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If you have a medical emergency, call 632-3333 if you are on campus or 911 if you are off campus.

Laboratory and immunization appointments can be scheduled online.

Please call Student Health Services at 631-632-6740 to schedule a medical appointment. 

If you need to schedule an after hours or weekend appointment please use TimelyCare.

Appointment Guidelines

  • Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
  • If you are 15 minutes or more late, your in-person appointment will be canceled and released. Rather, you may be offered a virtual MD appointment
  • Expect your appointment to last up to an hour, particularly if blood work, referrals  or prescriptions are required.


How to check in for my medical appointment

Step 1: Log into the Wolfie Health Portal with your NetID.

Step 2: Scroll down to the upcoming appointments section and check in for your appointment.

For more information about appointment check in read the appointment check-in section on the Wolfie Health Portal.


How to schedule a laboratory or immunization appointment

Health services are provided to students who are registered students and have been charged the current semester Counseling and Health Fee.

Step 1: Log into the Wolfie Health Portal with your NetID.

After logging in with your NetID, if you see this screen, please call Student Health Services to make an appointment. 
upload immunization forms

Step 2: Click the "appointments" button at the side of the website's toolbar.


Step 3: Select a "reason" for your appointment. You can select "illness" or "injury". There is also a space for "other." Please note that for lab testing appointments, you will need a valid prescription for laboratory testing. An immunization or lab appointment is not an appointment with a provider. If you need to see a medical provider, please call Student Health Services at 631-632-6740 to make an appointment.


Step 4: Select a "Reason" and click submit.


Step 6: Select a "Provider" and click submit. 


Step 6: Choose a date and time for your appointment. If no appointments are available, please call Student Health Services at 631-631-6740 to schedule an appointment.

appointment date and time

Step 7: Please click the "appointments" link once your appointment is saved.

complete forms

Step 8: Click the green "forms" button under upcoming appointments.


Step 9: Complete all of the forms listed below before your appointment. 

Forms to fill out