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Core Facilities

ICB&DD has two core laboratories located in the Chemistry Building, (i) the Discovery Chemistry Laboratory and (ii) the Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory.

kathyThe Discovery Chemistry Laboratory, located on the 7th floor of the Chemistry Building, provides parallel or combinatorial chemical library synthesis service to the Institute Members and their collaborators. Focused custom libraries can be created based on the expertise in library design, SAR and lead-optimization. The Laboratory also provides custom synthesis service of natural and unnatural compounds that are not Commercially available. The laboratory is equipped with standard equipment for synthetic organic and combinatorial chemistry, which include the use of:

  • Agilent 1100 LS-MSD electrospray ionization single quadrupole mass spectrometer
  • Agilent 5973 MSD/6890 Series GC
  • Shimadzu Semi-Preparative LC-6AD HPLC
  • BrandTech VARIO Pumping Systems (Oil-free membrane pump)
  • Millipore Vacuum manifold for separations system

    The Pure-Solv 400 Solvent Purification System

    Microwave Reactor, Explorer 48-position Automation System


Approved rate schedule for ICB&DD Discovery Chemistry Laboratory as follows:

  Internal     Minimum External 
 Chemical Structure Determination Internal$19    per hour     Minimum External      $50  per hour
 Custom Synthesis Internal$282 per day     Minimum External      $300 per day
 Research  Internal$60 per hour     Minimum External      $100 per hour


The Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory, located on the 5th and 6th floors of the Chemistry Building. The mission of the Laboratory is to provide expertise, equipment, and instrumentation in support of the collaborative studies of the biomedical research of the ICB&DD members and University communities. The laboratory is well-equipped with a variety of instruments that include:

Tubukin 2

  • Spex Fluorolog 3-21 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
  • Beckman Coulter XL-1 Analytical Ultracentrifuge.
  • Isothermal Titration Calorimeter.
  • Aviv Model 62A circular dichroism spectrometer
  • Bruker AutoFlex II MALDI-TOF-TOF General Protein Chemistry Equipment Laboratory which houses high-speed centrifuges, preparative ultracentrifuges, a scintillation counter, a French press, an ultrasonicator for cell disruption, variable Temperature preparative shakers and incubators, – 80 °C freezers, and an autoclave, and a 600 ft 2 cold room.

The ICB&DD has ready access to:

  • University NMR facility
  • Chemistry x-ray crystallography facility
  • State-of-the-art animal facilities
  • Tissue culture facility
  • Dishwashing facilities
  • Flow cytometry facility
  • Proteomics Center
  • Center for the Analysis and Synthesis of Macromolecules
  • Protein X-ray laboratory
  • Microbiology facilities

Laboratory space for 14 core Members of ICB&DD are located in the:

  • Chemistry Building
  • Basic Sciences Tower, Health Sciences Center
  • Life Science Building
  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics Building, and
  • Centers for Molecular Medicine Building


Approved rate schedule for ICB&DD Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory as follows:



Minimum External 


Maldi Toff ICB&DD run by staff 


$ 52 per spot 

Minimum External 

$ 61 per spot


Maldi Toff ICB&DD run by qualified user 


$ 35 per hour 

Minimum External 

$ 42 per hour 


LC/MS/UV setup 


$228 per setup 

Minimum External 

$268 per setup 


LC/MS/UV analysis 


$ 47 per sample/run 

Minimum External 

$ 55 per sample/run 




$ 9 per sample 

Minimum External 

$ 10 per sample 


HRMS (High Resolution Masspec)


$33 per sample

Minimum External 

$39 per sample


Data Analysis


$ 107 per hour

Minimum External 

$ 126 per hour




$ 62 per hour 

Minimum External 

$73 per hour 

All other major and analytical instruments are available within the Chemistry building.