Safety, Health, & Wellness:
We are committed to providing holistic and high-quality programs, services, and facilities
that promote and support student safety, health, and wellness. We work to cultivate
a safe, caring, and equitable environment that encourages personal responsibility
and healthy choices.
The Seawolf Experience:
We support graduate and undergraduate students’ sense of belonging, success, and overall
experience at Stony Brook via social, cultural, recreational, academic, and leadership
experiences. We strive to model our core values through campus involvement, employment,
civic engagement, and services and programs that support students from admission to
Experiential Learning & Career Readiness:
We value experiential education as a proven high impact practice that both aligns
with the equity/excellence imperative of US higher education and leads to career readiness.
We are a leader in creating high quality, developmentally focused experiences for
all graduate and undergraduate students and in building a strong partnership with
Academic Affairs to embed experiential learning and career readiness into the core
learning experience.
Outreach, Innovation, & Continuous Improvement:
We embrace a vision of success for students that is multidimensional and nuanced.
Through data-informed innovations, we enhance engagement with students, support their
continuous development, and improve meaningful student outcomes.
Organization Health & Excellence:
We recognize that through a skilled and passionate workforce as well as a culture
of organizational health and excellence, we are able to provide the highest quality
programs and services to our students and peers. We commit to enhancing our practices
in resource management and investment to advance our team, foster innovation, and
achieve our goals.