Empowering and Expanding Long Island's Workforce
Achieving maximum success in manufacturing calls for a workforce that is well-trained and well-equipped. That’s why LIMEP believes it is critical to offer the education, information, and tools workers need to enhance your operations at every level through our Workforce Development Partner groups.
Workforce Development and Training
Workforce development is an essential, ongoing process of awareness, engagement, education, training, upskilling, and retention. The Office for Research and Innovation at Stony Brook University manages two New York State-designated Centers of Excellence (the AERTC and CEWIT), a Center for Advanced Technology (CIEES), and the Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR). Through these centers, workforce development partnerships are forged with industry, government, schools, and public utilities, to both achieve New York State remits and prepare necessary workers with the tools and competencies in advanced technology careers.
To learn how to work with Stony Brook Office for Research and Innovation, contact Derek O'Connor, derek.oconnor@stonybrook.edu
Workforce Development Group
See the growing list of Workforce Development Partner groups:

Center for Corporate Education (CCE) at Stony Brook University
The mission of the Center for Corporate Education (CCE) at Stony Brook University is to revitalize the area’s workforce through education that helps stimulate business growth and strengthen economic well-being. CCE programs provide essential skillsets that promote corporate competitiveness while, at the same time, helping to fill available employment niches with highly qualified workers. CCE works with companies and individuals offering: certificate programs, individual professional education, leadership programs, and guidance on available funding opportunities.

Eastern Suffolk BOCES
The career, technical, and adult education programs at Eastern Suffolk BOCES delivers quality, state-of-the-art education and training in career, technical, and literacy skills throughout Suffolk County. Our services begin with high school students in technical programs and expand to adults who want to build their knowledge and prepare for an entry- or mid-level position.
Leah Arnold

Empire State Development (ESD)
The mission of Empire State Development (ESD) is to promote a vigorous and growing state economy, encourage business investment and job creation, and support diverse, prosperous local economies across New York State through the efficient use of loans, grants, tax credits, real estate development, marketing, and other forms of assistance. ESD is the economic development arm of New York State. ESD is focused on strengthening New York State’s innovation-based economy through partnerships with our acclaimed universities, promoting entrepreneurialism through the development of incubators, next-generation manufacturing and technology hubs across the state, and providing hands-on technical and financial assistance to help big and small businesses meet their goals. With so much support for business, New York’s vibrant economy continues to grow.
Cara Long Worth

HempsteadWorks is a One-Stop Career Center funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), administered by the Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources, that provides free services to help people to find jobs, access training, and develop their careers. Services include career counseling, skills training, computer workshops, special services for veterans, services for youth and individuals with disabilities, and business services.
Yvonne Morrissey
516-485-5000, ext 1255 or
TTY 1-800-662-1220

Long Island Regional Adult Education Network (LI-RAEN)
The Long Island Regional Adult Education Network (LI-RAEN) provides technical assistance and professional development to adult education and family literacy programs funded by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). The LI-RAEN is one of seven Regional Adult Education Networks funded by NYSED through federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II funding.
Martin G. Murphy

Nassau BOCES
The Manufacturing Training Program at Nassau BOCES is designed in partnership with key industry employers to provide skills and knowledge for entry-level manufacturing jobs. Many programs are offered for adult learning, including safety and quality, shop floor mathematics, basic measurements, print reading, computer skills, and communications. In addition, Nassau BOCES works with individual employers to design specific training opportunities for staff that meet individual company needs.
Michele Cohen

The Center for Workforce Development at Nassau Community College
The Center for Workforce Development at Nassau Community College enhances your employees’ skills through customized training programs provided by subject specialists and experienced professionals. We offer workforce training programs that will expand your employees’ skillsets and help your business thrive. Courses can be offered conveniently on-site at your location or on our beautiful campus. They can also be scheduled to meet the needs of your business and incorporate both credit and non-credit courses and certificate programs.
Dawn Nolan

NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
The Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center (ETIC) at the NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences is a business accelerator that brings together industry, government, and academia to foster economic development across Long Island and the New York City metropolitan region. As these groups collaborate to promote new technology and generate startup ventures, NYIT students who participate in ETIC projects gain practical, on-the-job experience and develop entrepreneurial skills and professional networks that help them launch careers after graduation.
Marta Panero
Michael Nizich

St. Joseph's College
St. Joseph’s College offers both for-credit and non-credit educational programs that support provision for career preparation and enhancement through its on-site and online classes. Independent and coeducational, the college provides a strong academic and value-oriented education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, aiming to prepare each student for excellence in their chosen career field. Through SJC Brooklyn, SJC Long Island, and SJC Online, the college offers degrees in 50 majors, certificates, and continuing education courses that meet the needs of entry-level, middle management, and upper management positions across a variety of disciplines.
Gail C. Lamberta, Ph.D.

Suffolk Community College
Suffolk Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Training Center offers many training programs to develop and upgrade skills necessary in the manufacturing field. Certificates are offered in topics such as Fundamental Machining Processes, CNC Operator, Welding, IPC, Inspection, PLC, and Blueprint Reading. The center will also provide outsourcing services and customized on-site training.
John Lombardo

Suffolk County Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs
The American Job Center at the Suffolk County Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs provides no-cost services to thousands of job seekers and private companies. Services include:
- Career resource library
- Computer workshops
- Career workshops
- Current job listings
- Federally funded vocational training for those who qualify
- On-site employer recruitment
Marc Bossert
Craig Horowitz

Wilson Tech
Wilson Tech provides the skills, knowledge, and training today’s students need to be successful in manufacturing and related sectors. Juniors and seniors attending the 18 school districts located in Babylon, Smithtown, and Huntington can attend Wilson Tech.
Nancy Kelsey

Workforce Development Institute
The Workforce Development Institute is a New York State nonprofit dedicated to improving communities through the building of skilled workforces. Through extensive research, WDI identifies workforce trends, opportunities, and challenges. Support is available through WDI for targeted, flexible funding to address the needs of businesses.
Robyn Fellrath

The Workforce Partnership (TWP)
The Workforce Partnership (TWP) representing the Towns of Oyster Bay and North Hempstead and the City of Glen Cove is a component of a network of organizations that focus on both assisting businesses in hiring qualified workers and helping job seekers to develop the skills and abilities necessary to secure gainful employment. TWP may offer businesses training grants and workforce development. TWP provides job seekers access to a resource room with available computers, printers, and copy machines. Additionally, job seekers may also be offered counseling, employability, and computer workshops and can potentially receive training in demand occupations. These programs are provided through the Federally Funded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
Steven Delligatti