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Graduate Courses Schedule (Fall 2024)
For Ph.D./M.A. in Linguistics, M.A. in Computational Linguistics
LIN 521 Syntax I, MW 2:00PM-3:20PM, Francisco Ordonez
LIN 523 Phonology I, MW 11:00AM-12:20PM, Kevin Hughes
LIN 537 Computational Linguistics I, MW 3:30PM-4:50PM, Jordan Kodner
LIN 539 Mathematical Methods in Linguistics, MW 9:30AM-10:50AM, Thomas Graf
LIN 600 Colloquium in Linguistics, F 2:00PM-4:50PM, Thomas Graf
LIN 651 Syntax Seminar: Topics in Syntax Architecture - The syntax of Agree(ment),
TuTh 12:30PM-1:50PM, Sandhya Sundaresan
LIN 653: Phonology Seminar: Prosody (Intonational Phonology), TuTh 11:00AM-12:20PM,
Jiwon Yun
LIN 655: Computational Linguistics Seminar: Logical Structures in Phonology, TuTh
9:30AM-10:50AM, Jeffrey Heinz
For M.A. in TESOL
LIN 522 Phonetics, TuTh 05:00PM-06:20PM, Marie Huffman
LIN 524 TESOL Pedagogy: Theory and Practice (Methods I), sec. 1 Tu 6:30PM-9:20PM,
sec. 2 Th 6:30PM-9:20PM, TBA
LIN 527 Structure of English, MW 5:00PM-6:20PM, TBA
LIN 530 Intro to General Linguistics, TuTh 5:00PM-6:20PM, Richard Larson
LIN 541 Bilingualism, MW 06:30PM-07:50PM, TBA
LIN 542 Sociolinguistics, TuTh 12:30PM-01:50PM, Joy Janzen
LIN 544 Language Acquisition and Literacy Development, M 06:30PM-09:20PM, Joy Janzen
LIN 574: Managing Instruction, Assessment, and Resources in TESOL, M 4:30PM -7:20PM,
Denise Hannaoui