Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Accessibility Committee (EIDA)
Charge: The Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Accessibility Committee will concern itself with issues pertaining to equity, inclusiveness and access, as they are reflected in the curriculum, student body, and personnel of the State University. Among the activities of this committee will be collecting and disseminating information, organizing periodic meetings and workshops, and providing guidance and recommendations to the Senate so that it may act with the best intentions of all people in mind.
Chair: TBD, elected 9/24
Humanities and Fine Arts:
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Magdalene Brandeis |
Lichtenstein Center |
Email Address | Term
9/27 |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Social and Behavioral Sciences:
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
NameAndrew Engelhardt | DepartmentPolitical Science | Email Addressandrew.engelhardt@stonybrook.edu | Term9/26 |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Natural Sciences:
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
College of Engineering:
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
Health Science Center:
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
NameOpen position | Department | Email Address | Term |
NameChristina Burke | DepartmentPhysical Therapy | Email Addresschristina.burke@stonybrook.edu | Term9/25 |
Name | Department | Email Address | Term |
NameOpen position | Department | Email Address | Term |
NameRosalia Davi | DepartmentCenter for Inclusive Education | Email AddressRosalia.Davi@stonybrook.edu | Term9/27 |
Graduate (1): TBD
Undergraduate (1): Neha Yalamanchi