Stony Brook Experts
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Robert HarrisonProfessor and Endowed Director of the Institute for Advanced Computational ScienceApplied Mathematics & StatisticsInstitute for Advanced Computational Science
Robert Harrison's research is at the intersection of theoretical chemistry, computer science, and applied mathematics. While motivated by a long-standing interest in advancing the predictive capabilities of computational chemistry and its application to problems in many areas of research including sustainable energy technologies, he is interested in advancing computational science more broadly by enhancing the productivity, performance, and portability of scientific applications on modern computing technologies.
- Postdoc, SERC Daresbury Laboratory
- Postdoc, University of Florida
- PhD, University of Florida
- BA, University of Cambridge
News Highlights
March 14, 2017Stony Brook Unlocks New Research with 100 Gbps ConnectionHPC WireRead ArticleOctober 12, 2016New SBU graduate student training program scores $3 million grantTimes Beacon RecordRead ArticleOctober 11, 2016DOE Taps SBU Guru, For A Billion-Billion ReasonsInnovate LIRead ArticleOctober 6, 2016Brookhaven Lab to Develop ECP Exascale SoftwareInside HPCRead Article