Statement on Sexual Misconduct Allegation
September 16, 2022
Recently, Stony Brook University became aware of serious allegations of sexual misconduct made against several of our students, including members of Sigma Phi Delta fraternity.
Like you, we are deeply disturbed by these allegations and immediately upon learning of the matter launched an investigation, in accordance with our core values, our policy on sexual misconduct, and in compliance with Title IX and New York law. The university has issued an interim suspension of the fraternity pending the outcome of the investigation, consistent with university policy.
We strongly encourage any individual who is aware of a Title IX violation to report it to the Stony Brook University Office of Equity and Access (OEA). A report can also be filed by phone at 631-632-6280 or by email at Reports can be filed anonymously, and retaliation of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Privacy and due process obligations limit what we can say about an ongoing investigation. That said, we want to assure the university community that we are pursuing the matter thoroughly and expeditiously and will take appropriate steps to protect the safety, health, and well-being of our campus community.
Sexual misconduct in any form is abhorrent and does great damage both to individuals and to the community as a whole. All members of our Stony Brook community are obliged to abide by the provisions of our policy on sexual misconduct, and we strongly urge everyone to familiarize themselves with its provisions.
As a community of learners, we strive to provide a respectful and safe environment for every individual and urge all members of the university community to help safeguard one another’s well-being.
Maurie McInnis
Carl Lejuez
Executive Vice President and Provost
Rick Gatteau
Vice President for Student Affairs
Reporting Resources
OEA/Title IX Coordinator, Marjolie Leonard | (631) 632-6280
The Office of Equity and Access investigates all allegations and, where appropriate,
ensures Title IX compliance and implementation of University policy and procedures
related to all forms of sexual misconduct and discrimination.
To file a Police report (On-Campus)
University Police | (631) 632-3333 (from your cell phone) or 333 (from campus phone)
To file a Police report (Off-Campus)
Suffolk County Police Department | 911 (from your cell phone)
To file a report to State Police
To report a sexual assault on a New York college campus to the State Police, call
the dedicated 24-hour hotline at 1-844-845-7269. In an emergency, call 911.
Confidential Advocacy and Emotional Support Services
Survivor Advocate & Prevention Specialist, (631) 457-9981
CONFIDENTIAL resource for students who experience sexual violence. The Survivor Advocate
can assist with support and resources on and off campus. Crisis support/emergency
response is provided 24/7.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) | (631) 632-6720
Free student counseling is available 24/7: Between 9am and 5pm, visit the CAPS office,
located on the second floor of the Student Health & Counseling building, 1 Stadium
Rd. next to Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium parking.
AFTER HOURS: Call (631) 632-6720 and talk to a crisis counselor.
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk County (VIBS) Family Violence and Rape Crisis
Center | (631) 360-3606
This off-campus community-based counseling and advocacy resource assists survivors
of domestic violence, rape and sexual assault.
New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1-800-942-6906.
English & Español/Multi-language Accessibility. Deaf or hard of hearing: 711. In NYC:
1-800-621-HOPE (4673) or dial 311 TTY: 1-866-604-5350. In New York City, call 1-800-621-HOPE
(4673) or dial 311.
Confidential Medical Services
WITHIN 96 Hours (Four Days) of Incident
Sexual Assault Nurse Examination (SANE) Center at Stony Brook University Hospital
101 Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11794
Phone: 631-632-6740
AFTER 96 Hours (Four Days) of Incident
Student Health Services | (631) 632-6740
You may obtain confidential medical care on campus. Student Health Services is located
at 1 Stadium Rd. next to Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium parking.