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Tengfei Ma

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Tengfei MaAssistant ProfessorBiomedical InformaticsCollege of Engineering and Applied Sciences


Dr. Ma’s research spans machine learning, natural language processing, and biomedical research. He is particularly interested in exploring and modeling relational structures of data, especially the graphs that characterize interactions of a complex system. He has explored various aspects of deep graph learning and its applications, including development of one of earliest scalable graph learning methods FastGCN; and he is also an expert in time series analysis and natural language processing. He has published over 60 papers in top-tier AI conferences such as NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, AAAI, EMNLP, and he is also a recipient of the best paper award in ISWC 2021 research track.


  • Bachelor's, Tsinghua University
  • Master's, Peking University
  • PhD, University of Tokyo
  • Internships, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing (2010); A-Star, Singapore (2011)