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Teaching: Italian

The Master of Arts in Teaching program is designed as a course of study leading to New York State certification for teaching Italian in secondary schools (grades 7-12), with an extension option for grades K-6. This program, which is offered in collaboration with the University’s Department of Languages & Cultural Studies, the School of Professional Development, and D-TALE, is designed for those who have little or no previous coursework in education or formal classroom teaching experience.

Director of the Foreign Language Teacher Preparation Program

Sarah Jourdain
Phone: (631) 632-7440

Faculty Advisor for the MAT in Italian

Kathleen de Riessthal


Degrees Awarded

Master of Arts in Teaching in Italian
Bachelor of Arts in French with Teacher Preparation Option/Master of Arts in Teaching in Italian
Bachelor of Arts in French and Linguistics with Teacher Preparation Option/Master of Arts in Teaching in Italian


Program faculty are drawn from the Department of Languages and Cultural Studies as well as from D-TALE.

Course Descriptions

Descriptions for 500-level education content courses (e.g., CEE, CEF, etc.) offered through the School of Professional Development may be found in this Bulletin. 

Descriptions for 500-level content courses (e.g., CBE, SCI, etc.)  are published in the Graduate Bulletin.

The undergraduate course descriptions for this program are published in the Undergraduate Bulletin.


MAT in Foreign Languages


MAT Application
Combined Bachelor's-Master's Programs

MAT Program Requirements

The degree program consists of 47 credits, distributed among the areas listed below. Unless otherwise noted, each course is three credits. All degree requirements must be completed within five (5) years from the semester date of admission as a matriculated student.

Language, Literature and Culture - 15 credits

Students choose from the courses listed below; those not listed are selected with the approval of a departmental advisor.

  • ITL 501 Contemporary Italy
  • ITL 508 Advanced Grammar and Stylistics
  • ITL 522 Sem in Italian Humanities & Ren Lit
  • ITL 552 Studies in the Modern Novel
  • ITL 562 Contemporary Lit & Poetry
  • ITL 581 Independent Individual Studies
  • ITL 510 Adv. Conversation & Composition
  • ITL 507 Italian Linguistics
  • One of the following courses in Italian Linguistics: ITL 509, ITL 511, ITL 512, ITL 513
  • One course in literature
  • One elective course
Professional Studies in Education - 26 credits
  • CEE 505 Education — Theory and Practice
  • CEF 547 Principles and Practices of Special Education CEE 565 Human Development
  • FLA 505 Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages
  • FLA 506 Portfolio Development (prerequisite FLA 505)
  • FLA 507 Critical Pedagogy or FLA 540 Foreign Language Acquisition Research
  • FLA 549 Field Experience I—Grades 7-9 (one credit; corequisite FLA 505)
  • FLA 550 Field Experience II—Grades 10-12 (one credit; corequisite FLA 506)
  • FLA 554 Student Teaching Seminar (prerequisites FLA 505, 506, & 540; corequisites FLA 551 & FLA 552)
  • FLA 571 Technology and Education or FLA 507 Critical Pedagogy

At the program director’s discretion, an undergraduate course from a registered and approved program may be approved as a substitution for any of the courses listed below. In all cases the undergraduate course must have been completed with a B or higher and the student must then take a different graduate pedagogy course to fulfill the graduate credits required for the graduate degree.

  • CEE 505: Education: Theory and Practice
  • CEF 547: Principles and Practices of Special Education
  • CEE 594 OR LIN 544: Language Acquisition and Literacy Development
  • CEE 565 OR PSY 595: Human Development
  • Speak to your graduate program director for more information and approval.
Supervised Student Teaching - 6 credits

Prior to student teaching, students must participate in an official ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) and receive a minimum spoken proficiency rating of Advanced-Low as defined in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-Speaking (1999). Students must contact Language Testing International (LTI) and arrange for either a face-to-face OPI or a phone interview.

Student Teaching Courses:

  • FLA 551 Supervised Student Teaching High School Grades 10-12: Foreign Languages (prerequisites FLA 505, 506, and 540; corequisites FLA 552 and 554)
  • FLA 552 Supervised Student Teaching Middle School Grades 7-9: Foreign Languages (prerequisites FLA 505, 506, and 540; corequisites FLA 551 and FLA 554)
Written Project

Students in all degree programs will be required to complete a Teacher Candidate Work Sample specifically designed for the Supervised Student Teaching project.

MAT Admissions

  • Application essay.
  • A bachelor’s degree with an academic major (or a minimum of 36 credits) in the program language or the equivalent. Transcript must reflect a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA as well as a 3.0 minimum GPA in language studies.
  • Three letters of recommendation. Two of the three recommendations must be from faculty with whom you have completed a course of study at the college level. It would be preferable that these faculty be in the area of your major.
  • In those cases where the departmental admissions committee deems it desirable, personal interviews with departmental representatives may be necessary.




BA/MAT Program Requirements

Linguistics Major

The following six courses are required for the LIN major:

  • LIN 101 Human Language
  • LIN 201 Phonetics
  • LIN 301 Phonology
  • LIN 311 Syntax
  • LIN 405 Writing in Linguistics
  • LIN 431 Structure of an Uncommonly Taught Language

The following three courses are required for the TESOL certification:

  • LIN 307 Introduction to Sociolinguistics
  • LIN 375 TESOL Pedagogy: Theory and Practice (**see V below)
  • LIN 378 TESOL Pedagogy: Language and Literacy Development

Three additional electives are required, chosen in consultation with the Undergraduate Program Director in Linguistics:

  • Example: LIN 230 Languages of the World
  • Example: LIN 321 Morphology
  • Example: ITL 425 Italian Dialects (counts as both LIN and ITL elective)
Italian (ITL) Second Major

Thirty-six (36) ITL credits, chosen in consultation with the Undergraduate Italian Director:

  • ITL 311 Italian Conversation and Composition I
  • ITL 312 Italian Conversation and Composition II
  • ITL 395 Readings in Italian Literature I
  • ITL 396 Readings in Italian Literature II
  • ITL 411 Advanced Conversation and Composition
  • ITL 412 Advanced Conversation and Syntax
  • Six additional courses; two may be at the 200-level
Graduate Italian Coursework for MAT ITL

Fifteen (15) ITL credits at the graduate (500) level, chosen with approval of the Graduate Director:

  • ITL 501 Contemporary Italy
  • ITL 508 Advanced Grammar and Stylistics

One of the following courses in Italian Linguistics

  • ITL 507 Italian Linguistics
  • ITL 511 History of the Italian Language
  • ITL 512 Italian Dialects
  • ITL 513 Romance Linguistics
  • One course in literature
  • One elective
General Professional Preparation
  • SSE 350 Foundations of American Education
  • CEF 347 or CEF 547 Introduction to Special Education
  • PSY 327 Introduction to Human Development
  • LIN 344 Literacy Development
Professional Preparation in TESOL & World Languages: Methods courses

Students should consult with the Director of the TESOL program for additional information about the TESOL courses.

  • LIN 375 TESOL Pedagogy: Theory and Practice, 3 credits (“Methods I”) & LIN 449 Field Experience N-12
  • LIN 378 TESOL Pedagogy: Language and Literacy Development, 3 credits (“Methods II”) & LIN 450 Field Experience N-12
  • FLA 506 Curriculum Development in World Languages, 3 credits & FLA 550 Field Experience in World Languages
Professional Preparation in TESOL & World Languages: Student Teaching
  • LIN 574 Managing Instruction, Assessment and Resources, 1-2 credits (“Student Teaching Seminar, TESOL”) & LIN 581 Supervised Student Teaching in TESOL
  • FLA 554 Student Teaching Seminar in World Languages, 1-2 credits & FLA 552 Supervised Student Teaching in World Languages program.

A student wishing to complete the five-year combined program is strongly encouraged to consult with the Biology advisor for individualized guidance in course selection.


Field Experience and Clinical Practice

Students will be required to complete 100 clock hours of field experience related to coursework prior to student teaching or practica. These experiences include practicing skills for interacting with parents, experiences in high-need schools, and experiences with each of the following student populations: socio-economically disadvantaged students, students who are English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. 

  • FLA 551 Supervised Student Teaching HS, Grades 10-12: For. Languages
  • FLA 552 Supervised Student Teaching MS, Grades 7-9: For. Languages
Supervised Student Teaching - 6 credits

Prior to student teaching, students must participate in an official ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) and receive a minimum spoken proficiency rating of Advanced-Low as defined in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-Speaking (1999). Students must contact Language Testing International (LTI) and arrange for either a face-to-face OPI or a phone interview.

Student Teaching Courses:

  • FLA 551 Supervised Student Teaching High School Grades 10-12: Foreign Languages (prerequisites FLA 505, 506, and 540; corequisites FLA 552 and 554)
  • FLA 552 Supervised Student Teaching Middle School Grades 7-9: Foreign Languages (prerequisites FLA 505, 506, and 540; corequisites FLA 551 and FLA 554)

Prior to Student Teaching, World Language candidates must participate in an official ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) and receive a minimum spoken proficiency rating of Advanced Low. Please consult the Foreign Language Teacher Preparation Advisor for information on signing up for this interview. Additional information is at:

Additional Requirements for Certification

In addition to the stated course and program requirements listed in this section, New York State also has workshop, fingerprinting and other requirements for certification, which can be found on the SPD website.

Workshops and Fingerprinting

To be certified in New York State, candidates must take a selection of workshops  and must be fingerprinted. For descriptions and registration links, visit Certification and Licensing Workshops.

Language Requirement

New York State certification requires at least one year (6 credits) of college-level study of a foreign language. Satisfaction of SBU’s SBC LANG fulfills the foreign language requirement.