Our Commitment to Campus Mental Health and Wellness
May 1, 2023
Dear Stony Brook Faculty and Staff,
As we near the end of the academic year, the daily pace around campus is energetic. For most of us, it feels like a sprint to the finish line. While this can be exciting, it can also be challenging, especially for our students. Academic demands are high with final papers, projects, and exams fast approaching, yet life outside of school marches on as well. For many, levels of stress and anxiety are understandably heightened.
To support a healthy and successful conclusion of the semester for everyone, the Offices of the President and the Provost and the Division of Student Affairs have developed a two-part mental health and wellness video series. The series includes guidance to all Stony Brook educators and mentors on how we can nourish our students’ mental health and welfare, even when course demands are rigorous. I encourage you to watch the two brief videos linked in this email to help you navigate the numerous campus resources that may prove useful either for your students or yourself.
“How to Juggle the Invisible Burden of Supporting Students and Yourself” features a discussion with Provost Carl Lejuez and Smita Majumdar Das, Executive Director of Behavioral Health and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). They share strategies for supporting student mental health as well as tips and resources for your own self care, such as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), designed to enhance the overall well-being of faculty and staff.
This week all Stony Brook University students will receive a link to the video "Don't Stress About Your Stress. We're Here to Help.” Led by Vice President for Student Affairs Rick Gatteau speaking with Stony Brook student Siya Gandhi ’25, the video highlights campus mental health support services, with reassurance for students that emotional and mental highs and lows are a normal and expected part of their college journey.
Together we will continue to build a campus culture of connectedness, well-being and care. Thank you for your dedication to holistic student success. As you guide our students in these final weeks of the semester, please take care of yourselves as well.
Maurie McInnis