If you have a medical emergency, call 632-3333 if you are on campus or 911 if you are off campus.
Laboratory and immunization appointments can be scheduled online.
Please call Student Health Services at 631-632-6740 to schedule a medical appointment.
If you need to schedule an after hours or weekend appointment please use TimelyCare.
Appointment Guidelines
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
- If you are 15 minutes or more late, your in-person appointment will be canceled and released. Rather, you may be offered a virtual MD appointment
- Expect your appointment to last up to an hour, particularly if blood work, referrals or prescriptions are required.
How to check in for my medical appointment
Step 1: Log into the Wolfie Health Portal with your NetID.
Step 2: Scroll down to the upcoming appointments section and check in for your appointment.
For more information about appointment check in read the appointment check-in section on the Wolfie Health Portal.
How to schedule a laboratory or immunization appointment
Health services are provided to students who are registered students and have been charged the current semester Counseling and Health Fee.
Step 1: Log into the Wolfie Health Portal with your NetID.
After logging in with your NetID, if you see this screen, please call Student Health
Services to make an appointment.
Step 2: Click the "appointments" button at the side of the website's toolbar.
Step 3: Select a "reason" for your appointment. You can select "illness" or "injury". There is also a space for "other." Please note that for lab testing appointments, you will need a valid prescription for laboratory testing. An immunization or lab appointment is not an appointment with a provider. If you need to see a medical provider, please call Student Health Services at 631-632-6740 to make an appointment.
Step 4: Select a "Reason" and click submit.
Step 6: Select a "Provider" and click submit.
Step 6: Choose a date and time for your appointment. If no appointments are available, please call Student Health Services at 631-631-6740 to schedule an appointment.
Step 7: Please click the "appointments" link once your appointment is saved.
Step 8: Click the green "forms" button under upcoming appointments.
Step 9: Complete all of the forms listed below before your appointment.