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Liliana M. Dávalos

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Liliana M. DávalosProfessorEcology and EvolutionCollege of Arts and Sciences


The Dávalos lab focuses on what biotic and abiotic mechanisms produce species and trait diversity, and how growing human activities affect the old-growth forests where diversity concentrates. These questions make mammalian biodiversity the center of the lab's research mission across two disparate scales: one uses phylogenetics and comparative analyses —including genomics and transcriptomics— to answer questions about diversification in deep time, and the other applies remote sensing and spatial statistics to probe recent human history. Increasingly, Dávalos' work integrates these scales by examining how analyzing past extinction events caused by humans can help conserve extant species.


  • PhD, MPhil and MA, Columbia University
  • BSc, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia)