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Andrew Flescher is a Professor of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine (Core Faculty in Public Health) and Professor of English, specializing in literature and ethics, transplantation ethics, biomedical ethics, comparative religious ethics, medical humanities, and health care policy. He is the resident ethicist in Stony Brook Hospital’s transplant program and runs an internship program in which his graduate students serve as the hospital’s living donor advocates. Dr. Flescher is currently Chair of the Ethics Committee for the Organ Procurement Transplant Network/United Network for Organ Sharing (OPTN/UNOS) and was selected in 2022 by Governor Kathy Hochul to serve on the New York Transplant Council, a statutorily mandated group that serves in an advisory capacity to the Commissioner and Department of Health on matters related to donation, procurement, storage, allocation, distribution and transplantation of organs and tissues. Dr. Flescher chairs the ethics committee of the NY State Transplant Council.
In addition to writing several articles and book chapters, Dr. Flescher is the author
of five books: Heroes, Saints, and Ordinary Morality (2003, Georgetown University
Press), The Altruistic Species (2007, Templeton Press, winner of the Choice Award),
Moral Evil (2013, Georgetown University Press, winner of the Prose Award), and The
Organ Shortage Crisis in America (2018, Georgetown University Press), and Religion
and Public Health during the Time of COVID-19 (2023, MDPI).
Dr. Flescher plays piano in the Stony Brook hospital lobby for patients, family, and
- PhD and MA, Brown University
- BA, Duke University