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Freedom of Expression on Campus
What Are My Rights and Responsibilities as a Student?
- Stony Brook University is strongly committed to the protection of freedom of speech and expression and strives to create an environment where diverse opinions can be expressed and heard.
- As a member of the campus community, you have the right to free speech and peaceful assembly.
- These rights bring with them an obligation to maintain a campus atmosphere that is respectful to the rights of all individuals.
For more information, visit
- Assemble peacefully to express your views and picket or orderly demonstrate in public areas.
- Vacate reserved areas for events. Be sure to remove all of your belongings and materials ahead of the reservation setup time.
- Assemblies requiring no services may take place without prior notification by the organizer.
- Organizers may request services and resources if properly registered within a reasonable length of time prior to the event.
- If a protest area is established by a university official(s), protesters are required to comply with these physical boundaries.
Do Not:
- Prevent or interfere with the orderly conduct of a University function or activity.
- Obstruct the free movement of people, and vehicles, including in any building or facility.
- Willfully cause injury or damage to person or property.
- Occupy a building after it’s normally closed without authorization.
- Willfully operate audio amplification in a manner that conflicts with normal university operations.
- Use prohibited items such as sticks, poles, or torches that may jeopardize the safety and security of others.
- Construct structures or camp (e.g. tents, sleeping bags) on university grounds without authorization.
Violations of these responsibilities may result in a referral to Student Conduct and
Community Standards or University Police.