Winter 2021
Date | Information |
Monday, November 2 |
Winter Session Registration Begins |
Monday, January 4 |
Add to Waitlist Deadline: Last day to add to waitlist. NOTE: Not all courses have waitlists. |
Tuesday, January 5 |
Winter Classes Begin Last Day to Add or Swap a Class Waitlist Processing Ends 4PM |
Wednesday, January 6 |
Last Day to drop Without Tuition Liability. No "W" Recorded. After this date Tuition Liability and "W" Recorded on Transcript for all students withdrawing from a class. |
Tuesday, January 12 |
Last Day to select the Graded/Pass/No Credit Option |
Monday, January 18 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: No Classes in Session/University Closed |
Friday, January 22 |
Last Day of Term for classes that end on Friday Last Day to withdraw from term. |
Additional Policies
Incomplete grades for Winter must be completed in Spring 2021.
It is the student’s responsibility to drop themselves from a waitlisted course. If
a student is registered directly from the waitlist and the student does not drop the
course by January 7th, the student is responsible for tuition resulting from the registration.
No petitions for exceptions to University policy and deadlines will be accepted for Winter Session courses.
Academic Policy for "Cancelled Class Sessions"
Any class section(s) that are “cancelled” must be rescheduled on a “scheduled make-up
date" in order to provide students with the number of hours of instruction required
for the credits to be earned at the end of the Winter Session term. This requirement
must be adhered to as per the State Education Department (SED).
Faculty, instructors and graduate students must be prepared to schedule make-up session(s)
for any class sessions that are cancelled during the scheduled dates provided.
Prior Academic Calendars