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Community Italian Classes

Summer 2024

Registration for Summer 2024 is now closed.


The Center for Italian Studies is pleased to offer our summer program of Italian language classes for adults. The Summer 2024 program will be offered on Zoom in a session of eight (8) one-hour classes at three different levels:

      • Elementary Italian
      • Intermediate Italian
      • Advanced Italian 

Cost: $160 per course

Format: Online Synchronous (Zoom) with possible in-person opportunities

To Register, Click Here!

For additional information, please call us at at (631) 632-7444 or email

Course Course Description

Elementary Italian

Instructor: Donna Di Natale 

Tuesdays, 7:30 8:30 pm

Course Description

For students who have studied at least 1 year of the Italian language or have not studied for a while. This class will review basic grammar concepts and topical vocabulary. Students will practice listening, reading, and writing in the language and simple dialogues with fellow classmates. Elements of Italian history and culture will also be presented.


June 4, 11, 18, 25

July 2, 9, 16, 30


Intermediate Italian

Instructor: Anna Maria D’Agostino

Saturdays, 11 am 12 pm

Course Description

For students with the equivalent of 2-3 years in Italian. This class offers a more formal approach to the language and will focus on more complex grammar including the past, imperfect, and future verb forms. Along with the development of a more extensive vocabulary, opportunities to improve listening, speaking, and reading and writing skills, and a more in-depth discussion of Italian history and culture will be introduced.


June 8, 15, 22, 29

July 13, 20, 27

August 3


Advanced Italian

Instructor: Donna Di Natale

Thursdays, 7:30 8:30 pm

Course Description

For those with at least 4 years of Italian instruction. We will review several verb tenses along with topical vocabulary. Culture will include elements of Italian music, film and literature. Please note:  Class will be taught predominantly in the language. Opportunities for speaking with others in the class will be included in each lesson.


June 6, 13, 20, 27

July 11

August 1, 8, 15