David Ferguson
Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of the Department of Technology and Society, Provost’s Scholar for Diversity and Innovation
“Introducing potential students early and often to Stony Brook’s community, and having them meet with undergraduates, graduates, PhD students, postdocs and faculty, helps them envision themselves on campus.”
A New York State and national leader in diversity in higher education, David Ferguson has spearheaded numerous initiatives to empower underrepresented students of color in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Learn MoreMiriam Rafailovich
Distinguished Professor and Undergraduate Program Co-director in the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
“For a student to succeed, it’s a partnership. They can’t do it alone.”
A veteran mentor to countless students in STEM, Miriam Rafailovich manages the Garcia Scholars Summer STEM Program, which offers high school and undergraduate students independent research experience, even allowing students to design original research projects with guidance from Garcia Center faculty, students, and staff.
Learn MoreDavid Kahn
Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Director, Mathematics Summer Program at the Institute for STEM Education
“Coming to Stony Brook after taking a program like [I-STEM] math camp can help [students] climb over any barrier to be able to make it because now [they] will also have support.”
David Kahn oversees STEM outreach programs in math and science for middle and high school students that offer access to college resources, with a focus on students from high-needs school districts.
Learn MoreMeet our Distinguished Faculty
Abhay Deshpande
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy; Director, Electron Ion Collider Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL); Director, Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science.
Uncovering the properties of the universe’s origins at BNL
Expertise: Experimental high-energy nuclear physics
Current Research: Rheology of soft gels and materials
Research Focus: Exploratory and precision studies in quantum chromodynamics using polarized proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus beams of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BNL; high-intensity polarized electron beams of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at Thomas Jefferson National Lab.
Karen Chen-Wiegart
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering; Joint Appointment with National Synchrotron Light Source - II (NSLS-II) at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Winner of 2018 National Science Foundation CAREER Award for her project “‘A Multi-modal Study of Bi-continuous Pattern Formation in Nano/Meso Composite and Porous Metals Films via Solid-State Interfacial Dealloying”
Expertise: Application of state-of-the-art x-ray imaging and spectroscopic techniques to study novel functional materials
Research Focus: Energy storage and conversion; nano- and mesoporous materials; thin film and surface treatment
Robert Harrison
Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics; Founding Director, Institute for Advanced Computational Science; Director, Computational Science Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Chief Architect of NWChemEx, the U.S. Department of Energy’s national high-performance computational chemistry project
Expertise: High-performance computing, theoretical and computational chemistry
Research Focus: Scientific computing and development of computational
Stony Brook success in numbers