Amy Cook
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Amy Cook was appointed Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at Stony Brook University
in June 2023. As Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Cook focuses on development and
refinement of academic policy and procedures with a particular emphasis on promotion,
tenure, and re-appointments, and holds oversight of curriculum, and the Center for
Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT).
Cook, a professor in the Department of English, has held a series of leadership positions at Stony Brook, including serving as director of the Academy of Civic Life, and previously as associate dean for research and innovation in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).
As associate dean, Cook co-wrote the proposal for the IDEA Fellows program in CAS, as well as created the IDEA grad program, and wrote and received external funding for two programs aimed at increasing access to higher education. Prior to that, she also served as chair of the Department of Art, and graduate director and artistic director in the Department of Theatre Arts. She’s also served on several university-wide committees, including administrative searches, promotion and tenure, and Strategic Budget Initiative groups.
In her scholarship, Cook integrates cognitive science into theatre and performance, with particular attention to Shakespeare. She has published three books, several chapters and many peer-reviewed journal articles. She received her PhD from the University of California, San Diego and her BA from the University of Michigan.
Denise Sckalor
Senior Staff Assistant
407 Administration Bldg.
Stony Brook, NY 11794-1401