BehaviorExpertiseneuro-AI; decision-making; plasticity and learning; memory; cortex; neural networks; neural coding; computational neuroscience; mathematical models
- Gallya LahavView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseImmigration; Refugees; Politics; Public Opinion; European Integration (EU); Political Culture
- James LattimerView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorPhysics and AstronomyExpertiseNeutron Stars; Dense Nuclear Matter; Nuclear Astrophysics; Supernovae; Gravitational Waves
- William LawsonView ProfileProfessor of Medicine, Director of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories, Vice Chair of MedicineMedicineExpertiseAngioplasty (Coronary); Cardiac Catheterization; Cardiology; Coronary Disease; Enhanced External Counterpulse; Heart Attack; Heart Failure; Hyperlipidemia; Hypertension; Research Trials-Clinical Trial
- Brian Lebowitz, PhDView ProfileClinical Associate Professor, DirectorNeurologyExpertiseBrain Injury; Neurology; ADHD; Learning Disorders; Memory Disorders; Cognition; Psychiatric Disorders; Neurological Illnesses
- Susan Lee, MD FACPView ProfileAssociate Professor of Clinical Medicine; Medical Director of Stony Brook Primary CareGeneral MedicineExpertiseInternal Medicine; Primary Care; Patient Center Medical Home; Immunizations; Women's Health; Humanism in Medicine
- George LeibowitzView ProfileProfessorSchool of Social WelfareExpertiseOpioid Crisis; Addiction; Incarcerated Adults and Juveniles; Forensic Practice; Trauma; Sexual Abuse; Addiction; Homelessness; Poverty; Troubled Youth
- Daniel LevyView ProfileProfessorSociologyExpertiseSolidarity; Globalization; Collective Memory; Comparative Historical Sociology; Human Rights; Europeanist
- Jian LiView ProfileAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Applied Mathematics & StatisticsDepartment of Computer ScienceExpertiseReinforcement learning and multi-armed bandits; federated/decentralized learning; applications in next-generation networked systems (e.g.; wireless networks)
- Wenbo LiView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSchool of Communication and JournalismExpertiseScience communication; health communication; communication technology; social media; artificial intelligence
- Laura LindenfeldView ProfileDean, Executive Director, Alan Alda Center for Communicating ScienceSchool of Communication and JournalismExpertiseScience Communication; Public Engagement with Science; Environmental Communication; Sustainability; Science Engagement; Stakeholder Engagement; Food Studies; Cultural Studies; Media Studies
- Haibin LingView ProfileSUNY Empire Innovation ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseArtificial Intelligence; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Medical Image Analysis; AI for Science; Augmented Reality
- Yi LiuView ProfileAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Applied Mathematics & Statistics and Department of Computer ScienceExpertiseMachine Learning; Deep Learning; Data Mining
- Marci LobelView ProfileProfessor; Principal Investigator of the Stony Brook Pregnancy Project; Director of the Stress and Reproduction (STAR) LabPsychologyExpertisePregnancy; Women’s Reproductive Health; Domestic Violence and Pregnancy; Prenatal Stress; PNMS; Stereotypes and Pregnancy; Premature Birth; Postpartum Depression; Menopause; Infertility; Premenstrual Syndrome
- Jon LongtinView Profile
- Deborah Lowen-KleinView ProfileInterim Vice President for AdvancementUniversity AdvancementExpertisemission-based fundraising; philanthropy in higher ed; intergenerational transfer of knowledge; foundation board management; 21st century fundraising teams
- Benjamin LuftView ProfileDirector and Principal Investigator, Stony Brook WTC Wellness ProgramInfectious DiseaseExpertiseInfectious Disease; Lyme Disease; Tick-Borne Illness; WTC Exposure Related Illnesses
- Christian LuhmannView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPsychologyExpertiseNeuroscience; Decision-Making; Memory Transmission and Social Networks; Contagious Information; Altruistic Behavior and Social Networks; Decision-Making
- Heather LynchView ProfileProfessor and Institute for Advanced Computational Sciences Endowed Chair in Ecology & Evolution; Director for the Collaborative for the EarthEcology and EvolutionExpertisePenguin Population; Climate Change and Antarctica; Antarctic Conservation; Seabirds; Ecotourism
- Tengfei MaView ProfileAssistant ProfessorBiomedical InformaticsExpertiseArtificial intelligence; machine learning; natural language processing; biomedical informatics; healthcare; graph neural networks; time series analysis; large language models
- Brittain MahaffeyView ProfileAssistant ProfessorPsychiatry and Behavioral HealthExpertisemental health; behavioral health; depression; anxiety; mental health and holidays; stress disorders; PTSD; psychotherapy; first responders/disaster mental health; pregnancy; perinatal mental health; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD); intervention development
- Manoj MahajanView ProfileSenior Research Scientist (CEWIT) / Associate Professor (COB)Economic Development (CEWIT) / College of BusinessExpertisedefense research; military technology and equipment; satellite imagery; international affairs; technology assessment; computer vision; intelligence analysis; policy; venture capital; forecast modeling; aerospace
- Kerri MahoneyView ProfileDirectorCenter for Prevention and OutreachExpertiseAlcohol and Other Drugs in College; College Mental Health; Safer Sex; Health and Wellness in Higher Education; Peer Education; Health Promotion; Bystander Trainings; Harm Reduction
- Smita Majumdar DasView ProfileDirectorThe Center for Prevention and Outreach SchoolExpertisebehavioral health; suicide prevention; mental health disparity; sexual and interpersonal violence prevention; alcohol and other drugs prevention; early intervention; bystander training; public health; grant writing; health promotion; peer education
- Sandeep Mallipattu, MDView ProfileProfessor of MedicineChief of the Division of Nephrology & HypertensionDepartment of MedicineExpertiseKidney; Diabetic Kidney Disease; Chronic Kidney Disease; Acute Kidney Injury; Dialysis; End-Stage Kidney Disease; Glomerular Disease; Kidney Regeneration
- Thomas Manders, DDS, FICDView ProfileDirector, Division of Endodontics; Director, Advanced Education Program in EndodonticsPeriodontologyExpertiseSurgical Endodontic treatment; Non-Surgical Endodontic treatment
- Lucian Manu, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Director of Neuromodulation; Founding Director, Treatment Resistant Depression ProgramDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral HealthExpertisePsychiatry; Behavioral Health; Mood Disorders; Depression; Bipolar Disorder; Neuromodulation; Brain Stimulation; Interventional Psychiatry; Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Xinwei MaoView ProfileAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Civil EngineeringExpertisewastewater treatment; water purification; storm water management; contaminated sites remediation
- Luis Marcos, MDView ProfileAssociate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Global Health Institute & Tropical MedicineDepartment of Medicine Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Global Health Institute and Tropical MedicineExpertiseTick-Borne Diseases; Chagas; Tropical Medicine
- Craig MarksonView ProfileEducational Leadership Program DirectorExpertiseK-12 school leadership preparation; the efficacy of online instruction; state assessments
- Catherine MarroneView ProfileLecturer, Director of Undergraduate StudiesSociologyExpertisemedical sociology; aging; gender; human reproduction; sex; infant and maternal morality; reproductive technology; academic cheating
- Celia MarshikView ProfileProfessor, ChairEnglishExpertiseliterature and law; copyright; censorship; women in the early 20th century; fashion in early 20th Century; 1910s; 1920s; 1930s; World War I; modernism
- Olivier MartinView Profile
- April MastenView ProfileAssociate ProfessorDepartment of HistoryExpertiseAmerican social and cultural history; Black-Irish dance; music; women's history; visual arts; historical writing and pedagogy
- Jason Mathew, DOView ProfileAssistant Professor of Neurology; Director of Stony Brook Rapid Access TIA Clinic; Program Director, VascularDepartment of NeurologyExpertiseIschemic Stroke; Transient Ischemic Attack; Intracerebral Hemorrhage; Mobile Stroke Units; White Matter Disease; Stroke Recovery; Health Technology and Stroke Care; Stroke in the Young; Telestroke/Teleneurology; Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome; Cervical Dissection; Stroke Education
- Carine W. Maurer, MD, PhD, FAANView ProfileClinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of NeurologyExpertiseMovement Disorders; Ataxia; Spinocerebellar Degeneration; Blepharospasm; Chorea; Corticobasal Ganglionic Degeneration; Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease; Dementia with Lewy Bodies; Dystonia; Essential Tremor; Functional Movement Disorder; Functional Tics; Hemifacial Spasm; Multiple System Atrophy; Myoclonus; Parkinson’s Disease; Progressive Supranuclear Palsy; Restless Legs Syndrome; Tardive Dyskinesia; Tic Disorders; Tremor; Tourette Syndrome
- Ric McClendonView ProfileAssistant Vice President and Dean of StudentsDivision of Student AffairsExpertisestudent development; leadership; restorative justice; professional development; strategic planning
- Allison McLarty, MDView ProfileDirector of the Lung Cancer Program; Cardiothoracic Surgeon; Associate Program Director, Department of Surgery; Surgical Director, Left Ventricular Assist Device Program; Associate Professor of SurgerySurgeryExpertiseLung Cancer; Heart Disease; Cardiology; Women and Heart Disease; Cardiac Surgery; Implantable Heart Devices; Cardiothoracic Surgery; Thoracic Surgery
- Scott McLennanView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorGeosciencesExpertiseSedimentary Rock; Planetary Sciences; Mars; Life on Mars; Water on Mars; Mars Missions
- Jacqueline (Jack) McSweeneyView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseestuarine circulation and transport; nearshore processes; internal waves; inner shelf dynamics; physical oceanography
- Jaymie MelikerView ProfileProfessor of Public HealthProgram in Public HealthFamilyPopulation & Preventive MedicineExpertiseEpidemiology; Health Geography; COVID-19; Drinking Water Contaminants; Arsenic; Cadmium; Environmental Epidemiology; Human Exposure
- Jorge Mendez-MendezView ProfileAssistant ProfessorElectrical and Computer EngineeringExpertiseLifelong machine learning; sequential decision making; robot learning; reinforcement learning
- Charles Mikell, MDView ProfileAssociate Professor and Vice Chair; Co-Director, Mofakham-Mikell Lab; Co-Director, Neuro Oncology; Co-Director, Stony Brook Movement Disorders CenterDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertisemovement disorders; epilepsy; brain tumor; spasticity; chronic pain; neurosurgery
- Joseph S. B. MitchellView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorApplied Mathematics and StatisticsExpertisealgorithms; robotics; geometric optimization; air traffic management; optimal routing transportation and logistics; network optimization
- Kathleen MonahanView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Social WelfareExpertiseintimate partner violence (IPV); sexual abuse; trauma; mild traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Jeanine MorelliView ProfileClinical Associate ProfessorDepartment of Family Population & Preventive MedicineExpertiseadolescent medicine; chronic illness; family medicine; pediatric care; adult wellness; prevention; women’s health; hypothyroidism; diabetes; hypertension
- Zachary A MorrisView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Social WelfareExpertisepoverty; disability policy; financial security; social insurance; safety net programs; social inclusion; international disability policy
- Anne MoyerView Profile
- Klaus MuellerView ProfileProfessorDepartment of Computer ScienceExpertiseStorytelling with Data; Information Design; Visual Analytics; Interactive Visualization; Infographics; Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning; Algorithmic Fairness; Ethical AI; Responsible AI; Explainability in AI; Bias Mitigation
- Samantha Muhlrad, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor, Chief of Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery Fellowship DirectorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertisehand surgery; microsurgery; wrist surgery; upper extremity surgery; orthopaedic surgery; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Dupuytren’s Disease; Xiaflex injections; elbow pain; trigger finger; hand trauma; wrist arthroscopy; tendon repair; nerve injuries; hand tumors; Dequrevain’s Tendonitis
- Lisa MuratoriView ProfileProfessorDepartment of Physical TherapyExpertisephysical therapy; movement disorders; Huntington's Disease; Parkinson's disease; multiple sclerosis
- Harry Mushlin, MDView ProfileDirector, Complex Spine and Deformity, Stony Brook Neurosurgery Spine CenterNeurological SurgeryExpertiseBack Pain; Bulging Disc or Disk; Brain Tumor or Cancer; Cervical Herniated Disk or Disc; Cervical Kyphosis; Cervical Radiculopathy; Cervical Spondylosis; Cervical Stenosis; Chin on Chest Deformity; Degenerative Scoliosis; Disc or Disk Degeneration; Disc or Disk Herniation; Head Trauma; Hydrocephalus; Kyphotic Deformity; Neck Pain; Low Back Pain; Lumbar Radiculopathy; Lumbar Spondylolysis; Lumbar Spondylosis; Lumbar Stenosis; Pathological Fracture; Scheuermann's Kyphosis; Scoliosis; Spinal Stenosis; Spine; Spine Disorders; Spine Lesion; Spine Surgery; Spondylolysis; Spondylosis; Thoracic Kyphosis; Vertebral Stenosis; Neurosurgery; Neurological Surgery
- Sharon Nachman, MDView ProfileChief of Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Director of Office of Clinical Trials; ProfessorPediatricsExpertiseCoronavirus; HIV; Aids; Epidemiology; Influenza; Immunizations; Infectious Disease; Lyme Disease; Pneumonia; STD; Tuberculosis; MRSA; Tick-Borne Illness; Measles; COVID; Respiratory Syncytial Virus; RSV
- Nobuho NagasawaView ProfileProfessorArtExpertiseSculpture; Site-specific; Installation; Socially Engaged Art; Environmental and Ecological art; Light; Sound; Acoustic ecology; Optical fiber; Synesthesia
- Hanna NekvasilView Profile
- Andrew NicholsonView ProfileAssociate ProfessorAsian and Asian American StudiesExpertiseHinduism; Buddhism; philosophies of India; history of yoga
- Nick NikiforakisView ProfileAssociate ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseTechnical Support Scams; Web Security; Privacy; Online Tracking; Domain Squatting; Cyber Crime; Underground Economy; Denial-of-Service Attacks; Cybersecurity
- Brian O'HeaView ProfileAssociate Professor of Clinical Surgery; Chief of Breast and Oncologic Surgery Division; Director of Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care CenterSurgeryExpertiseBreast Biopsy; Breast Cancer; Breast Lumps in Women; Breast Surgery; Oncology; Surgical Oncology
- Chioma OkeomaView ProfileAssociate ProfessorDepartment of PharmacologyExpertisebreast cancer; immunity; extracellular vesicles; exosomes; chikungunya; HIV
- Alexander OrlovView ProfileProfessorMaterials Science and EngineeringExpertiseEnvironmental; Sustainability; Chemical Engineering; Materials; Nanotechnology
- Jennifer OsipoffView ProfileAssociate Professor of PediatricsPediatric EndocrinologyExpertisePediatric Diabetes; Diabetes Management; Hybrid Closed Loop Technology; Insulin Pumps; Continuous Glucose Monitors; Transgender Patients
- Oyèrónkẹ́ OyěwùmíView ProfileProfessorSociologyExpertiseGender; Race; Feminism; Social Inequality; Transnational Feminist Studies; Pan-Africanism; African Studies
- Dianna PadillaView ProfileProfessorEcology and Evolution; Affiliate of the School of Marine and Atomospheric SciencesExpertiseMarine Ecology; Freshwater Ecology; Shellfish Biology; Freshwater Invasion Biology; Marine Invasion Biology; Impacts of Climate Change; Invertebrate Animals
- Lester PaldyView ProfileDistinguished Service Professor EmeritusDepartment of Technology and Society - College of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Department of Pathology - Renaissance School of MedicineExpertiseWar in Ukraine; Expansion of NATO; Nuclear Weapons; CIA; Arms Control; Nuclear Proliferation
- Nikhil J. PalekarView ProfileMedical Director of The Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease; Associate ProfessorPsychiatryExpertiseAlzheimer's Disease; Geriatric Psychiatry; Mood Disorders;
- Laurie PanesarView ProfileDivision ChiefPediatric CardiologyExpertisefetal heart conditions; congenital heart disease; fetal echocardiography; pediatric cardiology; arrhythmia; cardiomyopathy
- Christopher PaparoView ProfileSouthampton Marine Science Center ManagerSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseMarine Science; Sharks; Marine Ecology; Naturalist
- Ramin ParseyView ProfileDella Pietra Family Chair in Biomedical Imaging; Professor of Radiology; Director of PET Research; Co-Director of Neuroscience InstitutePsychiatryExpertiseAnxiety; Bipolar Disorder; Depression; Depression During Holidays; Depressive Disorder; Manic Depression; Mood Disorders; Psychiatry; Psychopharmacology; Psychotherapy
- Diana Patterson, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseorthopaedic surgery; orthopaedics; fracture care; knee surgery; shoulder surgery; sports medicine; ACL tears; meniscus tears; knee arthroscopy; knee instability; rotator cuff tears; shoulder arthroscopy
- Megan Paulus, M.D.View ProfileClinical Assistant Professor, Chief of Foot and Ankle SurgeryDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseMinimally Invasive Bunion and Hammertoe Surgery; Ankle Instability; Ankle Arthritis; Midfoot and Forefoot Arthritis; Flatfoot Reconstruction; Foot and Ankle Trauma/Fracture Care; Stress Fractures; Achilles Tendon Ruptures; Achilles Tendonitis; Peroneal Tendon Tears; Plantar Fasciitis; Reconstructive Surgery; Orthopaedics; Orthopaedic Surgery; Trauma; Ankle Replacement
- Michael PearlView ProfileProfessor and Director of Division of Gynecological Oncology; Vice Chairman of Research and Faculty Development; Director of Women's Cancer ServicesObstetricsGynecology and Reproductive MedicineExpertiseCancer of the Cervix; Endometrial Cancer (Uterus); Fallopian Tubes; Gestational Trophoblastic Disease; Gynecologic Cancer; Gynecologic Malignancies; Gynecologic Oncology; Ovarian Cancer; Primary Peritoneum; Uterine Cancer; Vaginal Cancer; Vulvar Cancer; Womb Cancer
- James PennaView ProfileChief of Sports Medicine, Associate ProfessorOrthopaedicsExpertiseankle surgery; arthritis; arthroscopy; fracture care; knee surgery; orthopaedic surgery; orthopaedics; osteoarthritis; shoulder replacement surgery; shoulder surgery; sports medicine; trauma; upper extremity surgery
- Michael PeressView ProfileProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseElections; US Congress; Voting Behavior; Representation; Electoral Systems; Legislative Institutions; Benchmarking; Clientelism; Political Advertising
- Bradley PetersonView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseEelgrass; Resotration; Ocean Acidification; Climate Change; Oysters; Hard Clams; Habitat Complexity; Paris Climate Accord
- Joseph M. PierceView ProfileAssociate ProfessorHispanic Languages and LiteratureExpertiseGender and Sexuality Studies; Latin American Literature and Culture; 19th Century Studies; Kinship; Masculinity; Homophobia; Arts Education; Study Abroad Programs; Experiential Learning; Native American Studies; Art; Native American Art
- Sharon PochronView ProfileAssociate Professor of PracticeSustainability Studies Program/School of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseRoundup; glyphosate; microplastic; soil health; undergraduate education
- Stephen PostView ProfileProfessorDepartment of FamilyPopulation & Preventive MedicineExpertiseBioethics; Altruism; Compassionate Care; Positive Psychology; Relationship Between Giving and Happiness; Longevity; Alzheimer's; Giving Tuesday
- Roy PriceView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseHydrogeology; Hydrothermal Vents; Shallow-Sea Vents; Long Island and Nitrate Pollution; Toxic Elements in Coastal Marine Environments; Origin of Life; Arsenic
- Suparna RajaramView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorPsychologyExpertiseMemory; Social Learning; Contagious Behavior; Contagious Beliefs; Amnesia; Long-Term Memory
- Sritha RajupetView ProfileChair of Family, Population, & Preventive Medicine; Director of Post-COVID ClinicExpertiseFamily Medicine; Preventive Medicine; Population Health; Public Health; Clinical Informatics; Women’s Health; Post-COVID/Long COVID
- Owen RambowView ProfileProfessorLinguisticsExpertiseNatural Language Processing; Computational Linguistics; Arabic; Artificial Intelligence
- E. Troy RasburyView Profile
- Eric RashbaView ProfileCardiologist, Director, Heart Rhythm Center, Professor of MedicineElectrophysiologyExpertiseheart devices; pacemakers; arrhythmia; atrial fibrillation
- Kevin ReedView ProfileAssociate Provost for Climate and Sustainability Programming and ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseTropical Cyclones; Extreme Weather; Climate Change; Hurricanes; Climate Change Attribution; Climate Solutions; Climate Modeling; Extreme Precipitation; Flooding; Climate Impacts; Resilience
- Matthew G. ReuterView ProfileAssociate Professor of PracticeApplied Mathematics and StatisticsExpertisecomputational science; nanotechnology; math and technology; math and society
- Tara RiderView ProfileSenior LecturerSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseMaritime History; Environmental History; Sustainability; Long Island History; Early American History; Irish History; Whaling; Women; Atlantic World
- Markus RiesslandView ProfileSUNY Empire Innovation Program (EIP) - Assistant ProfessorNeurobiology and BehaviorExpertiseNeurogenetics; Neurodegeneration; Cellular Senescence; Aging; Genetic Modifiers; Parkinson’s Disease
- Basil RigasView ProfileGastroenterologist; Chief, Division of Cancer Prevention; Professor of Family, Population & Preventive Medicine, William and Jane Knapp Professor of PharmacologyDepartment of FamilyPopulation & Preventive MedicineExpertiseGastroenterology; Cancer Prevention; Anti-Cancer Drug Development
- John RizzoView ProfileProfessorProgram in Public HealthExpertiseHealth Economics; Public Health; Pharmaceutical Economics; Healthcare Spending; Housing Market; Job Market; Long Island Economy
- Theresa RobertsonView ProfileAssociate ProfessorManagementExpertiseEvolutionary Psychology; Ostracism; Group Dynamics; Social Decision Making; Emotions; Evolution of Human Cognition; Social Exclusion
- Deanne RogersView ProfileAssociate ProfessorGeosciencesExpertiseMars; geoscience; the Martian crust and surface; solar system exploration; remote sensing; machine learning; infrared spectroscopy; remote mineral detection; planetary surface processes
- Naomi RosenthalView ProfileVisiting ProfessorSociologyExpertisesocial movements; women's studies; gender; historical sociology; feminism; spinsterhood; cultural issues; students who work
- Clinton T. RubinView ProfileDistinguished Professor; Director, Center for Biotechnology Musculoskeletal Research LaboratoryBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Applied SciencesExpertiseBone; Osteoporosis; Obesity; Exercise; Bioengineering; Biomedical Engineering
- Gabrielle A. RussoView ProfileAssociate ProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseFunctional Morphology; Ape and Human Evolution; Vertebral Column; Miocene; Bipedalism; Tails; Tail Loss; Upright Trunk Posture
- Carl SafinaView ProfileEndowed ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseParis Climate Accord; Conservation; Ocean Conservation; Marine Ecology; Seabirds; Environment; Sustainability; Animal Intelligence; Nature; Animals; Fisheries; Orcas; Animal Conservation
- Matthew SalzanoView ProfileIDEA Fellow in Ethical AI, Information Systems, and Data Science and LiteracySchool of Communication and JournalismExpertiseArtificial Intelligence; Technology and Bias; Social Media; Civic Participation; Social Movements; Public Protest and Argument; Activist Use of Media and Technology; Online Controversies
- Warren SandersonView ProfileProfessorEconomicsExpertisepopulation growth; population forecasting; life expectancy; demography; aging; economic growth
- Steven Sandoval, MDView ProfileSurgeon, Emergency/Trauma, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Medical Director, Burn CenterSurgeryExpertiseburn treatment; critical care; emergency care; pediatric trauma; wound care; fireworks injuries
- Aaron SassonView ProfileDirector, Pancreatic Cancer Center; Co-Director, Gastointestinal Oncology TeamProfessor of SurgerySurgical OncologyExpertiseCancer; Surgery; Pancreas Cancer; Whipple Procedure; Neuroendocrine Tumors; Esophageal Cancer; Stomach Cancer; Liver Cancer; Bile Duct Cancer; Gallbladder Cancer; Disorders of the Pancreas; Adrenal Disorders; Adrenal Tumors; Adrenal Cancers; Appendiceal Tumors; Appendiceal Cancer; Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
- Marianna SavocaView ProfileAssociate Vice President for Career Readiness and Experiential EducationCareer CenterExpertiseCareer Readiness; Talent Development; Job Market; Internships; Student Employment; Experiential Learning; College to Work Transition; Future of Work
- Howard SchneiderView ProfileExecutive Director, Center for News LiteracyExpertiseJournalism; Fake News; News Literacy; Communicating Science
- Michael SchusterView ProfileTransplant Specialist; Hematologist/Oncologist; Professor of Medicine; Team Leader and Director, Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation; Director, Hematologic Malignancies ProgramStony Brook Cancer CenterStem Cell Transplantation and Hematologic Malignancy ProgramExpertiseBlood Cancers; Bone Marrow Transplant; Leukemia; Lymphoma; Hodgkin’s Disease
- Susan SchuvalView ProfilePediatric Allergist/Immunologist; Chief, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology; Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and ImmunologyPediatricsExpertiseFood Allergies; Drug Allergies; Atopic Dermatitis; Insect Sting Allergy; Immunodeficiency
- Guy Schwartz, MDView ProfileClinical Assistant ProfessorNeurologyExpertiseatypical Parkinsonian syndromes; essential blepharospasm; chorea; corticobasal ganglionic degeneration (CBCG); dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB); dystonia; essential tremor; Friedreich’s ataxia; functional movement disorders; hemifacial spasm; Huntington’s disease; multiple system atrophy (MSA); neuroacanthocytosis; neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation; normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH); Parkinson’s disease; paroxysmal choreoathetosis; progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP); spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA); Sydenham chorea; tardive dyskinesia; tic disorders; Tourette’s syndrome; tremors; Wilson’s disease; deep brain stimulation (DBS); focused ultrasound ablation; botulinum toxin treatment
- Aleka Scoco, MDView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor of NeurosurgeryDepartment of NeurosurgeryExpertiseNeurosurgery; Spine surgery; Minimally invasive spine surgery; Neurocritical care; Neurointensive care; Neurotrauma; traumatic brain injury; minimally invasive intracranial hemorrhage evacuation; degenerative spine disease; myelopathy; radiculopathy
- Richard ScrivenView ProfilePediatric Surgeon/Trauma; Associate Professor of Surgery; Director, General Surgery ResidencySurgeryExpertisePediatric Surgery; Laparoscopic Surgery; Pediatric Trauma; Congenital Defects; Hernia Repairs
- Christopher SellersView ProfileProfessorHistoryExpertiseUS Environmental History; Urban History; Lead Poisoning; Pollution; Industrial Hygiene; Domestic Hygiene; Housing; Industrial Hazards; History of Cities and Suburbs
- Carrie ShandraView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSociologyExpertiseDisabilities; Employment; Unpaid Labor; School-to-Work Programs; Internships; Housework; Time Use
- Shyam SharmaView ProfileAssociate Professor and Graduate Program DirectorProgram in Writing and RhetoricExpertiseWriting and Rhetoric; International Students; Cross-Cultural Communication; Online Education; Nepal; South Asia
- John SheaView ProfileProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseAncestral Survival Skills; Human Evolution; Archaeology; Stone Tools; Ice Age; Neanderthals; Anthropology
- Paul ShepsonView ProfileDean and Distinguished ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseAtmospheric Chemistry; Air Pollution and Air Quality; Climate Change in the Arctic; Greenhouse Gas Mitigation; The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change
- Gary ShermanView ProfileAssistant ProfessorManagementExpertiseSocial Hierarchy; Social Hierarchy Within Organizations; Power; Status; Competition; Testosterone and Leadership
- Oliver ShipleyView ProfileResearch Assistant ProfessorExpertiseShark Biology; Climate Change; Caribbean Ecosystems; Deep Sea Ecosystems
- Adam SingerView ProfileVice Chairman for Research and ProfessorDepartment of Emergency MedicineExpertiseEmergency Medicine; Cutaneous Wound Healing; Burns; Tissue Adhesives; Pain Management; Cardiovascular Disease; Coronavirus
- Andrew C. SingerView ProfileDeanCollege of Engineering and Applied SciencesExpertisesignal processing; communication and information systems; audio and underwater acoustics; financial modeling; expert witness for audio and telecommunications as well as circuits industry
- Radu SionView ProfileAssociate ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseCybersecurity; Cloud Computing; Cellular and Wireless Security; Identity Management; Applied Cryptography; Equifax Hack; Uber Breach
- Steven SkienaView ProfileDistinguished Teaching Professor; Director, Institute for AI-Driven Discovery and InnovationComputer ScienceExpertiseArtificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Data Science; Natural Language Processing; Social Media; Algorithm Design; Wikipedia Analysis
- Hal SkopickiView ProfileCardiologist; Director, Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Center; Co-Director, Mechanical Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) ProgramStony Brook Heart InstituteExpertiseHeart Failure; Implantable Heart Devices; Hypertension; Valvular Heart Disease
- Jadranka Skorin-KapovView ProfileDistinguished Teaching Professor; Director, Center for Integration of Business Education & HumanitiesBusiness ManagementExpertiseOperations and Decision Analytics; Phenomenology of Surprise; Filmic Art; Business Ethics
- Oleg SmirnovView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseParis Climate Accord; Climate Change; Paris Agreement; Environmental Migration; Agent-Based Modeling; Cooperation; Social Dilemmas; Public Goods
- Scott SmolkaView ProfileSUNY Distinguished ProfessorComputer ScienceExpertiseVirtual Heart; Medical Device Safety Assurance; Cyber-Physical Systems; Multi-Agent Systems; Flocking Behavior
- Tanya Somohano-Marquez, DMDView ProfileClinical Associate Professor; Program Director, Advanced Education Program in ProsthodonticsProsthodontics and Digital TechnologyExpertiseProsthodontics; Maxillofacial Prosthetics; Dental Care for Head and Neck Cancer Patients; Digital Prosthodontics; Dental CAD/CAM
- Konstantinos Spaniolas, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBSView ProfileProfessor of SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryExpertiseobesity; bariatric surgery; reflux disease; hiatal hernia; GERD; abdominal hernia
- Shikaripur N. SridharView ProfileDistinguished Service ProfessorAsian and Asian American StudiesExpertiseIndia Studies; South Asian Studies; Languages; Linguistics; Literatures of India and South Asia; Kannada and Dravidian Languages; Translation of Indian Literary Classics; Bilingualism; Multilingualism; Code Switching; Indian English; World Englishes; English Around the World; ESL
- Roy T. SteigbigelView ProfileDistinguished Service Professor and Professor of MedicinePharmacologyPathology and MicrobiologyExpertiseHIV; AIDS; Pharmacology; Pathology; Microbiology
- Steven SternView ProfileProfessorEconomicsExpertiseLabor Economics; Health Economics; Economics of Aging; Economics of the Family; Industrial Organization; Econometrics; Divorce Predictions; Relationships; Economics and Love; Mental Health
- Alison Stopeck, MDView ProfileProfessor of Medicine; Associate Director for Clinical and Translational Research at the Stony Brook Cancer Center; Chief Division of Hematology/OncologyDepartment of Hematology and OncologyExpertisebreast cancer; clinical trials; antitumor therapies; chemopreventive agents; breast cancer research; immunotherapy approaches in breast cancer; breast cancer prevention
- Yifan SunView Profile
- Katarina Supe-MarkovinaView ProfilePediatric Nephrologist; Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics; Director of Pediatric Hypertension CenterPediatric NephrologyExpertiseKidney Diseases; Pediatric Obesity; Acute Kidney Injury; Nephrotic Syndrome
- Wendy TangView ProfileAssociate Professor and Associate ChairElectrical and Computer EngineeringExpertiseOnline Learning; Online Degree; Engineering Education; Wireless Sensor Networks; Communication Networks
- Henry J. TannousView ProfileCo-Director of the Stony Brook University Heart InstituteChief of the Division of Cardiothoracic SurgeryExpertiseCardiac Disease; Cardiac Surgery; Cardiothoracic; Heart Surgery; Lung Cancer; Valvular Heart Disease; TAVR
- Apostolos TassiopoulosView ProfileVascular Surgeon; Chief of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; Program Director of the Vascular Surgery Residency and the Surgical Skills Simulation Center; Co-Director of the Aortic CenterSurgeryExpertiseArtificial Intelligence Applications in Medicine; Vascular Disease; Vascular Trauma; Bypass Surgery; Aortic Aneurysm; Angioplasty; Stents; Stent Graft; Endograft; Vascular Trauma; Bypass Surgery; Carotid Surgery
- Benjamin TausigView Profile
- David TaylorView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSustainability Studies Program/School of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseEnvironmental Humanities; Nature Writing; Environmental Arts; Engagement and Outreach; Sustainability Studies; Cuba and Sustainability
- Gordon T. TaylorView ProfileProfessor and Head of SoMAS’ Marine Sciences DivisionSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseCoastal Ecosystems; Marine Molecular Microbiology; Climate Change; Ocean Deoxygenation; Hypoxia; Microplastics; Single-Cell Analysis; Advanced Bioimaging; Raman Microspectroscopy; Atomic Force Microscopy
- David ThanassiView ProfileProfessor and ChairDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyExpertiseBacterial Pathogenesis; Bacterial Virulence Mechanisms; Antibiotic Resistance and Therapeutic Development; Bacterium; Bacteria
- Nancy TomesView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorHistoryExpertiseHealthcare; Patients and Doctors; Medical Consumerism; American Medicine and Health; History of Medicine; History of Public Health; Mental Health; Women; Gender; Health and Advertising
- Simona Treidler, MDView ProfileClinical Assistant Professor of Neurology & PediatricsNeuromuscular Disease & ALS Center TeamDepartment of NeurologyStony Brook Children'sExpertiseNeuromuscular Disorders; ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis); CIDP Guillain Barré Syndrome; Myasthenia Gravis; Nerve Compression Syndrome; Nerve Disease; Neuralgia; Neuropathy (Peripheral); Ulnar Neuropathy; LGBTQ+ Care
- John TrueView ProfileAssociate ProfessorEcology and EvolutionExpertiseEvolution; Evolutionary Genetics; Speciation; Drosophila; Developmental Genetics; Insect Pigmentation; Genetics and Diversity
- Alan H. TurnerView ProfileProfessorDepartment of Anatomical SciencesExpertiseVertebrate Paleontology; Dinosaurs; Reptile Evolution; Phylogenetics; Fossil Record of Madagascar; Evolutionary Morphology
- Katheryn C. TwissView ProfileAssociate ProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseArchaeology; Environmental Archaeology; Archaeology of Food; Southwest Asian Archaeology; Zooarchaeology; Taphonomy
- Stan UryasevView ProfileProfessor, Frey Family Endowed ChairApplied Mathematics & StatisticsExpertiseRisk Management; Quantitative Finance; Portfolio Optimization; Stochastic Optimization
- Ryan J. Vander WielenView ProfileAssociate ProfessorPolitical ScienceExpertiseUS Congress; Legislative Behavior; Legislative Process; Political Parties; Party Polarization; Elections
- Natasha VitekView ProfileAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Ecology and EvolutionExpertisePaleontology; Turtles; Mammals; Fossils; Evolution
- James VosswinkelView ProfileLillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professor in Trauma Surgery; Chief, Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care; Medical Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU); Medical Director, Trauma CenterTraumaEmergency SurgerySurgical Critical CareExpertiseTrauma; Abdominal Pain; Anti-Reflux Surgery; Appendicitis; Colon Surgery; Colon/Rectal Surgery; Gallbladder Disease; Gallstones; Gastrointestinal Surgery; GI Surgery; Hernia Repairs; Laparoscopic Surgery; Surgical Critical Care; Fireworks Injuries; Severe Cold Injuries
- Frederick WalterView ProfileProfessorPhysics and AstronomyExpertiseSolar Eclipse; Galactic Novae; Neutron Stars; The Sun and its Planets; Star and Planet Formation; Life in the Universe; Space; Sun-Earth Connection (AKA Solar-Terrestrial Relation); Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections; The Science of Science Fiction; The Physics of Climate Change and Global Warming
- Wayne WaltzerView ProfileProfessor and Chairman of the Department of Urology, Director of Kidney Transplant ServicesExpertiseKidney Transplant; Urologic Oncology; Kidney Cancer; Ureteral Cancer; Bladder Cancer; Testis Cancer; Prostate Cancer; PSA Testing; Hydronephrosis; Kidney Stones; Adrenal Gland Diseases; Reconstructive and Robotic Surgery
- Edward Wang, MDView ProfileChief of Shoulder/Elbow Surgery; Clinical ProfessorDepartment of OrthopaedicsExpertiseHand Surgery; Shoulder Surgery; Elbow Surgery; Wrist Surgery; Upper Extremity Surgery; Trauma; Shoulder Replacement; Wrist Surgery; Elbow Surgery; Osteoarthritis; Arthritis; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Orthopaedics; Arthroscopy; Frozen Shoulder; Rotator Cuff; Labral Tear
- Joseph D. WarrenView ProfileAssociate ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseUnderwater Sound; Zooplankton; Fish; Menhaden; Humpback and Baleen Whales; Krill; Deep Sea Fish; Mesopelagic Organisms; Antarctica; Predator-Prey Interactions
- Lianxing WenView Profile
- Eric WertheimerView ProfileProfessor of EnglishEnglish DepartmentExpertiseEarly and Nineteenth Century American Literature and Culture; Cultural and Literary Theory; Popular Political Discourses; New Media; Poetry
- Kathleen WilsonView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorHistoryExpertiseBritish History; British Empire; British Monarchy; British Ministries; Race and Ethnicity in Britain; Race and Ethnicity in Europe; 18th Century Britain
- Stanislaus WongView ProfileDistinguished ProfessorChemistryExpertiseNanomaterials; Nanostructures; Chemical Synthesis; Catalysis; Nanomedicine; Opto-Electronics; Devices; Nanotubes; Nanoparticles; Nanowires
- Patricia WrightView ProfileDistinguished Service ProfessorAnthropologyExpertiseMadagascar; Rainforest Conservation; Lemurs; Madagascar Endangered Species
- Karina YagerView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSchool of Marine and Atmospheric SciencesExpertiseClimate Change; Mountain Environments; Alpine Peatlands; Andean Culture and Ecology; Tropical Glaciers; Climate Change Impacts; Pastoralists; Glacier Monitoring; Remote Sensing; Land Cover; Land Use Change
- Vincent YangView ProfileChair of Department of Medicine; President of Stony Brook Internists; Professor of Medicine, Physiology and BiophysicsGastroenterologyExpertiseGastroesophageal Reflux Disease; Cancer Genetics; Colon Cancer Screening; Crohn's Disease; Diarrhea (Chronic); Diarrhea Disease; Familial Colon Cancer; Gastrointestinal Cancers; Gastrointestinal Oncology; General Gastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Ulcerative Colitis
- Chenyu YouView ProfileAssistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics & Statistics and Computer ScienceExpertiseMachine Learning; Computer Vision; AI for Healthcare; Medical Image Analysis; Computational Cognitive Science
- Kevin ZacharoffView ProfileClinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of FamilyPopulation & Preventive MedicineExpertiseOpioid Crisis; Chronic Pain; Pain Management; Anesthesiology; Pain Medicine
- Urszula ZalewskiView ProfileDirector of Experiential EducationCareer CenterDivision of Student AffairsExpertiseExperiential Learning; Internships; Service Learning; Career Readiness; Skill Development; Recruitment; Talent Acquisition; Assessment; Evaluation; Internal & External Partnership Development
- Gregory ZelinskyView ProfileProfessorPsychologyExpertiseNeroimaging; Cognitive Science; Cognitive Behaviors; Visual Search Behaviors; Eye Movement; Object Representation
- Yongjun ZhangView ProfileAssistant ProfessorDepartment of SociologyInstitute for Advanced Computational ScienceExpertiseCorporate Political Activities; Social Movements; Corporate Responses to Coronavirus; Big Data; Computational Social Science
- Xia ZhengView ProfileAssistant ProfessorSchool of Communication and JournalismExpertiseSocial media; substance use among youth
- Eric ZolovView ProfileProfessorHistoryExpertiseLatin America; Latin American History; Mexico; Cuba; US and Cuba Relations; Cold War
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