LIN 101 Human Language, TuTh 3:30PM-4:25PM, John Bailyn
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
An introduction to the fundamental areas and concepts of modern linguistics. Sounds
and their structure, word structure, and sentence structure are discussed. Other topics
may include historical linguistics (how languages change over time), dialects, writing
systems, language and the brain, and psycholinguistics (especially the question of
how children acquire a language).
LIN 110 The Anatomy of English Words, Online Asynchronous, Jiwon Yun
An introduction to the analysis of complex words in English, especially those based
on Latin and Greek models that comprise the majority of the vocabulary in the written
language. Students will be introduced to Latin and Greek roots and the processes by
which complex words are built by affixing material to these roots and modifying their
structure. Students will acquire general analytical tools that will allow them to
understand complex words that they may not have previously encountered. The course
will introduce students to principles of linguistic morphology that extend beyond
English to all human languages.
LIN 120 Language and Technology, TuTh 12:30PM-1:25PM, Owen Rambow
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
An introduction to how computers process language and solve language-related tasks.
This course discusses the language technologies of our daily life --- spam filtering,
machine translation, and many more --- and shows how they work under the hood. The
course explores a variety of issues: Why do computers do well in some areas (spell
checking) yet fail miserably in others (essay grading)? Will we ever have perfectly
fluent AIs as depicted in science fiction? And how will these technological advances
impact the role of language in our society? Students will also acquire basic programming
skills and write scripts for simple language tasks. No previous training in mathematics
or computer science required.
LIN 200 Language in the United States, Online Asynchronous, John Bailyn
Survey of the languages and language-related issues in the United States. Topics include
Native American languages; immigrant languages; dialectal variations (e.g., Black
English); the domains in which these languages were and are used; maintenance and
loss of minority languages; language contact and its effects; the use of Spanish;
language attitudes and politics is including bilingual education; and official language
movements. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of American English from
colonial times to its present world-wide status; the use and impact of Spanish; language
attitudes and politics including bilingual education; and official language movements.
LIN 201 Phonetics, TuTh 11:00AM-12:20PM, Marie Huffman
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
Introduction to the sounds used in human language. Topics include articulatory phonetics,
phonetic transcription, the sound structure of English, sounds and sound patterns
in languages of the world, the acoustic properties of sounds, speech perception, and
speech technology. Includes work in the phonetics laboratory on computer analysis
of speech.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101
LIN 260 Language and Mind, MW 9:30AM-10:50AM, Jordan Kodner
An introduction to the study of the human mind, starting with modern scientific investigations
of language, and then its relationship with other systems such as music perception,
visual narrative, numerical cognition as well as comparison to animal cognition. What
is innate and what does "innateness" mean? Do the brain mechanisms subserving language
also support musical and numerical cognition? How is language related to thought and
to action? Students will be exposed to research across several disciplines (linguistics,
psychology, and cognitive neuroscience) and will acquire a basic understanding of
modern experimental tools for investigating the human mind.
LIN 301 Phonology, TuTh 12:30PM-1:50PM, Jeffrey Heinz
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
An introduction to the sound systems of languages focusing on the mental representation
of sound structure: how speakers use knowledge of their language to assign meaning
to different combinations of sounds. We will examine data from a number of languages
to explore the differences and similarities among the sound patterns of different
languages, and will consider the question of whether there are universal preferences
for specific types of sounds and sound sequences.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 201
LIN 307 Sociolinguistics, TuTh 12:30PM-1:50PM, Joy Janzen
An examination of the interaction between language and society, focusing on diversity
in American English as it relates to differences in gender, geography, social class,
ethnicity, and national origin. Study of the development of dialects including African-American
Vernacular English, and pidgins and creoles such as Hawiian Pidgin English and Chinook
Trade Jargon, within the context of historical developments in the U.S. from colonial
times to the present.
LIN 311 Syntax, MW 2:00PM-3:20PM, Thomas McFadden
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
An introduction to generative grammar: the formal theory of sentence structure.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101
LIN 320 English Grammar, MW 5:00PM-6:20PM, TBA
This course is a systematic survey of English grammar: its major structures, their
interaction, and their use. It will also briefly examine some related areas connected
to writing like punctuation and spelling.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101
LIN 340 Historical Linguistics, MW 11:00AM-12:20PM, Thomas McFadden
The application of linguistic theory to the ways in which sound systems, word structure,
and sentence structure change. Students learn how linguists establish that certain
languages are related, and how they reconstruct prehistoric parent languages.
LIN 344 Literacy Development, TuTh 11:00AM-12:20PM, Joy Janzen
An introduction to the theories of literacy and their application in education. Students
acquire knowledge about the complex nature of academic literacy; how literacy skills
can be taught and assessed across all disciplines, and how literacy and language skills
develop among diverse learners, including students with special needs and English
Language Learners. Attention is given to the integration of technology into the development
of literacy skills. Not for major credit.
Prerequisite: Admission to a teacher education program
LIN 346 Language and Meaning, TuTh 2:00PM-3:20PM, Richard Larson
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
An exploration of semantics, the study of linguistic meaning. The course examines
fundamental issues including the nature of meaning, its relation to word and sentence
form (morphology and syntax), its relation to systems of mental representation (cognition),
and the interaction between meaning and use (pragmatics). Recent research into the
way that linguistic meaning is acquired and how it is deployed in speech and understanding
is discussed.
LIN 355 Language and Life in a Selected Area of the World: Austronesia, MW 3:30PM-4:50PM,
Kevin Hughes
Study of the languages of a selected country or region outside of Europe in relation
to its society, culture, history, and politics. Topics include language family, social
varieties, status and attitudes, language policies, and cultural patterns reflected
in language use. May be repeated as the topic changes. LIN 355 and/or LIN 356 may
be taken a total of two times for the major.
Advisory Prerequisite: LIN 101
LIN 361 Mathematical Methods in Linguistics, MW 9:30AM-10:50AM,Thomas Graf
An overview of the mathematical foundations of theoretical and computational linguistics.
Topics covered include set theory, morphisms, logic and model theory, algebra, lattices,
lambda calculus, probability theory, information theory, and basics of formal language
theory. A strong emphasis is put on the linguistic application of the mathematical
concepts in the study and analysis of natural language data.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101, or LIN 335 (formerly LIN 220), or MAT 200, or MAT 250; or
permission of instructor
LIN 375 TESOL Pedagogy: Theory and Practice, sec 1Tu 6:30PM-9:20PM sec 2Th 6:30PM-9:20PM,
Introduction to language and literacy instruction, instructional approaches, and assessment
models for the teaching of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students design
standard-based lessons and evaluate resources and technologies.
Prerequisite: Declared major in Linguistics; C or higher in LIN 101; C or higher in LIN 201; C or
higher in LIN 311; G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher; for non-native speakers of English, a
TOEFL-iBT Speaking Component score of 28
Corequisite: LIN 449
LIN 381 Language and Speech Disorders, MW 3:30PM-4:50PM, Jenny Singleton
Overview of developmental and acquired communication disorders across the lifespan,
including language delay, developmental apraxia of speech, phonological disorders,
stuttering, acquired aphasia, craniofacial anomalies, and voice disorders.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101 and LIN 201
LIN 405 Writing in Linguistics, TuTh 11:00AM-12:20pm, TBA
Majors in linguistics refine their skills in writing for the discipline by critiquing
successive revisions of previously written work. Formerly offered as LIN 300. Not
for credit in addition to LIN 300.
Prerequisites: permission of department; major in linguistics; U3 or U4 standing
LIN 425 Special Topics in Linguistics: Bilingualism, MW 6:30PM-7:50PM, TBA
LIN 431 The Structure of an Uncommonly Taught Language, Telugu, MW 9:30AM-10:50AM,
Sandhya Sundaresan
[This course has recitations. Check SOLAR for recitation schedule.]
An investigation of the phonology and syntax of either a language or a family of languages.
May be repeated if a different language is covered.
Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 301 and LIN 311
LIN 454 Managing Instruction, Assessment, and Resources, MW 4:30PM-7:20PM, Denise
Examination of effective practices, assessments, and technologies for developing language
and literacy across content areas in multi-level classrooms. Collaboration with colleagues,
parents, and communities is explored.
Prerequisite: C or higher in LIN 378; permission of department