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TitleContempory Linguistics AuthorO'Grady et al Year2017 (7th Ed.) Cover Contempory Linguistics, Seventh Edition
TitleContempory Linguistics (Study Guide) AuthorO'Grady et al Year2017 (7th Ed.) CoverStudy Guide for Contempory Linguistics, Seventh Edition
TitleLanguage Sound Structure AuthorAronoff et al (eds.) Year1984 CoverLanguage Sound Structure
TitleMorphology Now AuthorAronoff (ed.) Year1992 CoverMorphology Now
TitleMorphology by Itself: Stems and Inflectional Classes AuthorAronoff Year1994 CoverMorphology by Itself
TitleThe Blackwell Handbook of Linguistics AuthorAronoff and Rees-Miller (eds.) Year2017 (2nd Ed.) CoverThe Handbook of Linguistics, Second Edition
TitleWhat is Morphology? Second Edition AuthorAronoff and Fudeman Year2010 (2nd Ed.) CoverWhat Is Morphology? 2nd Edition
TitleWord Formation in Generative Grammar AuthorAronoff Year1976 CoverWord Formation in Generative Grammar