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VENTure Think Tank, established in November 2012, is designed to meet the unmet needs of individuals who are dependent on ventilators and others with complex health conditions requiring a similar level of technological and medical intervention in their lives (e.g. requiring 24-hour nursing support). This organization was founded as a result of many of the profound, even life-threatening, challenges that ventilator-users in the Northeast experienced as a result of the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy. While the goals of VENTure far exceed this isolated issue, the circumstances that were generated as a result of the shortcomings following Superstorm Sandy brought to light just how stratified and isolating these challenges are, and how ill-equipped society often can be in meeting the needs of some of its most vulnerable citizens.

VENTure is a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank generating ideas and solutions to address challenges faced uniquely by people dependent on ventilators and others with complex health conditions requiring a similar level of technological and medical intervention in their lives. We are a multidisciplinary group of experts and advocates, from such domains as respiratory therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, health policy, nursing, disability studies, private business and many ventilator-dependent people themselves, with experience well suited for devising strategies to help improve daily life for people dependent on ventilators and other medically complex populations.  VENTure is an ongoing effort that advises proactively to meet the concerns of this community, and responds reactively to address the changing political and social environments.

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