Summer 2025 Credit-bearing Italian classes at SBU
The following undergraduate and graduate level ITL/HUI courses are available during
Summer 2025 sessions.
ITL 101 Intensive Elementary Italian
Credits: 6 | SBC: LANG
An intensive course covering the elementary Italian program (ITL 111, 112) in one
semester. ITL 101 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language.
A student who has had two or more years of Italian in high school (or who has otherwise
acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take this course without written permission
from the supervisor of the course. May not be taken for credit after any other course
in Italian.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
1 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
9:30AM - 12:55PM |
Online |
2 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
9:30AM - 12:55PM |
Online |
Continue Reading...
ITL 112 Elementary Italian II
Credits: 4 | SBC: LANG
An introduction to spoken and written Italian, stressing pronunciation, speaking,
comprehension, reading, and writing. Selected texts are read. Practice in language
laboratory supplements class work. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
1 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
9:30AM - 12:55PM |
Online |
2 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
9:30AM - 12:55PM |
Online |
ITL 201 Intensive Intermediate Italian
Credits: 6 | SBC: GLO/HUM/LANG
An intensive course covering the intermediate Italian program (ITL 211, 212) in one
semester. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 211, 212.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
2 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
1:30PM - 4:55PM |
Online |
ITL 211 Intermediate Italian 1
Credits: 3 | SBC: GLO/LANG
Development of functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and
culture in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication.
Expansion of insight into the nature of languages and the integration of languages
and cultures, with connections to other disciplines. Cultural and linguistic comparisons.
May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 201.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
2 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
1:30PM - 4:55PM |
Online |
ITL 212 Intermediate Italian 2
Credits: 3 | SBC: GLO/HUM/LANG
Development of functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and
culture in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication.
Emphasis on comparison of languages and cultures and on the use of the Italian language
in communities both within and beyond the university setting. Study and discussion
of cultures in the Italian speaking world through film, literature, music, newspapers.
May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 201.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
2 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
1:30PM - 4:55PM |
Online |
HUI 231 Italian Cinema
Credits: 3 | SBC: ARTS/CER
The cinematic representation of gender, class, and sexual politics in post-World War
II Italian films and the relationship of these themes to Italian history, society,
and culture are discussed. Films by directors such as Bertolucci, Fellini, and Wertmuller
are studied. Readings include selected works of film history, criticism, and theory.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
2 |
Giuseppe Gazzola |
Online Asynchronous |
Flexible |
Online |
HUI 239 Transnational Italies
Credits: 3 | SBC: GLO/HUM
The course explores notions of 'Italy' and 'Italian culture' through selected representations
- including film, literature, visual arts, and material culture - produced both within
and outside the country.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
2 |
Mary Jane Dempsey |
Online Sync/Async Combined |
M/W |
9:30AM - 11:45AM |
Online |
2 |
Online Sync/Async Combined |
Flexible |
Online |
(Jump to Undergraduate)
ITL 592 Language Acquisition II
Credits: 1-4
Elementary Italian II intended for graduate students from other programs.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
1 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
9:30AM - 12:55PM |
Online |
2 |
Michele Giua |
Online Synchronous |
M/T/W/Th |
9:30AM - 12:55PM |
Online |
ITL 593 Language Acquisition III
Credits: 3
Intermediate Italian I intended for graduate students from other programs. The requirements
for the course will include a graduate-level component to be determined by the instructor.
Session |
Instructor |
Mode |
Days |
Time |
Location |
2 |
Michele Giua |
In Person |
To be arranged |
To be arranged |
West Campus |
Degree Programs
Italian Studies Italian American Studies