The Engineered Microstructures and Radiation Effects Laboratory (EMREL) at Stony Brook
University explores the science of interface engineered alloys with particular emphasis
on high-strength and radiation-tolerant nanomaterials for extreme environment applications.
Research couples novel processing techniques and in situ characterization tools with
large-scale atomistic simulations in the design of hierarchically structured alloys
with characteristic structural length scales spanning orders of magnitude from the
nanometer to microscale regime. Materials are synthesized through a variety of methods
selected specifically to introduce key microstructural features for improved properties
that include electroforming, sputter and pulsed laser deposition, additive spray deposition,
and laser additive manufacturing techniques. The common theme among all material systems
studied involves tailoring interfaces (e.g., grain and phase boundaries) across multiple
length scales ranging from the atomic (solute segregation at grain boundaries) and
nanoscale (chemical inhomogeneities in multiphase systems and interface network effects)
to collective responses of tailored microstructures that ultimately govern thermal
stability, mechanical behavior, and radiation tolerance. Our research is supported
by the National Science Foundation through the Division of Materials Research and
the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Division, the Department of Energy
Office of Fusion Energy Sciences and Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E),
and the Office of Naval Research.
Research Highlights
Professor Trelewicz discusses nanostructured metal alloys for fusion energy applications. This work is supported by the Department of Energy Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.
Recent Publications
Dave's paper "Sintered nanostructured alloys for advanced fusion energy applications" published in Journal of Nuclear Materials.
Bin's paper "Cermaic composite moderators as replacements for graphite in high temperature microreactors" published in Journal of Nuclear Materials.
Nick's paper "Microstructural transitions during power metallurgical processing of solute stabilized nanostructured tungsten alloys" published in Metals.