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Graduate Courses Schedule (Spring 2025)
For Ph.D./M.A. in Linguistics, M.A. in Computational Linguistics
LIN 538 Statistics for Linguists, TR 03:30-04:50PM, Owen Rambow
LIN 621 Syntax II, TR 11:00-12:20PM, Sandhya Sundaresan
LIN 623 Phonology II, TR 09:30-10:50AM, Jeffrey Heinz
LIN 630 Parsing and Processing, MW 09:30-10:50AM, Thomas Graf
LIN 637 Computational Linguistics II, TR 2:00-03:20PM, Jeffrey Heinz
LIN 650 Seminar: Topics in Sign Languages, MW 02:00-03:20PM, Jenny Singleton
LIN 651 Syntax Seminar: Issues in the Syntax of WH, TR 12:30-01:50PM, John Bailyn
LIN 653 Phonology Seminar: Markedness and Naturalness, MW 03:30-04:50PM, Kevin Hughes
LIN 655 Computational Linguistics Seminar: Morphology Acquisition, MW 11:00-12:20PM,
Jordan Kodner
For M.A. in TESOL
LIN 529 TESOL Pedagogy: Language and Literacy Development through the Content Areas
(Methods II), M 06:00PM-09:00PM or W 06:00PM-09:00PM, Ana Manas Lopez
LIN 532 Second Language Acquisition, R 05:00PM-07:50PM, Joy Janzen
LIN 544 Lang Acquisition and Liter Dev, T 03:30-06:20PM, Joy Janzen, ONLINE
LIN 550 Selected Topics in Linguistics: Eval Proficiency in TESOL, T 05:00PM-07:50PM,
Ana Manas Lopez
LIN 555 Error Analysis, MW 06:30-09:20PM, Tatiana Luchikina
LIN 574 Managing Instruction, Assessment and Resources in TESOL, M 4:30PM - 7:20PM,
Denise Hannaoui
LIN 578 Field Experience in Educational Contexts, R 5:30-6:30pm, Ana Manas Lopez